package lablqml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val get_view_exn : name:string -> t
val get_view : name:string -> t option
type 'a cppobj
val set_context_property : ctx:t -> name:string -> _ cppobj -> unit
module QVariant : sig ... end
class test_object : t -> object ... end
module QModelIndex : sig ... end
module QGuiApplication : sig ... end
module QQmlEngine : sig ... end

This Qml engine doesn't apply any platform dependent styling.

val create_qapplication : string array -> QGuiApplication.t * QQmlEngine.t

Creates QGuiApplication. No platform-dependent styling applied.

module QQuickWindow : sig ... end
val loadQml : string -> QQmlEngine.t -> QQuickWindow.t option

Creates QQuickWindow using file and QQmlEngine

module QQmlAppEngine : sig ... end
val object_child_named : 'a cppobj -> string -> 'a cppobj
val object_property_named : 'a cppobj -> string -> 'a cppobj
val create_app_engine : string array -> string -> QGuiApplication.t * QQmlAppEngine.t

Creates QGuiApplication and QQmlApplicationEngine.

val run_with_QQmlApplicationEngine : string array -> (unit -> unit) -> string -> unit

Function run_with_QQmlApplicationEngine argv callback path initializates and open QQuickWindow using QQmlApplcationEngine. It uses platform-dependent styling, so the root element of the QML file specified in path should be a Window from QtQuick.Controls library

type qvariantable
type non_qvariantable
class virtual 'valtyp prop : string -> object ... end
class virtual 'valtyp qvariant_prop : string -> object ... end
module PropMap : sig ... end
module OCamlObject : sig ... end
module SingleFunc : sig ... end