package irmin-mirage-git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type git
include Mirage_kv.RW
type nonrec error = private [>
  1. | Mirage_kv.error
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
type t
val disconnect : t -> unit Lwt.t
type key = Mirage_kv.Key.t
val exists : t -> key -> ([ `Dictionary | `Value ] option, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val get : t -> key -> (string, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val get_partial : t -> key -> offset:Optint.Int63.t -> length:int -> (string, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val list : t -> key -> ((key * [ `Dictionary | `Value ]) list, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val last_modified : t -> key -> (Ptime.t, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val digest : t -> key -> (string, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val size : t -> key -> (Optint.Int63.t, error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
type nonrec write_error = private [>
  1. | Mirage_kv.write_error
val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t
val allocate : t -> key -> ?last_modified:Ptime.t -> Optint.Int63.t -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val set : t -> key -> string -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val set_partial : t -> key -> offset:Optint.Int63.t -> string -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val remove : t -> key -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val rename : t -> source:key -> dest:key -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val batch : t -> ?retries:int -> (t -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

batch t f run f in batch. Ensure the durability of operations.

Since a batch is applied at once, the readings inside a batch will return the state before the entire batch. Concurrent operations will not affect other ones executed during the batch.

Batch applications can fail to apply if other operations are happening concurrently. In case of failure, f will run again with the most recent version of t. The result is Error `Too_many_retries if f is run for more then retries attemps (default is 42).

val connect : ?depth:int -> ?branch:string -> ?root:key -> ?ctx:Mimic.ctx -> ?headers:(string * string) list -> ?author:(unit -> string) -> ?msg:([ `Set of key | `Remove of key | `Batch ] -> string) -> git -> string -> t Lwt.t

connect ?depth ?branch ?path ?author ?msg g c uri clones the given uri into g repository, using the given branch, depth and '/'-separated sub-path. By default, branch is main, depth is 1 and path is empty, ie. reads will be relative to the root of the repository. author, msg and c are used to create new commit info values on every update. By defaut author is fun () -> "irmin" <> and msg returns basic information about the kind of operations performed.


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