package krb

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t


A cache of credentials. This includes service tickets and ticket granting tickets (TGT).

It uses a custom hash function such that compare t1 t2 = 0 => hash t1 = hash t2

include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t
include Ppx_hash_lib.Hashable.S with type t := t
val hash_fold_t : t Base__Ppx_hash_lib.hash_fold
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val hash : t -> int
val default : unit -> t Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

the credentials cache indicated by the environment variable KRB5CCNAME

val type_ : t -> [ `Normal | `S4U2Self of Principal.t ]

`Normal cred caches should have a TGT, in addition to potentially other tickets. In other cases (such as the result of an S4U2Self-based cache) the cred cache may not be expected to have a TGT. By tagging caches with this extra information, we can have more reasonable behavior in instances of trying to renew a cache and the like.

val initialize : t -> Principal.t -> unit Async.Deferred.Or_error.t
val create : ?type_:[ `Normal | `S4U2Self of Principal.t ] -> Cache_type.t -> Principal.t -> t Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

Creating a cred cache of types FILE or DIR (and possibly others) leaks files on disk. The finalizer for Cred_cache.t closes the file and frees the memory associated with it, but the file doesn't get removed from disk.

val initialize_and_store : t -> Principal.t -> Credentials.t list -> unit Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

initialize and then store in a single Async cycle

val store_if_not_in_cache : t -> request:Credentials.t -> Credentials.t -> unit Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

check to see if the supplied credentials are already cached. If not, call store. All this is done in a single Async cycle.

val get_credentials : ?tag_error_with_all_credentials:bool -> ?ensure_cached_valid_for_at_least:Core.Time_float.Span.t -> flags:Krb_flags.Get_credentials.t list -> t -> request:Credentials.t -> Credentials.t Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

The returned Credentials.t are stored in t.

tag_error_with_all_credentials will decorate errors with a list of all credentials in t. This might be memory and cpu intensive when there are a lot of credentials in t. Default: Config.verbose_errors.

ensure_cached_valid_for_at_least is the amount of time a ticket must be valid for if it is taken directly from the cache (i.e. KRB5_GC_CACHED was supplied as a flag). Default: 10min.

val get_cached_tgt : ?ensure_valid_for_at_least:Core.Time_float.Span.t -> t -> Credentials.t Async.Deferred.Or_error.t
module Expert : sig ... end
module Raw : sig ... end
val to_raw : t -> Raw.t

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