package http
Module type
Class type
type informational = [
| `Continue
(*Client should continue with request
*)| `Switching_protocols
(*Server is switching protocols
*)| `Processing
(*Server has received and is processing the request
*)| `Checkpoint
(*resume aborted PUT or POST requests
type success = [
| `OK
(*standard response for successful HTTP requests
*)| `Created
(*request has been fulfilled; new resource created
*)| `Accepted
(*request accepted, processing pending
*)| `No_content
(*request processed, no content returned
*)| `Reset_content
(*request processed, no content returned, reset document view
*)| `Partial_content
(*partial resource return due to request header
*)| `Multi_status
(*XML, can contain multiple separate responses
*)| `Already_reported
(*results previously returned
*)| `Im_used
(*request fulfilled, response is instance-manipulations
type redirection = [
| `Multiple_choices
(*multiple options for the resource delivered
*)| `Moved_permanently
(*this and all future requests directed to the given URI
*)| `Found
(*temporary response to request found via alternative URI
*)| `See_other
(*permanent response to request found via alternative URI
*)| `Not_modified
(*resource has not been modified since last requested
*)| `Use_proxy
(*content located elsewhere, retrieve from there
*)| `Switch_proxy
(*subsequent requests should use the specified proxy
*)| `Temporary_redirect
(*connect again to different URI as provided
*)| `Permanent_redirect
(*connect again to a different URI using the same method
type client_error = [
| `Bad_request
(*request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax
*)| `Payment_required
(*payment required, reserved for future use
*)| `Forbidden
(*server refuses to respond to request
*)| `Not_found
(*requested resource could not be found
*)| `Method_not_allowed
(*request method not supported by that resource
*)| `Not_acceptable
(*content not acceptable according to the Accept headers
*)| `Proxy_authentication_required
(*client must first authenticate itself with the proxy
*)| `Request_timeout
(*server timed out waiting for the request
*)| `Conflict
(*request could not be processed because of conflict
*)| `Gone
(*resource is no longer available and will not be available again
*)| `Length_required
(*request did not specify the length of its content
*)| `Precondition_failed
(*server does not meet request preconditions
*)| `Request_entity_too_large
(*request is larger than the server is willing or able to process
*)| `Request_uri_too_long
(*URI provided was too long for the server to process
*)| `Unsupported_media_type
(*server does not support media type
*)| `Requested_range_not_satisfiable
(*client has asked for unprovidable portion of the file
*)| `Expectation_failed
(*server cannot meet requirements of Expect request-header field
*)| `I_m_a_teapot
(*I'm a teapot
*)| `Enhance_your_calm
(*Twitter rate limiting
*)| `Unprocessable_entity
(*request unable to be followed due to semantic errors
*)| `Locked
(*resource that is being accessed is locked
*)| `Failed_dependency
(*request failed due to failure of a previous request
*)| `Upgrade_required
(*client should switch to a different protocol
*)| `Precondition_required
(*origin server requires the request to be conditional
*)| `Too_many_requests
(*user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time
*)| `Request_header_fields_too_large
(*server is unwilling to process the request
*)| `No_response
(*server returns no information and closes the connection
*)| `Retry_with
(*request should be retried after performing action
*)| `Blocked_by_windows_parental_controls
(*Windows Parental Controls blocking access to webpage
*)| `Wrong_exchange_server
(*the server cannot reach the client's mailbox
*)| `Client_closed_request
(*connection closed by client while HTTP server is processing
type server_error = [
| `Internal_server_error
(*generic error message
*)| `Not_implemented
(*server does not recognise method or lacks ability to fulfill
*)| `Bad_gateway
(*server received an invalid response from upstream server
*)| `Gateway_timeout
(*gateway did not receive response from upstream server
*)| `Http_version_not_supported
(*server does not support the HTTP protocol version
*)| `Variant_also_negotiates
(*content negotiation for the request results in a circular reference
*)| `Insufficient_storage
(*server is unable to store the representation
*)| `Loop_detected
(*server detected an infinite loop while processing the request
*)| `Bandwidth_limit_exceeded
(*bandwidth limit exceeded
*)| `Not_extended
(*further extensions to the request are required
*)| `Network_authentication_required
(*client needs to authenticate to gain network access
*)| `Network_read_timeout_error
(*network read timeout behind the proxy
*)| `Network_connect_timeout_error
(*network connect timeout behind the proxy
val to_string : t -> string
val to_int : t -> int
val of_int : int -> t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit