package links

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



type v = Value.t
type result = Proc.Proc.thread_result Lwt.t
type continuation = Value.continuation
type resumption = Value.resumption
module K : sig ... end
val error : string -> 'a
val eval_error : ('r, unit, string, 'a) Stdlib.format4 -> 'r
val type_error : action:string -> string -> Value.t -> 'a
val db_connect : Value.t -> Value.database * string
val lookup_fun_def : Var.var -> [> `ClientFunction of string | `FunctionPtr of Var.var * 'a option ] option
val find_fun_def : Var.var -> [> `ClientFunction of string | `FunctionPtr of Var.var * 'a option ]
val lookup_var : Var.var -> Value.t Value.Env.t -> Value.t
val serialize_call_to_client : RequestData.request_data -> (continuation * string * Value.t list) -> string
val client_call : RequestData.request_data -> string -> Value.continuation -> Value.t list -> result
val handle_session_exception : Value.env -> Ir.computation list -> unit Lwt.t
val value : Value.t Value.Env.t -> Ir.value -> Value.t Lwt.t


val apply_access_point : continuation -> Value.t Value.Env.t -> Value.spawn_location -> result
val apply : Value.t K.t -> Value.t Value.Env.t -> (Value.t * Value.t list) -> result
val apply_cont : continuation -> Value.t Value.Env.t -> Value.t -> result
val computation_yielding : Value.t Value.Env.t -> continuation -> Ir.computation -> result
val finish : Value.env -> Value.t -> Proc.Proc.thread_result Lwt.t
val reify : resumption -> [> `Resumption of resumption ]
val eval : Value.env -> Ir.program -> result
val run_program : Value.env -> Ir.program -> Value.env * Value.t

Innovation. Community. Security.