package iso639

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Individual and collective languages as a unified type.

This module defines an abstract denotation of language codes of ISO 639-3 and ISO 639-5 and provides conversions to and from 2- and 3-letter codes defined in parts 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the standard.

If you only want to represent individual languages, consider using the Lang module instead.

type t

This type represents an individual language or macrolanguage from ISO 639-3 or a language group from ISO 639-5.

Basic Operations

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal lang1 lang2 is true if lang1 and lang2 refer to the same individual, macro-, or collective language.

val compare : t -> t -> int

Total order corresponding to lexicographic order of codes within ISO 639-3 and ISO 639-5. The order of elements belonging to different parts of the standard is left unspecified for now, and may change between versions until this notice is removed.

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf lang prints the ISO 639-3 or 639-5 language code on ppf.

val scope : t -> [> `Individual | `Macro | `Collective | `Special ]

scope lang is `Individual, `Macro, or `Special if lang corresponds to an individual language, macro language, or special language code from ISO 639-3, and `Collective if lang corresponds to a language group or family form ISO 693-5.

val to_int : t -> int

An injective mapping to 16 bit integers. The result can be used for serialization, but note that the representation may change between versions until this notice is removed. An alternative for permanent storge or operability between versions, is to use to_part3 or to_part5 or both.

val of_int : int -> t option

of_int is the partial inverse of to_int.

val of_int_exn : int -> t

of_int_exn is the partial inverse of to_int.

val of_int_unsafe : int -> t

An unchecked variant of of_int_exn. Integers which do not represent ISO language codes are mapped to subterranean languages which at runtime tend to erupt through the logic of the program in unpredictable ways.

Language Code Conversions

val of_string : string -> t option

of_string s is the language or language family represented by the ISO 639-3 or 639-5 language code s.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string lang is the ISO 639-3 language code of lang if lang is an individual or macrolanguage and the 639-5 language code of lang if lang is a language group or family.

val is_iso639p1 : t -> bool

is_iso639p1 lang is true iff lang is represented in ISO 639-1.

val to_iso639p1 : t -> string option

to_iso639p1 lang is the two-letter ISO 639-2 code for lang if it exists.

val of_iso639p1 : string -> t option

of_iso639p1 s is the language represented by the ISO 639-1 language code s.

val is_iso639p2 : t -> bool

is_iso639p2 lang is true iff lang is represented in ISO 639-2.

val to_iso639p2t : t -> string option

to_part3t_string lang is the three-letter ISO 639-2T code for lang.

val to_iso639p2b : t -> string option

to_part3b_string lang is the three-letter ISO 639-2B code for lang.

val of_iso639p2 : string -> t option

of_iso639p2 s is the language represented by the ISO 639 part 2T or 2B language code s.

val is_iso639p3 : t -> bool

is_iso639p3 lang is true iff lang is represented in ISO 639-3, i.e. an individual language or macro language.

val to_iso639p3 : t -> string option

to_iso639p3 lang is the three-letter ISO 639-3 code for lang. The result coincides with the ISO 639-2 code if it exist, and may clash with an ISO 639-5 code for a language group.

val of_iso639p3 : string -> t option

of_string s is the language represented by the ISO 639-3 language code s.

val is_iso639p5 : t -> bool

is_iso639p3 lang is true iff lang is represented in ISO 693-5, i.e. a language family or group.

val to_iso639p5 : t -> string option

to_iso639p5 lang is the three-letter ISO 639-5 code for lang. The result coincides with the ISO 639-2 code if it exist, and may clash with an ISO 639-3 code for an individual language or macrolanguage.

val of_iso639p5 : string -> t option

of_string s is the language family or group represented by the ISO 639-5 code s.


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