package goblint

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module Idx : IdxPrintable


type idx = Idx.t
module Offs : sig ... end
type t =
  1. | Addr of CilType.Varinfo.t * Offs.t

    Pointer to offset of a variable.

  2. | NullPtr

    NULL pointer.

  3. | UnknownPtr

    Unknown pointer. Could point to globals, heap and escaped variables.

  4. | StrPtr of string option

    String literal pointer. StrPtr None abstracts any string pointer

val equal : t -> t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.bool
val compare : t -> t ->
val hash : t -> int
include module type of struct include Printable.Std end
val trace_enabled : bool
val tag : 'a -> 'b
val relift : 'a -> 'a
val name : unit -> string
val to_group : t -> option
val from_var : CilType.Varinfo.t -> t
val from_var_offset : (CilType.Varinfo.t * Offs.t) -> t
val to_var : t -> CilType.Varinfo.t option
val to_var_may : t -> CilType.Varinfo.t option
val to_var_must : t -> CilType.Varinfo.t option
val to_var_offset : t -> (CilType.Varinfo.t * Offs.t) option
val from_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string option
val short_offs : [< `Field of GoblintCil.fieldinfo * 'a | `Index of Idx.t * 'a | `NoOffset ] as 'a -> string
val short_addr : (GoblintCil.varinfo * [< `Field of GoblintCil.fieldinfo * 'a & GoblintCil.fieldinfo * 'a | `Index of Idx.t * 'a & Idx.t * 'a | `NoOffset ] as 'a) -> string
val show : t -> string
include sig ... end
val pretty : unit -> t -> GoblintCil.Pretty.doc
val printXml : 'a BatInnerIO.output -> t -> unit
val to_yojson : t -> [> `String of string ]
exception Type_offset of GoblintCil.typ * string
val type_offset : GoblintCil.typ -> [ `Field of GoblintCil.fieldinfo * 'a | `Index of Idx.t * 'a | `NoOffset ] as 'a -> GoblintCil.typ
val get_type_addr : (GoblintCil.varinfo * [ `Field of GoblintCil.fieldinfo * 'a | `Index of Idx.t * 'a | `NoOffset ] as 'a) -> GoblintCil.typ
val get_type : t -> GoblintCil.typ
val is_zero_offset : Offs.t -> bool
val to_exp : (idx -> GoblintCil.exp) -> t -> GoblintCil.exp
val add_offsets : [< `Field of 'b * 'a | `Index of 'c * 'a | `NoOffset ] as 'a -> [> `Field of 'b * 'd | `Index of 'c * 'd ] as 'd -> 'd
val add_offset : t -> Offs.t -> t
val remove_offset : [< `Field of 'b * 'a | `Index of 'c * 'a | `NoOffset NoOffset ] as 'a -> [> `Field of 'b * 'd | `Index of 'c * 'd | `NoOffset ] as 'd
val arbitrary : unit -> t QCheck.arbitrary

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