Module type
Class type
Identity Suppressed Decision Diagrams (IDDs).
type t = private Dd.t
An IDD is just a DD with two additional structural constraints that ensure canonicity: two IDDs encode the same function iff they are the same IDD.
val manager : unit -> manager
val ident : t
The identity relation.
val empty : t
The empty relation.
For i < n, eval (test i b) env n = env (Var.inp i) = b && eval ident env n rel n (test i b) = { (x,x) | x \in B^n, x_i = b }
For i < n, eval (set i b) env n = eval ident env' n, where env' x = if x = Var.inp i then b else env x rel n (set i b) = { (x,xi:=b
) | x \in B^n }
branch mgr var hi lo
is the diagram that behaves like hi
when var = true
, and like lo
when var = false
apply mgr op t0 t1
is t
such that Bool.equal (op (eval t0 env n) (eval t1 env n)) (eval t env n)
O(1) structural equality.
PRECONDITION: The result of equal u v
is only defined when u
and v
were built using the same manager. Otherwise, the result is arbitrary.
eval tree env n
evaluates idd tree
in environment env
where the variable indices are 0,...,n-1