package learn-ocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = item list
and item =
  1. | Section of text * t
  2. | SectionMin of text * t * int
  3. | Message of text * status
and status =
  1. | Success of int
  2. | Penalty of int
  3. | Failure
  4. | Warning
  5. | Informative
  6. | Important
and text = inline list
and inline =
  1. | Text of string
  2. | Break
  3. | Code of string
  4. | Output of string
val result : t -> int * bool
val scale : ?penalties:bool -> int -> t -> t
val to_html : ?bare:bool -> t -> string
val print : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val output_html : ?bare:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val enc : t Json_encoding.encoding
val failure : message:string -> item
val success : points:int -> message:string -> item
val warning : message:string -> item
val message : message:string -> item
val info : message:string -> item
val section : title:string -> t -> item

Innovation. Community. Security.