package lua_parser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ast =
  1. | Break
  2. | Ellipsis
  3. | Ident of string
  4. | Number of string
  5. | Bool of string
  6. | String of string
  7. | Args of ast
  8. | Assign of ast * ast
  9. | Binop of string * ast * ast
  10. | Do of ast
  11. | Elseif of ast * ast
  12. | Fassign of ast * ast
  13. | Fbody of ast * ast
  14. | For1 of ast * ast * ast * ast
  15. | For2 of ast * ast * ast * ast * ast
  16. | Forin of ast * ast * ast
  17. | Function of ast * ast
  18. | FunctionE of ast
  19. | Goto of ast
  20. | If1 of ast * ast
  21. | If2 of ast * ast * ast
  22. | If3 of ast * ast * ast
  23. | If4 of ast * ast * ast * ast
  24. | Key1 of ast
  25. | Key2 of ast
  26. | Label of ast
  27. | Lassign of ast * ast
  28. | Lfunction of ast * ast
  29. | Lnames of ast
  30. | Member of ast * ast
  31. | Mcall of ast * ast * ast
  32. | Pexp of ast
  33. | Repeat of ast * ast
  34. | Return of ast
  35. | Table of ast
  36. | Unop of string * ast
  37. | Vargs of ast
  38. | While of ast * ast
  39. | Clist of ast list
  40. | Elist of ast list
  41. | FNlist of ast list
  42. | Slist of ast list
val ast_of_sexp : Sexplib0__.Sexp.t -> ast
val sexp_of_ast : ast -> Sexplib0__.Sexp.t
val pp_ast : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> ast -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val extract_list : ast -> ast list

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