package lambdasoup

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Easy functional HTML scraping and manipulation for OCaml.


type element
type general
type soup

"Phantom" types for use with 'a node. See explanation below.

type 'a node

HTML document nodes. These come in three varieties: element node represents a node that is known to be an element, soup node represents an entire document, and general node represents a node that might be anything, including elements, documents, text content, and other kinds of HTML nodes that Lambda Soup doesn't yet support.

Throughout Lambda Soup, if a function can operate on any kind of node, the argument is typed as _ node. If an element node or the entire document is required, the argument type is element node or soup node, respectively.

type 'a nodes

Sequence of nodes. This is always instantiated as either element nodes or or general nodes. The sequence is lazy in the sense that only as many elements as needed are evaluated. This can be used with with_stop to traverse only part of a document until some condition is reached.

High-level interface

val parse : string -> soup node

Parses the given HTML text and evaluates to a document node containing the top-level HTML nodes found. Entity references are resolved, and the character encoding is detected automatically.

If you need to parse XML, or control over parsing, or want to feed Lambda Soup something other than bytes, see Parsing signals.

val select : string -> _ node -> element nodes

select selector node is all the descendants of node matching CSS selector selector. All CSS3 selectors are supported, with the following exceptions, each of which only makes sense when doing layout or displaying an interactive interface:

:link, :visited, :hover, :active, :focus, :target, :lang, :enabled,
:disabled, :checked, :indeterminate, ::first-line, ::first-letter,
::selection, ::before, ::after

There is also no support for XML namespace selectors. Instead, Lambda Soup supports the apparently-dropped :contains("foo") pseudo-class. You can see some examples of supported selectors in the tests.

Lambda Soup selector syntax supports an extension of CSS. In regular CSS, the selector cannot start with a combinator such as >. Instead, you have to write things such as * > p, which has a different meaning than what > p might mean. Lambda Soup allows selectors such as > p, + p, and ~ p to select immediate children of node, adjacent next siblings, and all next siblings, respectively. In addition, you can use the empty selector to select node itself. Note, in this latter case, that if node is not an element (for example, it is often the soup node), the select will result in nothing, because select always results in sequences of element nodes only.

val select_one : string -> _ node -> element node option

Like select, but evaluates to at most one element. Note that there is also R.select_one if you don't want an option result, which is explained at require.

val ($) : _ node -> string -> element node

node $ selector is the same as node |> select_one selector |> require.

val ($?) : _ node -> string -> element node option

node $? selector is the same as node |> select_one selector.

val ($$) : _ node -> string -> element nodes

node $$ selector is the same as node |> select selector.


val require : 'a option -> 'a

require (Some v) evaluates to v, and require None raises Failure. Many functions in Lambda Soup return options, such as select_one above. When you know, better than the type system, that a value will definitely be present, require can be used to conveniently eliminate the option and get the value out.

Note that there is also a module R provided, which contains, for each function that evaluates to an option, a version of the function that is post-composed with require, and thus returns an unwrapped value (or raises Failure). So, instead of writing soup |> children |> first |> require, you can write soup |> children |> R.first.

As an alternative to using require and R, consider using an option monad.

Early termination

type 'a stop = {
  1. throw : 'b. 'a -> 'b;

A "polymorphic exception handler"/"continuation" used for early termination. See with_stop below.

val with_stop : ('a stop -> 'a) -> 'a

with_stop (fun stop -> e) evaluates to v if e evaluates to v. If e calls stop.throw w, with_stop evaluates to w. In plainer words, with_stop creates an exception handler, to which the body e can return a value by calling stop.throw. This is meant for use with lazy node sequences. For example, here is an expression that finds the first node with a draggable attribute, stopping traversal immediately when that occurs:

with_stop (fun stop ->
  |> descendants
  |> elements
  |> fold (fun _ e ->
    if has_attribute "draggable" e then stop.throw (Some e)
    else None) None)

Of course, the fold can be done more easily using filter and first, declared below, so this is only a demonstration.

Element access

val name : element node -> string

Given an element node, evaluates to its tag name. For example, an element <a id="foo"></a> has tag name a. All tag names are converted to lowercase.

val attribute : string -> element node -> string option

attribute attr element evaluates to Some v if element has attribute attr and it is set to value v, and None if element does not have attr. In simpler words, attribute gets attr from element.

val classes : element node -> string list

Evaluates to the class list of the given element.

val id : element node -> string option

Evaluates to the id of the given element, if it is present.

val has_attribute : string -> element node -> bool

has_attribute attr element evaluates to true if and only if element has attr.

val fold_attributes : ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> element node -> 'a

fold_attributes f init element applies f successively to the names and values of the attributes of element. The first string argument to f is the attribute name, and the second is the value.

val element : _ node -> element node option

Given a general node, asserts that it is an element e. If so, evaluates to Some e. Otherwise, evaluates to None. In simpler words, performs a checked coercion of a general node up to an element.

val elements : _ nodes -> element nodes

Given a sequence of nodes, transforms it into a sequence containing only the element nodes, i.e. filters out non-elements.

val is_element : _ node -> bool

Evalautes to true if and only if the given node is an element.

Content access

val leaf_text : _ node -> string option

leaf_text n is defined recursively as follows:

  • If n is a text node with value s, leaf_text n evaluates to Some s.
  • If n is an element or soup node, then, leaf_text n filters out all text children of n containing only whitespace. If there is only one child n' remaining, it evaluates to leaf_text n'. If there are no children remaining, it evaluates to Some "". If there are two or more children remaining, it evaluates to None.

Less formally, leaf_text n "drills down" to a single leaf node contained under n, and extracts its text, if any. While doing this, it ignores whitespace. If the choice of leaf is ambiguous, the result is None.

Here are some examples of what leaf_text produces (=>) for various nodes:

some text                                =>   Some "some text"
<p>some text</p>                         =>   Some "some text"
<div><p>some text</p></div>              =>   Some "some text"
<div> <p>some text</p></div>             =>   Some "some text"
<div><p>some text</p><p>more</p></div>   =>   None
<div></div>                              =>   Some ""
val texts : _ node -> string list

Given a node n, evaluates to the content of all text nodes that are descendants of n. If n is itself a text node, returns n's content.

val trimmed_texts : _ node -> string list

Same as texts, but all strings are passed through String.trim, and then all empty strings are filtered out.

Elementary traversals

val children : _ node -> general nodes

The sequence of all children of a node n, including non-element children. To get child elements, use children |> elements or $$ "> *". If n is not itself an element or the document, it cannot have children, so the traversal is empty.

val descendants : _ node -> general nodes

Sequence of all descendants of a node n. n is not considered its own descendant. To get only the elements, use descendants |> elements or $$ "*". As with children, if n is not an element or the document, it cannot have descendants, so the traversal is empty.

val ancestors : _ node -> element nodes

Sequence of ancestors of a node n. n is not considered its own ancestor. The document node is not included in the traversal. Ancestors are ordered by proximity to n, i.e. the sequence goes up the DOM tree to a root element.

val next_siblings : _ node -> general nodes

Sequence of siblings of a node n that follow n in its parent's child list.

val previous_siblings : _ node -> general nodes

Sequence of siblings of a node n that precede n in its parent's child list. The sequence is ordered according to proximity to n, i.e. the nearest node to n is first. This is the opposite order of these nodes in the parent's child list.


val fold : ('a -> 'b node -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b nodes -> 'a

fold f init t folds f over the nodes of t, i.e. if t is n, n', n'', ..., evaluates f (f (f init n) n') n'' ....

val filter : ('a node -> bool) -> 'a nodes -> 'a nodes

filter f t is the sequence consisting of the nodes n of t for which f n evaluates to true.

val map : ('a node -> 'b node) -> 'a nodes -> 'b nodes

map f t is the sequence consisting of nodes f n for each node n of t.

val filter_map : ('a node -> 'b node option) -> 'a nodes -> 'b nodes

filter_map f t is the sequence consisting of nodes n' for each node n of t for which f n evaluates to Some n'. Nodes n for which f n evaluates to None are dropped.

val flatten : ('a node -> 'b nodes) -> 'a nodes -> 'b nodes

flatten f t is the sequence consisting of the concatenation of all the sequences f n for each n in t.

val iter : ('a node -> unit) -> 'a nodes -> unit

iter f t applies f to each node in t.

val to_list : 'a nodes -> 'a node list

Converts the given node sequence to a list.


val nth : int -> 'a nodes -> 'a node option

nth n t evaluates to the nth element of t, if it is present. Note that the index is 1-based. This is for consistency with the CSS :nth-child selectors.

val first : 'a nodes -> 'a node option

Evaluates to the first node of the given sequence, if the sequence has at least one node.

val last : 'a nodes -> 'a node option

Evaluates the entire given sequence and returns the last node, if one was encountered.

val count : 'a nodes -> int

Evaluates to the number of nodes in the given sequence.

val index_of : _ node -> int

Evaluates to the index of the given node in its parent's child list. If the node has no parent, the index is 1. Note that indices are 1-based, according to CSS convention.

val index_of_element : element node -> int

Evaluates to the element index of the given element in the parent's child list. That is, the index of the given element when the parent's non-element children are disregarded. The index is 1-based, in line with CSS convention.


val tags : string -> _ node -> element nodes

Evaluates to all descendant elements of the given node that have the given tag name. For example, the following is a sequence of all a elements under some_root_node:

some_root_node |> tags "a"

It is equivalent to

|> descendants |> elements |> filter (fun e -> name e = "a")


some_root_node $$ "a"

Note that tag names are case-insensitive.

val tag : string -> _ node -> element node option

Like tags, but evaluates to only the first element, if there is one. So, the following selects the first a element under some_root_node:

some_root_node |> tag "a"

If you expect the element to be there, you can do

some_root_node |> R.tag "a"

These are equivalent to some_root_node $? "a" and some_root_node $ "a", respectively.

val parent : _ node -> element node option

Given a node, evaluates to its parent element, if it has one. Note that root nodes do not have a parent element, as their parent is the document node (a.k.a. the soup). parent therefore evaluates to None for root nodes. parent n is equivalent to n |> ancestors |> first.

val child : _ node -> general node option

child n evaluates to n's first child, if n has one. Equivalent to n |> children |> first.

val child_element : _ node -> element node option

child_element n, evaluates to n's first child element, if n has one. Equivalent to n |> children |> elements |> first.

val next_sibling : _ node -> general node option

next_sibling n is the next sibling of n in n's parent's child list, if there is such a sibling. It is equivalent to n |> next_siblings |> first.

val previous_sibling : _ node -> general node option

Like next_sibling, but for the preceding sibling instead.

val next_element : _ node -> element node option

next_element n is the next sibling of n that is an element. It is equivalent to n |> next_siblings |> elements |> first.

val previous_element : _ node -> element node option

Like next_element, but for the preceding siblings instead.

val no_children : _ node -> bool

Evaluates to true if and only if the given node has no child nodes.

val at_most_one_child : _ node -> bool

Evaluates to true if and only if the given node has at most one child node.

val is_root : _ node -> bool

Evaluates to true if and only if the given node is not a soup (document) node, and either has no parent, or its parent is a soup node. In other words, determines whether the node is a top-level non-document node.


val to_string : _ node -> string

Converts the node tree rooted at the given node to an HTML5 string, preserving whitespace nodes and not minding human readability considerations.

val pretty_print : _ node -> string

Converts the node tree rooted at the given node to a string formatted for easy reading. Note that this can change the whitespace structure of the HTML, so pretty-printed HTML may display differently in a browser than the original parsed document. Pretty-printing is meant for inspection, debugging, content diffs, etc., not browser viewing.

Parsing signals

Lambda Soup uses internally to parse and write markup. If you wish to:

  • avoid intermediate strings when reading or writing,
  • control how parsing is done, or
  • run the input or output of Lambda Soup through a filter without having to re-parse it,

then you should use the functions below instead of parse and to_string.

See the documentation for the types involved. The overview may be a good place to start.

Converts the node tree rooted at the given node to a stream of signals. This underlies to_string and pretty_print.

You can use this function together with Markup.write_xml to output XML instead of HTML.

Converts a stream of signals to a node tree. This underlies parse.

You can use this function together with Markup.parse_xml to load XML into Lambda Soup.

At the moment, namespaces are ignored.


val equal : _ node -> _ node -> bool

equal n n' recursively tests the node trees rooted at n and n' for equality. To test true, the trees must be identical, including whitespace text nodes. Class attributes and other multi-valued attributes are compared literally: classes must be listed in the same order, with the same amount of whitespace in the attribute value. During comparison, adjacent text nodes are merged, and empty text nodes are ignored. This is the standard normalization procedure.

val equal_modulo_whitespace : _ node -> _ node -> bool

equal_modulo_whitespace n n' is like equal n n', but all text nodes have their values passed through String.trim. Nodes that become empty are then ignored for the purpose of comparison, as in equal. This is analogous to the operation of trimmed_texts.


val create_element : ?id:string -> ?class_:string -> ?classes:string list -> ?attributes:(string * string) list -> ?inner_text:string -> string -> element node

create_element tag creates a new element with the name tag.

If ~attributes is specified, the given attributes are added to the element. ~attributes defaults to [].

If ~classes is specified, the class names are concatenated into a single string s and the class attribute is set on the element to the resulting value. This takes precedence over ~attributes.

If ~class is specified, the class is set on the element. This takes precedence over both ~attributes and ~classes.

If ~id is specified, the id is set. This takes precedence over ~attributes.

If ~inner_text is specified, a text node is created with the given string, and made the single child of the new element.

val create_text : string -> general node

Creates a new text node with the given content.

val create_soup : unit -> soup node

Creates a new document node.

val append_child : element node -> _ node -> unit

append_child element n adds n to the end of the child list of element.

val prepend_child : element node -> _ node -> unit

prepend_child element n adds n to the beginning of the child list of element.

val insert_at_index : int -> element node -> _ node -> unit

insert_at_index k element n makes n the kth child of element. Note that the index is 1-based. Pre-existing children with indices formerly k or higher are moved after n. If k is outside the range of valid indices, n is inserted at the beginning or end of the list, respectively if k is less than one or greater than the number of pre-existing children plus one.

val insert_before : _ node -> _ node -> unit

insert_before n n' inserts n' immediately before n in n's parent's child list.

val insert_after : _ node -> _ node -> unit

insert_after n n' inserts n' immediately after n in n's parent's child list.

val delete : _ node -> unit

Deletes the given node by unlinking it from its parent. If the node has children, they are implicitly deleted by this operation as well, in the sense that they become unreachable from the document.

val clear : _ node -> unit

Deletes all children of the given node.

val replace : _ node -> _ node -> unit

replace n n' replaces n with n' by modifying n's parent's child list. All children of n are implicitly deleted by this operation because they are unlinked.

val swap : element node -> element node -> unit

swap element element' replaces element with element'. All children of element are transferred to element', and all original children of element' are transferred to element.

val wrap : _ node -> element node -> unit

wrap n element inserts element in the place of n, and then makes n element's child. All original children of element are unlinked.

val unwrap : _ node -> unit

unwrap n unlinks n, and inserts all of n's children as children of n's parent.

val append_root : soup node -> _ node -> unit

append_root soup n adds n as the last root node of soup.

val set_name : string -> element node -> unit

Sets the tag name of the given element to the given value.

val set_attribute : string -> string -> element node -> unit

set_attribute attr v element sets the value of attribute attr on element to v. If the attribute is not present, it is added to element. If it is already present, the value is replaced.

val delete_attribute : string -> element node -> unit

Removes the given attribute from the given element. If the attribute is not present, has no effect.

val add_class : string -> element node -> unit

add_class c element adds class c to element, if element does not already have class c.

val remove_class : string -> element node -> unit

remove_class c element removes class c from element, if element has class c.

Option convenience module

module R : sig ... end

For each function f in Lambda Soup whose result type is an option, provides a function R.f such that R.f ... = f ... |> require, that is, a version of f that can raise Failure instead of returning an option. See the corresponding functions in the main interface for documentation.


Lambda Soup is not an I/O library. However, it provides a few simple helpers based on standard I/O functions in Pervasives. These should not be used for "serious" code. They are only for when you need to get something done quickly, and/or don't care about corner cases or excellent reliability. In such cases, they allow you to avoid writing I/O wrappers or using additional libraries.

Using these, you can write little command-line scrapers and filters:

let () =
  let soup = read_channel stdin |> parse in
  let () = (* things to soup... *) in

  soup $ "div.view-count" |> R.leaf_text |> print_endline
  (* ...or... *)
  soup |> to_string |> write_channel stdout

If the above is compiled to a file scrape, you can then run

curl -L "" | ./scrape

to get the view count or transformed HTML, respectively.

val read_file : string -> string

Reads the entire contents of the file with the given path. Raises Sys_error on failure.

val read_channel : in_channel -> string

Reads all bytes from the given channel.

val write_file : string -> string -> unit

write_file path data writes data to the file given by path. If the file already exists, it is truncated (erased). If you want to append to file, use open_out_gen with the necessary flags, and pass the resulting channel to write_channel. Raises Sys_error on failure.

val write_channel : out_channel -> string -> unit

Writes the given data to the given channel.


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