package links

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type channel_cancellation = {
  1. notify_ep : ProcessTypes.channel_id;
  2. cancelled_ep : ProcessTypes.channel_id;
val runtime_error : string -> exn
type incoming_websocket_message =
  1. | ClientToClient of ProcessTypes.client_id * ProcessTypes.process_id * Value.t
  2. | ClientToServer of ProcessTypes.process_id * Value.t
  3. | APRequest of ProcessTypes.process_id * ProcessTypes.apid
  4. | APAccept of ProcessTypes.process_id * ProcessTypes.apid
  5. | ChanSend of ProcessTypes.channel_id * Value.t
  6. | ChannelCancellation of channel_cancellation
val from_json : Yojson.Basic.t -> incoming_websocket_message

Innovation. Community. Security.