package lz4

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val compress_into : storage -> storage -> int

compress_into input output places LZ4-compressed input into output and returns the length of compressed output or raises Input_too_large if input is longer than 0x7E000000 bytes or output is not long enough to contain the compressed input.

This function does not allocate.

val compress : storage -> storage

compress input returns LZ4-compressed input or raises Input_too_large if input is longer than 0x7E000000 bytes.

val decompress_into : storage -> storage -> int

decompress_into input output places LZ4-decompressed input into output or raises Corrupted if input does not constitute a valid LZ4-compressed stream which uncompresses into the amount of bytes available in output or less.

This function does not allocate.

val decompress : length:int -> storage -> storage

decompress ~length input returns LZ4-decompressed input or raises Corrupted if input does not constitute a valid LZ4-compressed stream which uncompresses into length bytes or less. Raises Invalid_argument "LZ4.decompress" if length is negative.


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