package links
Converts the tree returned by the parser into our internal representation
val show_compiled_ir : bool Settings.setting
type nenv = Var.var Env.String.t
type tenv = Types.datatype Env.Int.t
val desugar_expression : env -> Sugartypes.phrase -> Ir.computation
val desugar_definitions :
env ->
Sugartypes.binding list ->
Ir.binding list * nenv
val desugar_program :
env ->
Sugartypes.program ->
Ir.binding list * Ir.computation * nenv
type result = {
globals : Ir.binding list;
program : Ir.program;
datatype : Types.datatype;
context : Context.t;
val program : Context.t -> Types.datatype -> Sugartypes.program -> result
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">