package ledgerwallet-tezos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Version : sig ... end
type curve =
  1. | Ed25519
  2. | Secp256k1
  3. | Secp256r1
  4. | Bip32_ed25519
val curve_of_string : string -> curve option
val pp_curve : Format.formatter -> curve -> unit
val pp_curve_short : Format.formatter -> curve -> unit

get_version ?pp ?buf ledger is the version information of the Ledger app running at ledger.

val get_git_commit : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> (string, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

get_git_commit ?pp ?buf ledger is the git commit information of the Ledger app running at ledger.

val get_authorized_key : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> (int32 list, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

get_authorized_key ?pp ?buf ledger is the BIP32 path of the key authorized to bake on the Ledger app running at ledger.

val get_authorized_path_and_curve : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> (int32 list * curve, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

get_authorized_path_and_curve ?pp ?buf ledger is the BIP32 path and the curve code of the key authorized to bake on the Ledger app running at ledger.

val get_public_key : ?prompt:bool -> ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> (Cstruct.t, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

get_public_key ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger curve path is 0x02 || pk from ledger at path for curve curve. If prompt is true (the default), then a prompt on Ledger screen will ask user confirmation.

val authorize_baking : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> (Cstruct.t, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

authorize_baking ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger curve path is like get_public_key with prompt = true, but only works with the baking Ledger application and serves to indicate that the key from curve at path is allowed to bake.

This is deprecated as it ignores test-chains, see setup_baking.

val setup_baking : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> main_chain_id:string -> main_hwm:int32 -> test_hwm:int32 -> curve -> int32 list -> (Cstruct.t, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

setup_baking ?pp ?buf ?prompt ledger ~main_chain_id ~main_hwm ~test_hwm curve path sets up the Ledger's Baking application: it informs the device of the ID of the main chain (should be of length 4), sets the high watermarks for the main and test chains, and indicates that the key at the given curve/path is authorized for baking.

val deauthorize_baking : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> (unit, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

deauthorize_baking ?pp ?buf ledger deauthorizes the Ledger's Baking application from baking for any address.

val get_high_watermark : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> (int32, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

get_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger is the current value of the high water mark for the main-chain on ledger. This works with the baking app only. See get_all_high_watermarks for a more complete query.

val get_all_high_watermarks : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> ([ `Main_hwm of int32 ] * [ `Test_hwm of int32 ] * [ `Chain_id of string ], Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

Query the high water marks for the main and test chains, as well as the ID of the main-chain (string of length 4) recorded by the Ledger Baking app.

val set_high_watermark : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> int32 -> (unit, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

set_high_watermark ?pp ?buf ledger hwm reset the high water mark on ledger to hwm for the main-chain. This works with the baking app only. Use setup_baking to be able to also reset all the test-chain water mark.

val sign : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> ?hash_on_ledger:bool -> Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> Cstruct.t -> (Cstruct.t, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

sign ?pp ?buf ?hash_on_ledger h curve path payload is the signature of payload (or its hash if hash_on_ledger is true, the default), signed on ledger with key from curve curve at path.

val get_deterministic_nonce : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> Cstruct.t -> (Cstruct.t, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

get_deterministic_nonce ?pp ?buf h curve path payload asks the ledger for a deterministic nonce from a some given bytes (using HMAC).

val sign_and_hash : ?pp:Format.formatter -> ?buf:Cstruct.t -> Hidapi.t -> curve -> int32 list -> Cstruct.t -> (Cstruct.t * Cstruct.t, Ledgerwallet.Transport.error) result

sign ?pp ?buf ?hash_on_ledger h curve path payload is the signature of payload (or its hash if hash_on_ledger is true, the default), signed on ledger with key from curve curve at path.


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