package lambdapi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Signature for symbols.

type ind_data = {
  1. ind_cons : Term.sym list;


  2. ind_prop : Term.sym;

    Induction principle.

  3. ind_nb_params : int;

    Number of parameters.

  4. ind_nb_types : int;

    Number of mutually defined types.

  5. ind_nb_cons : int;

    Number of constructors.


Data associated to inductive type symbols.

type priority = float

The priority of an infix operator is a floating-point number.

type 'a notation =
  1. | Prefix of 'a
  2. | Postfix of 'a
  3. | Infix of Pratter.associativity * 'a
  4. | Zero
  5. | Succ of 'a notation option
  6. | Quant


type t = {
  1. sign_symbols : Term.sym Lplib.Extra.StrMap.t Timed.ref;
  2. sign_path : Common.Path.t;
  3. sign_deps : Term.rule list Lplib.Extra.StrMap.t Common.Path.Map.t Timed.ref;

    Maps a path to a list of pairs (symbol name, rule).

  4. sign_builtins : Term.sym Lplib.Extra.StrMap.t Timed.ref;
  5. sign_notations : float notation Core.Term.SymMap.t Timed.ref;

    Maps symbols to their notation if they have some.

  6. sign_ind : ind_data Core.Term.SymMap.t Timed.ref;
  7. sign_cp_pos : Term.cp_pos list Core.Term.SymMap.t Timed.ref;

    Maps a symbol to the critical pair positions it is heading in the rules.


Representation of a signature. It roughly corresponds to a set of symbols, defined in a single module (or file).

val dummy : unit -> t

The empty signature. WARNING: to be used for creating ghost signatures only. Use Sig_state functions otherwise. It's a thunk to force the creation of a new record on each call (and avoid unwanted sharing).

val find : t -> string -> Term.sym

find sign name finds the symbol named name in sign if it exists, and raises the Not_found exception otherwise.

val mem : t -> string -> bool

mem sign name checks whether a symbol named name exists in sign.

val loaded : t Common.Path.Map.t Timed.ref

loaded stores the signatures of the known (already compiled or currently being compiled) modules. An important invariant is that all occurrences of a symbol are physically equal, even across signatures). This is ensured by making copies of terms when loading an object file.

val find_sym : Common.Path.t -> string -> Term.sym

find_sym path name returns the symbol identified by path and name in the known modules (already compiled or currently being compiled)

val loading : Common.Path.t list Timed.ref

loading contains the modules that are being processed. They are stored in a stack due to dependencies. Note that the topmost element corresponds to the current module. If a module appears twice in the stack, then there is a circular dependency.

val current_path : unit -> Common.Path.t

current_path () returns the current signature path.

unlink sign removes references to external symbols (and thus signatures) in the signature sign. This function is used to minimize the size of object files, by preventing a recursive inclusion of all the dependencies. Note however that unlink processes sign in place, which means that the signature is invalidated in the process.

val add_symbol : t -> Term.expo -> Term.prop -> Term.match_strat -> bool -> Common.Pos.strloc -> Common.Pos.popt -> Term.term -> bool list -> Term.sym

add_symbol sign expo prop mstrat opaq name pos typ impl adds in the signature sign a symbol with name name, exposition expo, property prop, matching strategy strat, opacity opaq, type typ, implicit arguments impl, no definition and no rules. name should not already be used in sign. pos is the position of the declaration (without its definition). The created symbol is returned.

val strip_private : t -> unit

strip_private sign removes private symbols from signature sign.

val write : t -> string -> unit
val read : string -> t
val add_rule : t -> Term.sym -> Term.rule -> unit

add_rule sign sym r adds the new rule r to the symbol sym. When the rule does not correspond to a symbol of signature sign, it is stored in its dependencies. /!\ does not update the decision tree or the critical pairs.

val add_rules : t -> Term.sym -> Term.rule list -> unit

add_rules sign sym rs adds the new rules rs to the symbol sym. When the rules do not correspond to a symbol of signature sign, they are stored in its dependencies. /!\ does not update the decision tree or the critical pairs.

val update_notation : 'a notation -> 'a notation option -> 'a notation option

update_notation n provides an update function for n to be used with Map.S.update.

val add_notation : t -> Term.sym -> float notation -> unit

add_notation sign s n sets notation of s to n in sign.

val add_notation_from_builtin : string -> Term.sym -> 'a notation Core.Term.SymMap.t -> 'a notation Core.Term.SymMap.t

add_notation_from_builtin builtin sym notation_map adds in notation_map the notation required when builtin is mapped to sym.

val add_builtin : t -> string -> Term.sym -> unit

add_builtin sign name sym binds the builtin name name to sym (in the signature sign). The previous binding, if any, is discarded.

val add_inductive : t -> Term.sym -> Term.sym list -> Term.sym -> int -> int -> unit

add_inductive sign ind_sym ind_cons ind_prop ind_prop_args add to sign the inductive type ind_sym with constructors ind_cons, induction principle ind_prop with ind_prop_args arguments.

val iterate : (t -> unit) -> t -> unit

iterate f sign applies f on sign and its dependencies recursively.

val dependencies : t -> (Common.Path.t * t) list

dependencies sign returns an association list containing (the transitive closure of) the dependencies of the signature sign. Note that the order of the list gives one possible loading order for the signatures. Note also that sign itself appears at the end of the list.


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