package links
Interface to the parser.
module LinksLexer :
with type token = Parser.token
and type lexer_context = Lexer.lexer_context
val datatype : Sugartypes.Datatype.with_pos LinksLexer.grammar
val interactive : Sugartypes.sentence LinksLexer.grammar
val program :
(Sugartypes.binding list * Sugartypes.phrase option) LinksLexer.grammar
val parse_string :
?pp:string ->
?in_context:LinksLexer.lexer_context ->
'a LinksLexer.grammar ->
string ->
'a * Scanner.position_context
val parse_file :
?pp:string ->
?in_context:LinksLexer.lexer_context ->
'a LinksLexer.grammar ->
string ->
'a * Scanner.position_context
val parse_channel :
?interactive:(unit -> unit) ->
?in_context:LinksLexer.lexer_context ->
'a LinksLexer.grammar ->
(Stdlib.in_channel * string) ->
'a * Scanner.position_context
val parse_readline :
string ->
?in_context:LinksLexer.lexer_context ->
'a LinksLexer.grammar ->
'a * Scanner.position_context
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"