package lablqml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val dummy_loc : Ppxlib.Location.t
type stream_item = Ppxlib.arg_label * Ppxlib.expression
type 'a parse_result =
  1. | Failed
  2. | Parsed of 'a * stream_item list
type 'a parser = stream_item list -> 'a parse_result
val return : 'a -> stream_item list -> 'b parse_result
val pnil : unit parser
val myparse : ('a, 'b, 'c parse_result) Ppxlib.Ast_pattern.t -> 'd -> 'e -> 'c parse_result
val args_end : unit parser
val named_string : string -> string parser
val name : string parser
val the_ident : string -> unit parser
val pident : string parser
val (>>=) : 'a parser -> ('a -> 'b parser) -> 'b parser
val many : 'a parser -> 'a list parser
val (>>) : 'a parser -> 'b parser -> 'b parser
val (<*) : 'a parser -> 'b parser -> 'a parser
val (<|>) : ('a -> 'b parse_result) -> ('c -> 'b parse_result) -> 'd -> 'b parse_result
val choice : ('a -> 'b parse_result) list -> 'c -> 'b parse_result
val wrap : ('a -> 'b parse_result) -> (stream_item list -> 'c parse_result) -> 'd -> onfail:'e -> ('f -> 'g -> 'h) -> 'i
type prop_name = string
val pp_prop_name : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> prop_name -> unit
val show_prop_name : prop_name -> string
type prop_typ = string
val pp_prop_typ : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> prop_typ -> unit
val show_prop_typ : prop_typ -> string
type prop_info = {
  1. mutable p_read : string option;
  2. mutable p_write : string option;
  3. mutable p_notify : string option;
val pp_prop_info : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> prop_info -> unit
val show_prop_info : prop_info -> string
val make_prop_info : unit -> prop_info
val try_ : (stream_item list -> 'a parse_result) -> stream_item list -> 'b option parse_result
val parse_body : prop_info parser
val wrap_prop : Ppxlib.expression -> ((prop_name * prop_typ) -> prop_info -> 'a) -> onfail:'a -> 'a
type info = {
  1. mutable is_singleton : bool;
  2. mutable name : string option;
  3. mutable namespace : string option;
  4. mutable props : (prop_name * prop_typ * prop_info) list;
val empty_info : info
type prop_item = prop_name * prop_typ * prop_info
val pp_prop_item : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> prop_item -> unit
val show_prop_item : prop_item -> string
type data_item =
  1. | ISingleton of bool
  2. | IProp of prop_item
  3. | IName of string
  4. | INamespace of string
val pp_data_item : Ppx_show_runtime.Format.formatter -> data_item -> unit
val show_data_item : data_item -> string
val show_data_items : data_item list -> string
val parse_props : data_item parser
val all : info parser
val qmlargs : Ppxlib.expression -> unit parse_result
val singleton : Ppxlib.expression -> unit parse_result
val wrap_qml : Ppxlib.expression -> (info -> 'a) -> onfail:'a -> 'a
val wrap_singleton : Ppxlib.expression -> (info -> 'a) -> onfail:'a -> 'a
val parse_singleton : Ppxlib.expression -> info Base.Option.t

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