package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val to_string' : ?len:int -> ?encoding:Yaml.encoding -> ?scalar_style:Yaml.scalar_style -> ?layout_style:Yaml.layout_style -> Yaml.value -> (string, [> `Msg of string ]) result
include module type of struct include Yaml.Util end

Utility functions for yaml

The Util modules provides combinators and useful functions for manipulating yaml and OCaml values.

exception Value_error of string

An exception raised when the wrong type of yaml value is passed to a utility function.

val keys : Yaml.value -> string list Yaml.res

keys obj returns the keys of the object value or an error if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val keys_exn : Yaml.value -> string list

keys_exn obj is the same as keys except it raises an exception.

val values : Yaml.value -> Yaml.value list Yaml.res

values obj returns the values of the object value or an error if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val values_exn : Yaml.value -> Yaml.value list

values_exn obj is the same as values except it raises an exception.

combine a b combines the key-value pairs of the two objects or returns an error if the wrong type of value is given as an argument.

val combine_exn : Yaml.value -> Yaml.value -> Yaml.value

combines_exn a b is the same as combines except it raises an exception.

val find_exn : string -> Yaml.value -> Yaml.value option

find_exn s obj is the same as find except it raises an exception.

map f arr applies f to every value in arr, an error is retured if the wrong type of value is given.

val map_exn : (Yaml.value -> Yaml.value) -> Yaml.value -> Yaml.value

map_exn f obj is the same as map except it raises an exception.

val filter : (Yaml.value -> bool) -> Yaml.value -> Yaml.value Yaml.res

filter f arr filters out values in arr using f, an error is retured if the wrong type of value is given.

val filter_exn : (Yaml.value -> bool) -> Yaml.value -> Yaml.value

filter_exn p obj is the same as filter except it raises an exception.

val to_string : Yaml.value -> string Yaml.res

to_string v tries to convert v to a string if the underlying value is a string.

val to_string_exn : Yaml.value -> string

to_string_exn v is the same as to_string except it raises an exception.

val to_bool : Yaml.value -> bool Yaml.res

to_bool v tries to convert v to a boolean if the underlying value is a boolean.

val to_bool_exn : Yaml.value -> bool

to_bool_exn v is the same as to_bool except it raises an exception.

val to_float : Yaml.value -> float Yaml.res

to_float v tries to convert v to a float if the underlying value is a float.

val to_float_exn : Yaml.value -> float

to_float_exn v is the same as to_float except it raises an exception.

val string : string -> Yaml.value

Make a value from a string.

val bool : bool -> Yaml.value

Make a value from a boolean.

val float : float -> Yaml.value

Make a value from a float.

val obj : (string * Yaml.value) list -> Yaml.value

Make a value from an association list.

include module type of struct include GobResult.Syntax end

Open this to use applicative functor/monad syntax for result.

val let+ : ('a, 'b) result -> ('a -> 'c) -> ('c, 'b) result
val and+ : ('a, 'b) result -> ('c, 'b) result -> ('a * 'c, 'b) result
val let* : ('a, 'b) result -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) result) -> ('c, 'b) result
val and* : ('a, 'b) result -> ('c, 'b) result -> ('a * 'c, 'b) result
val (>>=) : ('a, 'b) result -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) result) -> ('c, 'b) result
val option_map : ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> 'a option -> ('b option, 'e) result
val list_map : ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> 'a list -> ('b list, 'e) result
val find : string -> Yaml.value -> (Yaml.value, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val to_int : Yaml.value -> (int, [ `Msg of string ]) result
val list : [> `A of 'a ] -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) result
val entries : [> `O of 'a ] -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) result

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