package links
val pp :
Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter ->
t ->
val show : t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val fds : t -> Fun_dep.Set.t
Get the functional dependencies
val cols : t -> Column.List.t
Get the list of columns belonging to the lens sort
val cols_present_aliases : t -> string list
Gets a list of the aliases of all present columns
val cols_present_aliases_set : t -> Alias.Set.t
Get a list of present aliases as a set.
val colset : t -> Column.Set.t
Get the columns as a set
val present_colset : t -> Column.Set.t
Get a set of the present columns
val make :
?fds:Fun_dep.Set.t ->
?predicate:Phrase.t option ->
?query:Phrase.t option ->
Column.t list ->
Construct a lens sort
Replace the predicate
Determines if the lenses should be swapped, because the right lens defines the left lens.
module Lens_sort_error : sig ... end
val lens_sort :
fds:Fun_dep.Set.t ->
columns:Column.List.t ->
(t, Lens_sort_error.t) Stdlib.result
module Select_sort_error : sig ... end
val select_lens_sort_dynamic : t -> (t, Select_sort_error.t) Stdlib.result
Create a selection lens sort without checking the predicate.
val select_lens_sort :
t ->
predicate:Phrase.t ->
(t, Select_sort_error.t) Stdlib.result
Create a selection lens using the specified predicate to filter records.
module Drop_sort_error : sig ... end
module Join_sort_error : sig ... end
val drop_lens_sort :
t ->
drop:Alias.t list ->
default:Phrase.Value.t list ->
key:Alias.Set.t ->
(t, Drop_sort_error.t) Stdlib.result
Create a drop lens sort.
val join_lens_sort :
t ->
t ->
on:(string * string * string) list ->
(t * (string * string * string) list, Join_sort_error.t) Stdlib.result
Create a sort as the join of two other sorts on the columns specified by on
val record_type : t -> Links_lens__.Phrase_type.t
Convert the sort into a phrase type.
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"