package links
exception InvalidMutualBinding of SourceCode.Position.t
exception Type_error of SourceCode.Position.t * string
exception MultiplyDefinedMutualNames of SourceCode.Position.t list Utility.stringmap
exception RichSyntaxError of synerrspec
exception DesugaringError of {
pos : SourceCode.Position.t;
stage : sugar_error_stage;
message : string;
exception UnboundTyCon of SourceCode.Position.t * string
exception TypeApplicationArityMismatch of {
pos : SourceCode.Position.t;
name : string;
expected : int;
provided : int;
exception TypeApplicationKindMismatch of {
pos : SourceCode.Position.t;
name : string;
tyarg_number : int;
expected : string;
provided : string;
exception ModuleError of string * SourceCode.Position.t option
val desugaring_error :
pos:SourceCode.Position.t ->
stage:sugar_error_stage ->
message:string ->
val module_error : ?pos:SourceCode.Position.t -> string -> exn
val disabled_extension :
?pos:SourceCode.Position.t ->
?setting:(string * bool) ->
?flag:string ->
string ->
val prime_alien : SourceCode.Position.t -> exn
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"