package lp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Module for polynomial expression type

type t

Type for the polynomial with order up to two (quadratic).

type classified = {
  1. const : t;
  2. linear : t;
  3. quad : t;

Type for the polynomial classified by orders

type decomposed = {
  1. const : float;
  2. lcs : float list;
  3. lvs : Var.t list;
  4. qcs : float list;
  5. qv0s : Var.t list;
  6. qv1s : Var.t list;

Type for the decomposed expression of the polynomial

val c : float -> t

Make monomial of a constant value

val var : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float -> ?ub:float -> string -> t

Make monomial of a variable

val of_var : Var.t -> t

Make monomial from a Var.t

val of_term : Term.t -> t

Make monomial from a Term.t

val binary : string -> t

Make monomial of a binary variable

val range : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float -> ?ub:float -> ?start:int -> int -> string -> t array

Make an array of monomials of a variable with uniform bounds

val range2 : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float -> ?ub:float -> ?start0:int -> ?start1:int -> int -> int -> string -> t array array

Make 2D array of monomials of a variable with uniform bounds

val range3 : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float -> ?ub:float -> ?start0:int -> ?start1:int -> ?start2:int -> int -> int -> int -> string -> t array array array

Make 3D array of monomials of a variable with uniform bounds

val rangeb : ?start:int -> int -> string -> t array

Make an array of monomials of a binary variable

val range2b : ?start0:int -> ?start1:int -> int -> int -> string -> t array array

Make 2D array of monomials of a binary variable

val range3b : ?start0:int -> ?start1:int -> ?start2:int -> int -> int -> int -> string -> t array array array

Make 3D array of monomials of a binary variable

val rangev : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float array -> ?ub:float array -> ?start:int -> int -> string -> t array

Make an array of monomials of a variable with different bounds

val range2v : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float array array -> ?ub:float array array -> ?start0:int -> ?start1:int -> int -> int -> string -> t array array

Make 2D array of monomials of a variable with different bounds

val range3v : ?integer:bool -> ?lb:float array array array -> ?ub:float array array array -> ?start0:int -> ?start1:int -> ?start2:int -> int -> int -> int -> string -> t array array array

Make 3D array of monomials of a variable with different bounds

val concat : t array -> t

Concatenate an array of polynomials into single polynomial

val concat_list : t list -> t

Concatenate a list of polynomials into single polynomial

val of_float_array : float array -> t

Convert a float array into a polynomial

val of_term_list : Term.t list -> t

Convert a list of terms into a polynomial

val to_float : t -> float

Convert a Constant monomial to float. * Raises Failure if it's not constant monomial

val zero : t

Constant zero

val one : t

Constant one

val sort : t -> t

Sort terms in the polynomial

val to_string : ?short:bool -> t -> string

Get string expression of the polynomial

val partition : t -> t * t

Partition terms into pair ( quad or linear, const )

val classify : t -> classified

Classify terms into three categories quad, linear, const

val decompose : t -> decomposed

Decompose the polynomial into const, lcs, lvs, qcs, qv0s, qv1s

val collision : t -> bool

Check if any variable collision exist in the polynomial

val simplify : ?eps:float -> t -> t

Simplify the polynomial. The polynomial is sorted and terms with same variables are accumulated. After that, near-zero terms are dropped. eps specifies the threshold of near-zero, defaulting to 10. *. epsilon_float.

val degree : t -> int

Get the degree of polynomial

val take_vars : t -> Var.t list

List up all the variables in the polynomial

val uniq_vars : t -> Var.t list

List up all the unique variables in the polynomial

val linear_coeff : t -> Var.t -> float

take linear coefficient of a variable in a polynomial

val quad_coeff : t -> Var.t -> Var.t -> float

take quad coefficient of the variables in a polynomial

val neg : t -> t

Negate the whole polynomial

val (~--) : t -> t

Negate the whole polynomial

val (++) : t -> t -> t

Add (concatenate) two polynomials

val (--) : t -> t -> t

Subtract two polynomials (concatenate left with negated right )

val expand : t -> t -> t

Multiply two polynomials. specifically, performs polynomial expansion.

val (*~) : t -> t -> t

Multiply two polynomials. specifically, performs polynomial expansion.

val dot : t -> t -> t

Regard two polynomials as vectors and take dot product.

val (*@) : t -> t -> t

Regard two polynomials as vectors and take dot product.

val equiv : ?eps:float -> t -> t -> bool

Check if two polynomials are equivalent

val divt : t -> Term.t -> t

Divide polynomial by a term.

val div : t -> t -> t

Divide polynomial by a univariate polynomial. Be careful as this function raises exception in following cases.

    val (/~) : t -> t -> t

    equivalent to div

    val trans_bound : string -> float -> float -> t -> t

    trans_bound name lb ub transforms the bounds of the variable name with lb and ub

    val to_integer : string -> t -> t

    to_integer name transforms the variable name into general integer variable

    val to_binary : string -> t -> t

    to_integer name transforms the variable name into binary variable

    val double_quad : t -> t

    double the coefficients in all quadratic terms in the polynomial

    val half_quad : t -> t

    half the coefficients in all quadratic terms in the polynomial

    val map : (Term.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list

    apply a function to all terms in the polynomial and build a list

    val map_linear : (float -> Var.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list

    apply a function only to linear terms in the polynomial and build a list. * Raise Failure if non-linear terms exist.

    val mapi : (int -> Term.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list

    apply a function to all terms in the polynomial and build a list

    val iter : (Term.t -> unit) -> t -> unit

    apply a function to all terms in the polynomial

    val iteri : (int -> Term.t -> unit) -> t -> unit

    apply a function to all terms in the polynomial

    val iter_linear : (float -> Var.t -> unit) -> t -> unit

    apply a function only to linear terms in the polynomial. * non-linear terms are just ignored.

    val iter_linear_exn : (float -> Var.t -> unit) -> t -> unit

    apply a function only to linear terms in the polynomial. * Raise Failure if non-linear terms exist.

    val length : t -> int
    val take_linear_coeffs : t -> float list

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