package hiredis
Module type
Class type
val error_string : t -> string option
Returns the error string associated with a hiredis context
val connect :
?scripts:(string, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t ->
?auth:string ->
?nonblock:bool ->
?port:int ->
string ->
Create a new client connection
val of_fd :
?scripts:(string, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t ->
?close_fd:bool ->
Unix.file_descr ->
Create a new client from an existing file descr
val to_fd : t -> Unix.file_descr
Get the underlying file descr
Similar to append_command
but using a command made of Hiredis Value.ts
val get_reply : t -> Value.t option
get_reply client
executes the queued commands and returns the result
val run : t -> string array -> Value.t
Execute a command formatted as an array of strings and return the reply immediately
val run_v : t -> Value.t array -> Value.t
Execute a command formatted as an array of Value.ts and return the reply immediately
val load_script : t -> string -> string -> unit
load_script name script
will load a lua script onto the server and make it available from the existing * client as name
val call_script : t -> string -> int -> string list -> Value.t
call_script client name nkeys args
calls a script by name with the given number of keys and arguments
val call_script_v : t -> string -> int -> Value.t list -> Value.t
Similar to call_script
but with a list of Value.ts for arguments