package links

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | Operator_not_supported_binary of string
  2. | Operator_not_supported_unary of string
  3. | Unsupported_function_value of Value.t
  4. | Client_function
  5. | Internal_error of string
  6. | Recursive_function
  7. | Modules_unsupported
  8. | Application_of_nonfunction
  9. | Unsupported_tail_computation of Ir.tail_computation
  10. | Unexpected_closure of IrValue.closure
  11. | Unexpected_primitive of string
  12. | Unexpected_record
  13. | Unexpected_phrase of Lens.Phrase.t
  14. | Unsupported_arbitrary_if of Ir.tail_computation
  15. | Expected_record_value of Links_core.Lens.Phrase.Value.t
  16. | Unbound_record_column of string * Links_core.Lens.Phrase.Value.t
exception E of t
val to_string : t -> string
val unpack_exn : die:(string -> 'a) -> ('a, t) Lens.Utility.Result.result -> 'a
val raise : t -> 'a

Innovation. Community. Security.