package iostream

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Output stream.

type t = private {
  1. output_char : char -> unit;

    Output a single char

  2. output : bytes -> int -> int -> unit;

    Output slice

  3. flush : unit -> unit;

    Flush underlying buffer

  4. close : unit -> unit;

    Close the output. Must be idempotent.

  5. as_fd : unit -> Unix.file_descr option;

    Cast into a file descriptor, if it actually is a direct wrapper of a Unix FD.


An output stream, ie. a place into which we can write bytes.

This can be a Buffer.t, an out_channel, a Unix.file_descr, etc.

val create : ?as_fd:(unit -> Unix.file_descr option) -> ?flush:(unit -> unit) -> ?close:(unit -> unit) -> output_char:(char -> unit) -> output:(bytes -> int -> int -> unit) -> unit -> t

Create a new output stream from raw components.

val dummy : t

Dummy output, drops everything written to it.

val of_out_channel : ?close_noerr:bool -> out_channel -> t

Wrap an out channel.

val of_unix_fd : Unix.file_descr -> t

Output stream directly writing into the given Unix file descriptor.

val of_buffer : Buffer.t -> t

of_buffer buf is an output channel that writes directly into buf. flush and close have no effect.

val open_file : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Unix.open_flag list -> string -> t

open_file file creates an out stream writing into the given file.

  • parameter mode

    permissions for the file creation

  • parameter flags

    set of unix flags to use. It must contain write permissions.

val with_open_file : ?mode:int -> ?flags:Unix.open_flag list -> string -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a
val output_char : t -> char -> unit

Output a single char

val output : t -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit

Write the slice of bytes.

val close : t -> unit

Close the stream. Idempotent.

val flush : t -> unit

Ensure the bytes written so far are indeed written to the underlying storage/network socket/… and are not just sitting in a buffer.

val output_string : t -> string -> unit

Output the whole string.

val output_lines : t -> string Seq.t -> unit

Output a series of lines, each terminated by '\n'.

val output_int : t -> int -> unit

Output an integer in decimal notation.

val tee : t list -> t

tee ocs is an output that accepts bytes and writes them to every output in ocs. When closed, it closes all elements of oc.

val pos : t -> int

Current position in the underlying file, if any.

  • raises Sys_error

    if this is not a wrapper around a unix FD.

val seek : t -> int -> unit

Move to the given location.

  • raises Sys_error

    if this is not a wrapper around a unix FD.

val map_char : (char -> char) -> t -> t

Transform the stream byte by byte


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