package inferno

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a structure
type variable
val id : variable -> int
val structure : variable -> variable structure option
val set_structure : variable -> variable structure option -> unit
val rank : variable -> int
val set_rank : variable -> int -> unit
val adjust_rank : variable -> int -> unit
val fresh : variable structure option -> int -> variable
exception Unify of variable * variable
val unify : variable -> variable -> unit
module VarMap : Hashtbl.S with type key = variable
val equivalent : variable -> variable -> bool
val is_representative : variable -> bool
exception Cycle of variable
val new_occurs_check : (variable -> bool) -> variable -> unit
val new_acyclic_decoder : (variable -> 'a) -> ('a structure -> 'a) -> variable -> 'a
val new_cyclic_decoder : (variable -> 'a) -> ('a structure -> 'a) -> (variable -> 'a -> 'a) -> variable -> 'a

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