package libsail

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type rule =
  1. | NoChange
  2. | Change of int * smt_exp
  3. | Reconstruct of int * SimpSet.t * smt_exp * smt_exp -> smt_exp
val change : smt_exp -> rule
type strategy =
  1. | Skip
  2. | Rule of string * SimpSet.t -> smt_exp -> rule
  3. | Repeat of strategy
  4. | Then of strategy list
val mk_simple_rule : string -> (smt_exp -> rule) -> strategy
val mk_rule : string -> (SimpSet.t -> smt_exp -> rule) -> strategy
val run_strategy : SimpSet.t -> smt_exp -> strategy -> rule
val append_to_or : smt_exp -> smt_exp -> smt_exp
val append_to_and : smt_exp -> smt_exp -> smt_exp
val rule_squash_ite : strategy
val rule_chain_right_ite : strategy
val rule_same_ite : strategy
val rule_ite_literal : strategy
val remove_duplicates : smt_exp list -> smt_exp list
val rule_and_duplicates : strategy
val rule_or_duplicates : strategy
val rule_bit_bool_inequality : strategy
val rule_and_inequalities : strategy
val rule_or_equalities : strategy
val rule_or_ite : strategy
val rule_ite_lit : strategy
val rule_concat_literal_eq : strategy
val rule_flatten_and : strategy
val rule_flatten_or : strategy
val rule_false_and : strategy
val rule_true_and : strategy
val rule_true_or : strategy
val rule_false_or : strategy
val rule_order_and : strategy
val rule_order_or : strategy
val add_to_and : smt_exp -> smt_exp -> smt_exp
val rule_and_assume : strategy
val rule_ite_assume : strategy
val is_equality : smt_exp -> (smt_exp * smt_exp) option
val apply_equality : (smt_exp * smt_exp) -> smt_exp -> smt_exp
val rule_distribute_or_equality_in_and : strategy
val add_to_or : smt_exp -> smt_exp -> smt_exp
val rule_or_assume : strategy
val rule_var : strategy
val rule_tester : strategy
val rule_access_ite : strategy
val rule_inequality : strategy
val rule_not_not : strategy
val rule_not_push : strategy
val is_bvfunction : string -> bool
val rule_bvfunction_literal : strategy
val rule_extend_literal : strategy
val rule_extract_shift : strategy
val rule_extract : strategy
val rule_simp_eq : strategy
val rule_do_nothing : strategy
val apply : SimpSet.t -> (SimpSet.t -> smt_exp -> rule) -> smt_exp -> int * smt_exp

Innovation. Community. Security.