package gpt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = private {
  1. type_guid : Uuidm.t;
  2. partition_guid : Uuidm.t;
  3. starting_lba : int64;
  4. ending_lba : int64;
  5. attributes : int64;
  6. name : string;

private field types for the Partition record. Can be created using the smart constructors make

val make : ?name:string -> type_guid:Uuidm.t -> attributes:int64 -> int64 -> int64 -> (t, string) result

make ?name ~type_guid ~attributes starting_lba ending_lba constructs a Partition.t. name is assumed to be a zero-padded utf-16le encoded string.

val is_zero_partition : t -> bool

is_zero_partition partition is true if partition is the all-zero partition (i.e. the unused partition entry)

val unmarshal : Cstruct.t -> t

unmarshal buf is the partition entry encoded in the beginning of buf.

val marshal : Cstruct.t -> t -> unit

marshal buf partition serializes the partition entry at the beginning of buf


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