sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">
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module Schema : Graphql_intf.Schema
module IO : Cohttp.S.IO with type 'a t = 'a Schema.Io.t
module Body : HttpBody with type +'a io := 'a Schema.Io.t
type response_action = [
| `Expert of Cohttp.Response.t * (IO.ic -> IO.oc -> unit IO.t)
| `Response of Cohttp.Response.t * Body.t
type 'conn callback =
'conn ->
Cohttp.Request.t ->
Body.t ->
response_action IO.t
val execute_request :
'ctx Schema.schema ->
'ctx ->
Cohttp.Request.t ->
Body.t ->
response_action IO.t
val make_callback :
(Cohttp.Request.t -> 'ctx) ->
'ctx Schema.schema ->
'conn callback