package js_of_ocaml-compiler

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = {
  1. version : int;
  2. file : string option;
  3. sourceroot : string option;
  4. sources : string list;
  5. sources_content : Source_content.t option list option;
  6. names : string list;
  7. mappings : Mappings.t;

    Left uninterpreted, since most useful operations can be performed efficiently directly on the encoded form, and a full decoding can be costly for big sourcemaps.

  8. ignore_list : string list;
val filter_map : t -> f:(int -> int option) -> t

If f l returns Some l', map line l to l' (in the generated file) in the returned debug mappings. If f l returns None, remove debug mappings which concern line l of the generated file.

val merge : t list -> t option

Merge two lists of debug mappings. The time cost of the merge is more than linear in function of the size of the input mappings.

val empty : inline_source_content:bool -> t
val of_string : ?tmp_buf:Buffer.t -> string -> t
val of_file : ?tmp_buf:Buffer.t -> string -> t

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