package knights_tour

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a t

A searchspace with solutions of a given type. For examle a type int Searchspace.t is a searchspace who's solutions are integers. It can be thought of a as lazy-computed collection of integers. The members of the collection can be discovered/produced incrementally by a search process.

The solutions to a searchspace may be an infinite collection. For example you could define a searchspace who's solutions are all prime numbers.

It is unspecified whether the solutions of a searchspace are cached or produced again upon every attempt to find them. The current implementation does not cache results ever. It is generally unsafe to do so in the presence of side-effects. Future/alternatie implementations might try to cache results in some situations when it is deemed safe to do so.

val return : 'a -> 'a t

A searchspace that contains a single solution.

val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Monadic bind. This constructs a new searchspace by feeding the results of an existing searchspace as input to a subsequent searchprocess.

val (|=>) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

Operator syntax for bind

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

Apply a function to every solution of search space.

val (|->) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Operator syntax for map

val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t

Only retains solutions that match a given condition.

val (|?>) : 'a t -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a t

Operator syntax for filter

val alt : 'a t list -> 'a t

Represents a decision between multiple alternatives.

val alt2 : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Represents a decision between two alternatives.

val (++) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

Represents a decision between two alternatives.

val empty : 'a t

A searchspace with no solutions.

val defer : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a t

Represents a search space constructed 'on demand' by calling function. This is useful to create compact/finite representations of infinite or very large searchspaces (only the parts of a searchspace that are actually traversed will be constructed)

val range : 'a -> ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t

A searchspace containing a 'range' of values generated using a kind of 'while loop'. range start cond step produces values starting at start and apply the step function to the previous value to produce a next value. It does so as long as the cond is true. If the cond is false initially, then this produces an empty range.

For example to create a range of numbers 1 to 10 we do:

range 1 ((>=) 10) ((+) 1)
val int_range : int -> int -> int t

Searchspace containing a range of integers ranging from lowerbound (1st parameter), to upperbound (2nd parameter). The bounds are inclusive. Example:

int_range 1 10

Produces numbers from 1 to 10 including 10.

type 'a search_fun = 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option

This module provides different search functions that may explore the choices in a searchspace in a different order. Other functions that such as to_seq may take a search_fun as a parameter (which will determine the order in which results are produced)

Search for the next solution in a depth-first fashion until a solution is found or the searchspace is exhausted. If a solution is found, returns it alongside a reduced searchspace that can be used to search for more solutions. Otherwise it returns None

Search in a mixed breadth-first and depth first fashion. This search pattern strives to strike a compromise between doing a depth-first and a breadth-first search.

Depth-first searches have the drawback for a very large searchspace that they will tend to get stuck exploring very narrow 'subtree' of the entire space. This is determined by choices made early on in the search process. These choices lead such large search spaces that the search engine will never be able to backtrack out of them to explore other parts of the space.

A breadth-first search on the other hand will explore branches in parallel (it keeps 'active branches in a queue and works on exploring each branch in turn a little bit, before moving on to exploring another branch.

This has the advantage of exploring the search space more broadly instead of getting stuck in a narrow subspace determined by early choices. However for very large spaces this will lead to an explosive growth in memory requirement (the queue grows larger and larger in an exponential fashion as the search space branches out in an exponential number of nodes in terms of the depth).

The breadth_search function strikes a compromise between these two extremes by using a Treequence data structure to keep track of active branches. The Treequence can be used as either a stack or a queue because it allows pushing and poping of elements on either front or back. A compromise between branching out and exploring in depths is achieved by dynamically switching between using the Treequence either as a stack or a queue. As the Treequence grows in size the ratio of operations using it as a stack vs a queue is gradually increased. Thus as the number of actively explored branches increases the tendency to explore in depth also increases; and the tendency to branch out decreases.

Optional Parameters:

  • limit: determines how aggressively the search space is breadth exploration will be limited as the work queue grows in size. If set to 0 then there is no limit and the work queue is always used as a queue. If set to n, then the number of queue_ops / stack_ops tends towards n / active_branches. The default limit value is 1.
  • stack_mon: a function that is called on every step of the search allowing a caller to monitor progress and/or collect statistical data. The default is a function that does nothing.
val to_seq : ?search:'a search_fun -> 'a t -> 'a Stdlib.Seq.t

Converts a searchspace into a Seq of its solutions. The solutions are produced incrementally as required. So it is fine to convert a searchspace of infinite solutions to a Seq. An optional search_fun may be provided to alter the order in which solutions are being generated.

val of_seq : 'a Stdlib.Seq.t -> 'a t

Represents a decision between multiple potentially infinite alternatives as given by the elements of a Seq

val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t

Represents a decision between mupliple values as given by a list

val nats : int t

searchspace containing all natural numbers. WARNING: must handle with care because it is an infinite searchspace.

val nat_pairs : (int * int) t

searchspace of all pairs of natural numbers

val no_dup : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t

filters out duplicate solutions. Note that this operation is quite expensive because it creates a Set data structure to keep track of all previously encountered elements in order to detect any duplicates.

module Treequence : sig ... end

A Treequence is 'pure/functional' data structure that represents a finite, ordered sequence of elements. I.e it is much like a list. Unlike a typical list implementation it supports efficient pushing and popping on both the front and back. Thus it can be used interchangeably as a Stack or a Queue without much of a performance penalty.


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