package links

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. driver_name : unit -> string;
  2. escape_string : string -> string;
  3. quote_field : string -> string;
  4. execute : string -> unit;
  5. execute_select : string -> field_types:(string * Links_lens__.Phrase_type.t) list -> Links_lens__.Phrase_value.t list;
module Table : sig ... end
val fmt_col : db:t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Column.t -> unit
val fmt_table : db:t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string * string) -> unit

Format a pair of table and alias values.

val fmt_tables : db:t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string * string) list -> unit

Format a list table and alias pairs.

val fmt_cols : db:t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Column.t list -> unit

Format a list of columns.

val fmt_phrase : db:t -> map:(string -> string) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Phrase.t -> unit

Format a phrase.

val fmt_phrase_dummy : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Phrase.t -> unit

Formats a phrase using a dummy db driver. This should only be used for debugging.

val to_string_dummy : Phrase.t -> string

Convert the phrase to a string using a dummy db driver. This should only be used for debugging.

module Select : sig ... end
module Delete : sig ... end
module Update : sig ... end
module Insert : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.