package gitlab

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type wiki_attributes = Gitlab_t.wiki_attributes = {
  1. wiki_attributes_title : string;
  2. wiki_attributes_content : string;
  3. wiki_attributes_format : string;
  4. wiki_attributes_slug : string;
  5. wiki_attributes_url : string;
  6. wiki_attributes_action : string;
  7. wiki_attributes_diff_url : string;
type wiki = = {
  1. wiki_web_url : string;
  2. wiki_git_ssh_url : string;
  3. wiki_git_http_url : string;
  4. wiki_path_with_namespace : string;
  5. wiki_default_branch : string;
type user_short = Gitlab_t.user_short = {
  1. user_short_id : int;
  2. user_short_name : string;
  3. user_short_username : string;
  4. user_short_state : string option;
  5. user_short_avatar_url : string option;
  6. user_short_web_url : string option;
  7. user_short_email : string option;
type project_webhook = Gitlab_t.project_webhook = {
  1. project_webhook_id : int;
  2. project_webhook_name : string;
  3. project_webhook_description : string option;
  4. project_webhook_web_url : string;
  5. project_webhook_avatar_url : string option;
  6. project_webhook_ci_config_path : string option;
  7. project_webhook_git_ssh_url : string;
  8. project_webhook_git_http_url : string;
  9. project_webhook_namespace : string;
  10. project_webhook_path_with_namespace : string;
  11. project_webhook_visibility_level : int;
  12. project_webhook_default_branch : string;
type wiki_page_webhook = Gitlab_t.wiki_page_webhook = {
  1. wiki_page_webhook_user : user_short;
  2. wiki_page_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  3. wiki_page_webhook_wiki : wiki;
  4. wiki_page_webhook_attributes : wiki_attributes;
type wiki_page = Gitlab_t.wiki_page = {
  1. wiki_page_format : string;
  2. wiki_page_slug : string;
  3. wiki_page_title : string;
type updated_by_id = Gitlab_t.updated_by_id = {
  1. update_by_id_previous : int option;
  2. update_by_id_current : int;
type updated_at = Gitlab_t.updated_at = {
  1. updated_at_previous : string;
  2. updated_at_current : string;
type state = Gitlab_t.state
type source = Gitlab_t.source = {
  1. source_format : string;
  2. source_url : string;
type runner_type = Gitlab_t.runner_type
type runner = Gitlab_t.runner = {
  1. runner_id : int;
  2. runner_description : string;
  3. runner_runner_type : runner_type;
  4. runner_active : bool;
  5. runner_is_shared : bool;
  6. runner_tags : string list option;
type repository = Gitlab_t.repository = {
  1. repository_name : string;
  2. repository_url : string;
  3. repository_description : string;
  4. repository_homepage : string;
  5. repository_git_http_url : string option;
  6. repository_git_ssh_url : string option;
  7. repository_visibility_level : int option;
type date_time = Gitlab_t.date_time
type author = = {
  1. author_name : string;
  2. author_email : string;
type commit_short_webhook = Gitlab_t.commit_short_webhook = {
  1. commit_short_webhook_id : string;
  2. commit_short_webhook_message : string;
  3. commit_short_webhook_title : string;
  4. commit_short_webhook_timestamp : string;
  5. commit_short_webhook_url : string;
  6. commit_short_webhook_author : author;
type assets = Gitlab_t.assets = {
  1. assets_count : int;
  2. assets_sources : source list;
type release_webhook = Gitlab_t.release_webhook = {
  1. release_webhook_id : int;
  2. release_webhook_created_at : date_time;
  3. release_webhook_description : string;
  4. release_webhook_name : string;
  5. release_webhook_released_at : string;
  6. release_webhook_tag : string;
  7. release_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  8. release_webhook_url : string;
  9. release_webhook_action : string;
  10. release_webhook_assets : assets;
  11. release_webhook_commit : commit_short_webhook;
type commit_webhook = Gitlab_t.commit_webhook = {
  1. commit_webhook_id : string;
  2. commit_webhook_message : string;
  3. commit_webhook_title : string;
  4. commit_webhook_timestamp : string;
  5. commit_webhook_url : string;
  6. commit_webhook_author : author;
  7. commit_webhook_added : string list;
  8. commit_webhook_modified : string list;
  9. commit_webhook_removed : string list;
type commits_webhook = Gitlab_t.commits_webhook
type push_webhook = Gitlab_t.push_webhook = {
  1. push_webhook_event_name : string;
  2. push_webhook_before : string;
  3. push_webhook_after : string;
  4. push_webhook_ref : string;
  5. push_webhook_checkout_sha : string;
  6. push_webhook_message : string option;
  7. push_webhook_user_id : int;
  8. push_webhook_user_name : string;
  9. push_webhook_user_username : string;
  10. push_webhook_user_email : string option;
  11. push_webhook_user_avatar : string;
  12. push_webhook_project_id : int;
  13. push_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  14. push_webhook_commits : commits_webhook;
  15. push_webhook_total_commits_count : int;
  16. push_webhook_repository : repository;
type artifacts_file = Gitlab_t.artifacts_file = {
  1. artifacts_file_filename : string option;
  2. artifacts_file_size : int option;
type pipeline_build = Gitlab_t.pipeline_build = {
  1. pipeline_build_id : int;
  2. pipeline_build_stage : string;
  3. pipeline_build_name : string;
  4. pipeline_build_status : string;
  5. pipeline_build_created_at : date_time;
  6. pipeline_build_started_at : date_time option;
  7. pipeline_build_finished_at : date_time option;
  8. pipeline_build_duration : float option;
  9. pipeline_build_queued_duration : float option;
  10. pipeline_build_when : string;
  11. pipeline_build_manual : bool;
  12. pipeline_build_allow_failure : bool;
  13. pipeline_build_user : user_short;
  14. pipeline_build_runner : runner option;
  15. pipeline_build_artifacts_file : artifacts_file;
  16. pipeline_build_environment : string option;
type pipeline_attributes = Gitlab_t.pipeline_attributes = {
  1. pipeline_attributes_id : int;
  2. pipeline_attributes_ref : string;
  3. pipeline_attributes_tag : bool;
  4. pipeline_attributes_sha : string;
  5. pipeline_attributes_before_sha : string;
  6. pipeline_attributes_source : string;
  7. pipeline_attributes_status : string;
  8. pipeline_attributes_detailed_status : string;
  9. pipeline_attributes_stages : string list;
  10. pipeline_attributes_created_at : date_time;
  11. pipeline_attributes_finished_at : date_time;
  12. pipeline_attributes_duration : int;
  13. pipeline_attributes_queued_duration : int;
  14. pipeline_attributes_variables : string list;
type merge_status = Gitlab_t.merge_status
type merge_request_short = Gitlab_t.merge_request_short = {
  1. merge_request_short_id : int;
  2. merge_request_short_iid : int;
  3. merge_request_short_title : string;
  4. merge_request_short_source_branch : string;
  5. merge_request_short_source_project_id : int;
  6. merge_request_short_target_branch : string;
  7. merge_request_short_target_project_id : int;
  8. merge_request_short_state : state;
  9. merge_request_short_merge_status : merge_status;
  10. merge_request_short_url : string;
type pipeline_webhook = Gitlab_t.pipeline_webhook = {
  1. pipeline_webhook_attributes : pipeline_attributes;
  2. pipeline_webhook_merge_request : merge_request_short;
  3. pipeline_webhook_user : user_short;
  4. pipeline_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  5. pipeline_webhook_commit : commit_short_webhook;
  6. pipeline_webhook_builds : pipeline_build list;
type date =
type note_issue = Gitlab_t.note_issue = {
  1. note_issue_author_id : int;
  2. note_issue_closed_at : date_time option;
  3. note_issue_confidential : bool;
  4. note_issue_created_at : date_time;
  5. note_issue_description : string;
  6. note_issue_discussion_locked : string option;
  7. note_issue_due_date : date option;
  8. note_issue_id : int;
  9. note_issue_iid : int;
  10. note_issue_last_edited_at : date_time option;
  11. note_issue_last_edited_by_id : int option;
  12. note_issue_milestone_id : int option;
  13. note_issue_moved_to_id : string option;
  14. note_issue_duplicated_to_id : int option;
  15. note_issue_project_id : int;
  16. note_issue_relative_position : int;
  17. note_issue_state_id : int;
  18. note_issue_time_estimate : int;
  19. note_issue_title : string;
  20. note_issue_updated_at : date_time;
  21. note_issue_updated_by_id : string option;
  22. note_issue_weight : string option;
  23. note_issue_url : string;
  24. note_issue_total_time_spent : int;
  25. note_issue_time_change : int;
  26. note_issue_human_total_time_spent : int option;
  27. note_issue_human_time_change : int option;
  28. note_issue_human_time_estimate : int option;
  29. note_issue_assignee_ids : int list;
  30. note_issue_assignee_id : int;
  31. note_issue_labels : string list;
  32. note_issue_state : state;
  33. note_issue_severity : string;
type note_attributes = Gitlab_t.note_attributes = {
  1. note_attrbutes_attachment : string option;
  2. note_attrbutes_author_id : int;
  3. note_attrbutes_change_position : string option;
  4. note_attrbutes_commit_id : string option;
  5. note_attrbutes_created_at : date_time;
  6. note_attrbutes_discussion_id : string;
  7. note_attrbutes_id : int;
  8. note_attrbutes_line_code : int option;
  9. note_attrbutes_note : string;
  10. note_attrbutes_noteable_id : int;
  11. note_attrbutes_noteable_type : string;
  12. note_attrbutes_original_position : string option;
  13. note_attrbutes_position : string option;
  14. note_attrbutes_project_id : int;
  15. note_attrbutes_resolved_at : date_time option;
  16. note_attrbutes_resolved_by_id : string option;
  17. note_attrbutes_resolved_by_push : string option;
  18. note_attrbutes_st_diff : string option;
  19. note_attrbutes_system : bool;
  20. note_attrbutes_note_attribute_type : string option;
  21. note_attrbutes_updated_at : date_time;
  22. note_attrbutes_updated_by_id : string option;
  23. note_attrbutes_description : string;
  24. note_attrbutes_url : string;
type note_webhook = Gitlab_t.note_webhook = {
  1. note_webhook_event_type : string;
  2. note_webhook_user : user_short;
  3. note_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  4. note_webhook_attributes : note_attributes;
  5. note_webhook_repository : repository;
  6. note_webhook_project_id : int;
  7. note_webhook_issue : note_issue;
type assignees = Gitlab_t.assignees = {
  1. assignees_previous : user_short list;
  2. assignees_current : user_short list;
type merge_request_changes = Gitlab_t.merge_request_changes = {
  1. merge_request_changes_updated_by_id : updated_by_id option;
  2. merge_request_changes_updated_at : updated_at option;
  3. merge_request_changes_assignees : assignees option;
type merge_params = Gitlab_t.merge_params = {
  1. merge_params_force_remove_source_branch : string;
type merge_request_attributes = Gitlab_t.merge_request_attributes = {
  1. merge_request_attributes_action : string option;
  2. merge_request_attributes_assignee_id : int option;
  3. merge_request_attributes_assignee_ids : int list;
  4. merge_request_attributes_author_id : int;
  5. merge_request_attributes_created_at : date_time;
  6. merge_request_attributes_description : string;
  7. merge_request_attributes_head_pipeline_id : int option;
  8. merge_request_attributes_id : int;
  9. merge_request_attributes_iid : int;
  10. merge_request_attributes_last_edited_at : date_time option;
  11. merge_request_attributes_last_edited_by_id : int option;
  12. merge_request_attributes_last_commit : commit_short_webhook;
  13. merge_request_attributes_oldrev : string option;
  14. merge_request_attributes_merge_commit_sha : string option;
  15. merge_request_attributes_merge_error : string option;
  16. merge_request_attributes_merge_params : merge_params;
  17. merge_request_attributes_merge_status : merge_status;
  18. merge_request_attributes_merge_user_id : int option;
  19. merge_request_attributes_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds : bool;
  20. merge_request_attributes_milestone_id : int option;
  21. merge_request_attributes_source : project_webhook;
  22. merge_request_attributes_source_branch : string;
  23. merge_request_attributes_source_project_id : int;
  24. merge_request_attributes_state_id : int;
  25. merge_request_attributes_state : string;
  26. merge_request_attributes_target : project_webhook;
  27. merge_request_attributes_target_branch : string;
  28. merge_request_attributes_target_project_id : int;
  29. merge_request_attributes_title : string;
  30. merge_request_attributes_updated_at : date_time;
  31. merge_request_attributes_updated_by_id : int option;
  32. merge_request_attributes_url : string;
  33. merge_request_attributes_work_in_progress : bool;
  34. merge_request_attributes_total_time_spent : int;
  35. merge_request_attributes_time_change : int;
  36. merge_request_attributes_time_estimate : int;
  37. merge_request_attributes_human_total_time_spent : int option;
  38. merge_request_attributes_human_time_change : int option;
  39. merge_request_attributes_human_time_estimate : int option;
type label = Gitlab_t.label = {
  1. label_id : int;
  2. label_title : string;
  3. label_color : string;
  4. label_project_id : int;
  5. label_created_at : date_time;
  6. label_updated_at : date_time;
  7. label_template : bool;
  8. label_description : string option;
  9. label_label_type : string;
  10. label_group_id : int option;
type merge_request_webhook = Gitlab_t.merge_request_webhook = {
  1. merge_request_webhook_event_type : string;
  2. merge_request_webhook_user : user_short;
  3. merge_request_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  4. merge_request_webhook_attributes : merge_request_attributes;
  5. merge_request_webhook_repository : repository;
  6. merge_request_webhook_labels : label list;
  7. merge_request_webhook_changes : merge_request_changes option;
  8. merge_request_webhook_assignees : user_short list option;
type job_webhook_commit = Gitlab_t.job_webhook_commit = {
  1. job_webhook_commit_id : int;
  2. job_webhook_commit_sha : string;
  3. job_webhook_commit_message : string;
  4. job_webhook_commit_author_name : string;
  5. job_webhook_commit_author_email : string;
  6. job_webhook_commit_author_url : string;
  7. job_webhook_commit_status : string;
  8. job_webhook_commit_duration : float option;
  9. job_webhook_commit_started_at : date_time;
  10. job_webhook_commit_finished_at : date_time option;
type job_webhook = Gitlab_t.job_webhook = {
  1. job_webhook_ref : string;
  2. job_webhook_tag : bool;
  3. job_webhook_before_sha : string;
  4. job_webhook_sha : string;
  5. job_webhook_build_id : int;
  6. job_webhook_build_name : string;
  7. job_webhook_build_stage : string;
  8. job_webhook_build_status : string;
  9. job_webhook_build_created_at : date_time;
  10. job_webhook_build_started_at : date_time;
  11. job_webhook_build_finished_at : date_time;
  12. job_webhook_build_duration : float;
  13. job_webhook_build_queued_duration : float;
  14. job_webhook_build_allow_failure : bool;
  15. job_webhook_build_failure_reason : string;
  16. job_webhook_pipeline_id : int;
  17. job_webhook_runner : runner;
  18. job_webhook_project_id : int;
  19. job_webhook_project_name : string;
  20. job_webhook_user : user_short;
  21. job_webhook_commit : job_webhook_commit;
  22. job_webhook_repository : repository;
  23. job_webhook_environment : string option;
type issue_attributes = Gitlab_t.issue_attributes = {
  1. issue_attributes_assignee_id : int option;
  2. issue_attributes_assignee_ids : int list;
  3. issue_attributes_author_id : int;
  4. issue_attributes_closed_at : date_time option;
  5. issue_attributes_confidential : bool;
  6. issue_attributes_created_at : date_time;
  7. issue_attributes_description : string;
  8. issue_attributes_discussion_locked : string option;
  9. issue_attributes_due_date : string option;
  10. issue_attributes_duplicated_to_id : string option;
  11. issue_attributes_human_time_change : string option;
  12. issue_attributes_human_time_estimate : string option;
  13. issue_attributes_human_total_time_spent : string option;
  14. issue_attributes_id : int;
  15. issue_attributes_iid : int;
  16. issue_attributes_labels : string list;
  17. issue_attributes_last_edited_at : date_time option;
  18. issue_attributes_last_edited_by_id : int option;
  19. issue_attributes_milestone_id : int option;
  20. issue_attributes_moved_to_id : int option;
  21. issue_attributes_project_id : int;
  22. issue_attributes_relative_position : int;
  23. issue_attributes_severity : string;
  24. issue_attributes_state : string;
  25. issue_attributes_state_id : int;
  26. issue_attributes_time_change : int;
  27. issue_attributes_time_estimate : int;
  28. issue_attributes_title : string;
  29. issue_attributes_total_time_spent : int;
  30. issue_attributes_updated_at : date_time;
  31. issue_attributes_updated_by_id : int option;
  32. issue_attributes_url : string;
  33. issue_attributes_weight : int option;
type issue_webhook = Gitlab_t.issue_webhook = {
  1. issue_webhook_event_type : string;
  2. issue_webhook_user : user_short;
  3. issue_webhook_project : project_webhook;
  4. issue_webhook_attributes : issue_attributes;
  5. issue_webhook_labels : label list;
  6. issue_webhook_repository : repository;
  7. issue_webhook_assignees : user_short list;
type feature_flag_attributes = Gitlab_t.feature_flag_attributes = {
  1. id : int;
  2. name : string;
  3. description : string;
  4. active : bool;
type feature_flag_webhook = Gitlab_t.feature_flag_webhook = {
  1. project : project_webhook;
  2. user : user_short;
  3. user_url : string;
  4. object_attributes : feature_flag_attributes;
type deployment_webhook = Gitlab_t.deployment_webhook = {
  1. status : string;
  2. status_changed_at : date_time;
  3. deployment_id : int;
  4. deployable_id : int;
  5. deployable_url : string;
  6. environment : string;
  7. project : project_webhook;
  8. short_sha : string;
  9. user : user_short;
  10. user_url : string;
  11. commit_url : string;
  12. commit_title : string;
type webhook = Gitlab_t.webhook
type webhooks = Gitlab_t.webhooks
type visibility = Gitlab_t.visibility
type users = Gitlab_t.users
type user = Gitlab_t.user = {
  1. user_id : Int64.t;
  2. user_username : string;
  3. user_name : string;
  4. user_state : string;
  5. user_avatar_url : string option;
  6. user_web_url : string;
  7. user_created_at : date_time;
  8. user_bio : string option;
  9. user_bio_html : string option;
  10. user_location : string option;
  11. user_public_email : string option;
  12. user_skype : string option;
  13. user_linkedin : string option;
  14. user_twitter : string option;
  15. user_website_url : string option;
  16. user_organization : string option;
  17. user_job_title : string option;
  18. user_pronouns : string option;
  19. user_bot : bool;
  20. user_work_information : string option;
  21. user_followers : int;
  22. user_following : int;
type time_stats = Gitlab_t.time_stats = {
  1. time_stats_time_estimate : int;
  2. time_stats_total_time_spent : int;
  3. time_stats_human_time_estimate : string option;
  4. time_stats_human_total_time_spent : string option;
type task_completion_status = Gitlab_t.task_completion_status = {
  1. time_completion_status_count : int;
  2. time_completion_status_completed_count : int;
type status_check_status = Gitlab_t.status_check_status
type status_check = Gitlab_t.status_check = {
  1. status_check_id : int;
  2. status_check_name : string;
  3. status_check_external_url : string;
  4. status_check_status : status_check_status;
type status_checks = Gitlab_t.status_checks
type statistics = Gitlab_t.statistics = {
  1. statistics_commit_count : int;
  2. statistics_storage_size : int;
  3. statistics_repository_size : int;
  4. statistics_wiki_size : int;
  5. statistics_lfs_objects_size : int;
  6. statistics_job_artifacts_size : int;
  7. statistics_packages_size : int;
  8. statistics_snippets_size : int;
type sort = Gitlab_t.sort
type pipeline_status = Gitlab_t.pipeline_status
type pipeline_source = Gitlab_t.pipeline_source
type single_pipeline = Gitlab_t.single_pipeline = {
  1. id : int;
  2. iid : int;
  3. project_id : int;
  4. status : pipeline_status;
  5. source : pipeline_source;
  6. ref : string;
  7. sha : string;
  8. web_url : string;
  9. started_at : date_time option;
  10. created_at : date_time option;
  11. updated_at : date_time option;
  12. finished_at : date_time option;
type scope = Gitlab_t.scope
type runners = Gitlab_t.runners
type references = Gitlab_t.references = {
  1. references_short : string;
  2. references_relative : string;
  3. references_full : string;
type push_data = Gitlab_t.push_data = {
  1. push_data_commit_count : int;
  2. push_data_action : string;
  3. push_data_ref_type : string;
  4. push_data_commit_from : string option;
  5. push_data_commit_to : string option;
  6. push_data_ref : string option;
  7. push_data_commit_title : string option;
  8. push_data_ref_count : int option;
type namespace = Gitlab_t.namespace = {
  1. namespace_id : int;
  2. namespace_name : string;
  3. namespace_path : string;
  4. namespace_kind : string;
  5. namespace_full_path : string;
  6. namespace_parent_id : int option;
  7. namespace_avatar_url : string option;
  8. namespace_web_url : string;
type project_short = Gitlab_t.project_short = {
  1. project_short_id : int;
  2. project_short_name : string;
  3. project_short_description : string;
  4. project_short_name_with_namespace : string;
  5. project_short_path : string;
  6. project_short_path_with_namespace : string;
  7. project_short_created_at : date_time;
  8. project_short_default_branch : string;
  9. project_short_tag_list : string list option;
  10. project_short_topics : string list option;
  11. project_short_ssh_url_to_repo : string;
  12. project_short_http_url_to_repo : string;
  13. project_short_web_url : string;
  14. project_short_readme_url : string option;
  15. project_short_avatar_url : string option;
  16. project_short_forks_count : int;
  17. project_short_star_count : int;
  18. project_short_last_activity_at : date_time;
  19. project_short_namespace : namespace;
type projects_short = Gitlab_t.projects_short
type project_access = Gitlab_t.project_access = {
  1. project_access_access_level : int;
  2. project_access_notification_level : int;
type permissions = Gitlab_t.permissions = {
  1. permissions_group_access : string option;
  2. permissions_project_access : project_access;
type merge_method = Gitlab_t.merge_method
type container_expiration_policy = Gitlab_t.container_expiration_policy = {
  1. container_expiration_policy_cadence : string;
  2. container_expiration_policy_enabled : bool;
  3. container_expiration_policy_keep_n : int;
  4. container_expiration_policy_name_regex : string;
  5. container_expiration_policy_name_regex_keep : string option;
  6. container_expiration_policy_next_run_at : date_time;
  7. container_expiration_policy_older_than : string;
type project_full = Gitlab_t.project_full = {
  1. project_full_id : int;
  2. project_full_name : string;
  3. project_full_description : string;
  4. project_full_name_with_namespace : string;
  5. project_full_created_at : date_time;
  6. project_full_default_branch : string;
  7. project_full_tag_list : string list option;
  8. project_full_topics : string list option;
  9. project_full_ssh_url_to_repo : string;
  10. project_full_http_url_to_repo : string;
  11. project_full_web_url : string;
  12. project_full_readme_url : string option;
  13. project_full_avatar_url : string option;
  14. project_full_forks_count : int;
  15. project_full_star_count : int;
  16. project_full_last_activity_at : date_time;
  17. project_full_namespace : namespace;
  18. project_full_runners_token : string option;
  19. project_full_statistics : statistics option;
  20. project_full_allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline : bool option;
  21. project_full_analytics_access_level : string;
  22. project_full_approvals_before_merge : int;
  23. project_full_archived : bool;
  24. project_full_auto_cancel_pending_pipelines : string;
  25. project_full_auto_devops_deploy_strategy : string;
  26. project_full_auto_devops_enabled : bool;
  27. project_full_autoclose_referenced_issues : bool;
  28. project_full_build_coverage_regex : string option;
  29. project_full_build_timeout : int;
  30. project_full_builds_access_level : string;
  31. project_full_can_create_merge_request_in : bool;
  32. project_full_ci_config_path : string option;
  33. project_full_ci_default_git_depth : int option;
  34. project_full_ci_forward_deployment_enabled : bool option;
  35. project_full_ci_job_token_scope_enabled : bool;
  36. project_full_compliance_frameworks : string list;
  37. project_full_container_expiration_policy : container_expiration_policy option;
  38. project_full_container_registry_access_level : string;
  39. project_full_container_registry_enabled : bool;
  40. project_full_container_registry_image_prefix : string;
  41. project_full_creator_id : int;
  42. project_full_emails_disabled : string option;
  43. project_full_empty_repo : bool;
  44. project_full_external_authorization_classification_label : string;
  45. project_full_forked_from_project : project_short option;
  46. project_full_forking_access_level : string;
  47. project_full_import_status : string;
  48. project_full_issues_access_level : string;
  49. project_full_issues_enabled : bool;
  50. project_full_issues_template : string option;
  51. project_full_jobs_enabled : bool;
  52. project_full_keep_latest_artifact : bool;
  53. project_full_lfs_enabled : bool;
  54. project_full_marked_for_deletion_at : date option;
  55. project_full_marked_for_deletion_on : date option;
  56. project_full_merge_method : merge_method;
  57. project_full_merge_pipelines_enabled : bool;
  58. project_full_merge_requests_access_level : string;
  59. project_full_merge_requests_enabled : bool;
  60. project_full_merge_requests_template : string option;
  61. project_full_merge_trains_enabled : bool;
  62. project_full_mirror : bool;
  63. project_full_only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved : bool option;
  64. project_full_only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds : bool;
  65. project_full_open_issues_count : int;
  66. project_full_operations_access_level : string;
  67. project_full_owner : user_short;
  68. project_full_packages_enabled : bool option;
  69. project_full_pages_access_level : string;
  70. project_full_path : string;
  71. project_full_path_with_namespace : string;
  72. project_full_permissions : permissions;
  73. project_full_public_jobs : bool;
  74. project_full_remove_source_branch_after_merge : bool option;
  75. project_full_repository_access_level : string;
  76. project_full_request_access_enabled : bool;
  77. project_full_requirements_enabled : bool;
  78. project_full_resolve_outdated_diff_discussions : bool option;
  79. project_full_restrict_user_defined_variables : bool option;
  80. project_full_security_and_compliance_enabled : bool;
  81. project_full_service_desk_address : string option;
  82. project_full_service_desk_enabled : bool option;
  83. project_full_shared_runners_enabled : bool;
  84. project_full_shared_with_groups : string list;
  85. project_full_snippets_enabled : bool;
  86. project_full_snippets_access_level : string;
  87. project_full_squash_option : string;
  88. project_full_suggestion_commit_message : string option;
  89. project_full_visibility : visibility;
  90. project_full_wiki_access_level : string;
  91. project_full_wiki_enabled : bool;
type projects_full = Gitlab_t.projects_full
type project_shorts = Gitlab_t.project_shorts
type project_hook = Gitlab_t.project_hook = {
  1. id : int;
  2. url : string;
  3. created_at : date_time;
  4. push_events : bool;
  5. tag_push_events : bool;
  6. merge_requests_events : bool;
  7. repository_update_events : bool;
  8. enable_ssl_verification : bool;
  9. project_id : int;
  10. issues_events : bool;
  11. confidential_issues_events : bool;
  12. note_events : bool;
  13. pipeline_events : bool;
  14. wiki_page_events : bool;
  15. deployment_events : bool;
  16. job_events : bool;
  17. releases_events : bool;
  18. confidential_note_events : bool option;
  19. push_events_branch_filter : string option;
type project_hooks = Gitlab_t.project_hooks
type project_access_token = Gitlab_t.project_access_token = {
  1. project_access_token_id : int;
  2. project_access_token_name : string;
  3. project_access_token_revoked : bool;
  4. project_access_token_created_at : date_time;
  5. project_access_token_scopes : scope list;
  6. project_access_token_user_id : int;
  7. project_access_token_active : bool;
  8. project_access_token_expires_at : string option;
type project_access_tokens = Gitlab_t.project_access_tokens
type pipeline = Gitlab_t.pipeline = {
  1. id : int;
  2. iid : int;
  3. project_id : int;
  4. status : pipeline_status;
  5. source : pipeline_source;
  6. ref : string;
  7. sha : string;
  8. web_url : string;
  9. created_at : date_time;
  10. updated_at : date_time;
type pipelines = Gitlab_t.pipelines
type pipeline_job_status = Gitlab_t.pipeline_job_status
type pipeline_job_failure_reason = Gitlab_t.pipeline_job_failure_reason
type pipeline_job = Gitlab_t.pipeline_job = {
  1. id : int;
  2. name : string;
  3. status : pipeline_job_status;
  4. failure_reason : pipeline_job_failure_reason option;
  5. ref : string;
  6. web_url : string;
  7. created_at : date_time option;
  8. started_at : date_time option;
  9. finished_at : date_time option;
type pipeline_jobs = Gitlab_t.pipeline_jobs
type pipeline_job_scope = Gitlab_t.pipeline_job_scope
type personal_access_token = Gitlab_t.personal_access_token = {
  1. personal_access_token_id : int;
  2. personal_access_token_name : string;
  3. personal_access_token_revoked : bool;
  4. personal_access_token_created_at : date_time;
  5. personal_access_token_scopes : scope list;
  6. personal_access_token_user_id : int;
  7. personal_access_token_active : bool;
  8. personal_access_token_expires_at : string option;
type personal_access_tokens = Gitlab_t.personal_access_tokens
type owner = Gitlab_t.owner = {
  1. owner_id : int;
  2. owner_name : string;
  3. owner_created_at : date_time;
type noteable_type = Gitlab_t.noteable_type
type command_changes = Gitlab_t.command_changes = {
  1. promote_to_epic : bool option;
type note = Gitlab_t.note = {
  1. note_id : int;
  2. note_note_type : string option;
  3. note_body : string;
  4. note_attachment : string option;
  5. note_author : user_short;
  6. note_created_at : date_time;
  7. note_updated_at : date_time;
  8. note_system : bool;
  9. note_noteable_id : int;
  10. note_noteable_type : noteable_type;
  11. note_resolvable : bool;
  12. note_confidential : bool;
  13. note_noteable_iid : int;
  14. note_commands_changes : command_changes option;
type notes = Gitlab_t.notes
type new_token = Gitlab_t.new_token = {
  1. name : string;
  2. expires_at : string;
  3. scopes : scope list;
type commit_status_status = Gitlab_t.commit_status_status
type new_status = Gitlab_t.new_status = {
  1. state : commit_status_status;
  2. ref_name : string option;
  3. name : string option;
  4. target_url : string option;
  5. description : string option;
  6. coverage : int option;
  7. pipeline_id : int option;
type new_milestone = Gitlab_t.new_milestone = {
  1. title : string;
  2. description : string option;
  3. due_date : string option;
  4. start_date : string option;
type line_type = Gitlab_t.line_type
type new_comment = Gitlab_t.new_comment = {
  1. note : string;
  2. path : string option;
  3. line : int option;
  4. line_type : line_type option;
type milestone_state = Gitlab_t.milestone_state
type milestone = Gitlab_t.milestone = {
  1. milestone_id : int;
  2. milestone_iid : int;
  3. milestone_project_id : int option;
  4. milestone_group_id : int option;
  5. milestone_title : string;
  6. milestone_description : string;
  7. milestone_state : milestone_state;
  8. milestone_created_at : date_time;
  9. milestone_updated_at : date_time;
  10. milestone_due_date : date option;
  11. milestone_start_date : date option;
  12. milestone_expired : bool option;
  13. milestone_web_url : string;
type milestones = Gitlab_t.milestones
type error = Gitlab_t.error = {
  1. error_resource : string;
  2. error_field : string option;
  3. error_code : string;
  4. error_message : string option;
type message = Gitlab_t.message = {
  1. message_message : string;
  2. message_errors : error list;
type merge_request = Gitlab_t.merge_request = {
  1. merge_request_id : int;
  2. merge_request_iid : int;
  3. merge_request_project_id : int;
  4. merge_request_title : string;
  5. merge_request_description : string;
  6. merge_request_state : state;
  7. merge_request_merged_by : user_short option;
  8. merge_request_merged_at : date_time option;
  9. merge_request_closed_by : user_short option;
  10. merge_request_closed_at : date_time option;
  11. merge_request_created_at : date_time;
  12. merge_request_updated_at : date_time;
  13. merge_request_target_branch : string;
  14. merge_request_source_branch : string;
  15. merge_request_upvotes : int;
  16. merge_request_downvotes : int;
  17. merge_request_author : user_short;
  18. merge_request_assignee : user_short option;
  19. merge_request_approvals_before_merge : string option;
  20. merge_request_allow_collaboration : bool option;
  21. merge_request_allow_maintainer_to_push : bool option;
  22. merge_request_blocking_discussions_resolved : bool;
  23. merge_request_has_conflicts : bool;
  24. merge_request_assignees : user_short list;
  25. merge_request_reviewers : user_short list;
  26. merge_request_source_project_id : int option;
  27. merge_request_target_project_id : int;
  28. merge_request_labels : string list;
  29. merge_request_draft : bool;
  30. merge_request_work_in_progress : bool;
  31. merge_request_milestone : milestone option;
  32. merge_request_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds : bool;
  33. merge_request_merge_status : merge_status;
  34. merge_request_sha : string;
  35. merge_request_merge_commit_sha : string option;
  36. merge_request_squash_commit_sha : string option;
  37. merge_request_user_notes_count : int;
  38. merge_request_discussion_locked : bool option;
  39. merge_request_should_remove_source_branch : bool option;
  40. merge_request_force_remove_source_branch : bool option;
  41. merge_request_web_url : string;
  42. merge_request_reference : string;
  43. merge_request_references : references;
  44. merge_request_time_stats : time_stats;
  45. merge_request_squash : bool;
  46. merge_request_task_completion_status : task_completion_status option;
type merge_requests = Gitlab_t.merge_requests
type merge_request_scope = Gitlab_t.merge_request_scope
type labels = Gitlab_t.labels = {
  1. labels_previous : label list;
  2. labels_current : label list;
type issue_type = Gitlab_t.issue_type
type issue = Gitlab_t.issue = {
  1. issue_id : int;
  2. issue_iid : int;
  3. issue_project_id : int;
  4. issue_title : string;
  5. issue_description : string;
  6. issue_state : state;
  7. issue_created_at : date_time;
  8. issue_updated_at : date_time;
  9. issue_closed_at : date_time option;
  10. issue_closed_by : user_short option;
  11. issue_labels : string list;
  12. issue_milestone : string option;
  13. issue_assignees : user_short list;
  14. issue_author : user_short;
  15. issue_type_ : string;
  16. issue_assignee : user_short option;
  17. issue_user_notes_count : int;
  18. issue_merge_requests_count : int;
  19. issue_upvotes : int;
  20. issue_downvotes : int;
  21. issue_due_date : date option;
  22. issue_confidential : bool;
  23. issue_discussion_locked : string option;
  24. issue_issue_type : issue_type;
  25. issue_web_url : string;
  26. issue_time_stats : time_stats;
  27. issue_task_completion_status : task_completion_status;
  28. issue_weight : int option;
  29. issue_blocking_issues_count : int;
  30. issue_has_tasks : bool;
  31. issue_references : references;
  32. issue_severity : string;
  33. issue_moved_to_id : string option;
  34. issue_service_desk_reply_to : string option;
  35. issue_health_status : string option;
type issues = Gitlab_t.issues
type branch = Gitlab_t.branch = {
  1. branch_id : int;
  2. branch_project_id : int;
  3. branch_name : string;
  4. branch_created_at : date_time;
  5. branch_updated_at : date_time;
  6. branch_code_owner_approval_required : bool;
type external_status_check = Gitlab_t.external_status_check = {
  1. external_status_check_id : int;
  2. external_status_check_name : string;
  3. external_status_check_project_id : int;
  4. external_status_check_external_url : string;
  5. external_status_check_protected_branches : branch list;
type external_status_checks = Gitlab_t.external_status_checks
type event_target_type = Gitlab_t.event_target_type
type event_action_name = Gitlab_t.event_action_name
type event = Gitlab_t.event = {
  1. event_id : int;
  2. event_project_id : int;
  3. event_action_name : event_action_name option;
  4. event_target_id : int option;
  5. event_target_iid : int option;
  6. event_target_type : event_target_type option;
  7. event_author_id : int;
  8. event_target_title : string option;
  9. event_created_at : date_time;
  10. event_author : user_short option;
  11. event_push_data : push_data option;
  12. event_note : note option;
  13. event_wiki_page : wiki_page option;
  14. event_author_username : string;
type events =
type error_detail = Gitlab_t.error_detail = {
  1. message : string;
  2. detail : string option;
type create_project_hook = Gitlab_t.create_project_hook = {
  1. id : int option;
  2. url : string;
  3. confidential_issues_events : bool option;
  4. confidential_note_events : bool option;
  5. deployment_events : bool option;
  6. enable_ssl_verification : bool option;
  7. issues_events : bool option;
  8. job_events : bool option;
  9. merge_requests_events : bool option;
  10. note_events : bool option;
  11. pipeline_events : bool option;
  12. push_events_branch_filter : string option;
  13. push_events : bool option;
  14. releases_events : bool option;
  15. tag_push_events : bool option;
  16. repository_update_events : bool option;
  17. wiki_page_events : bool option;
  18. token : string option;
type create_note = Gitlab_t.create_note = {
  1. create_note_body : string;
  2. create_note_created_at : date_time option;
  3. create_note_merge_request_diff_sha : string option;
type create_issue = Gitlab_t.create_issue = {
  1. create_issue_assignee_id : int option;
  2. create_issue_assignee_ids : int option;
  3. create_issue_confidential : bool option;
  4. create_issue_created_at : date_time option;
  5. create_issue_description : string option;
  6. create_issue_discussion_to_resolve : string option;
  7. create_issue_due_date : date option;
  8. create_issue_epic_id : int option;
  9. create_issue_epic_iid : int option;
  10. create_issue_id : int;
  11. create_issue_iid : int option;
  12. create_issue_issue_type : issue_type option;
  13. create_issue_labels : string list option;
  14. create_issue_merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of : int option;
  15. create_issue_milestone_id : int option;
  16. create_issue_title : string;
  17. create_issue_weight : int option;
type commit = Gitlab_t.commit = {
  1. commit_id : string;
  2. commit_short_id : string;
  3. commit_title : string;
  4. commit_author_name : string;
  5. commit_author_email : string;
  6. commit_authored_date : string;
  7. commit_committed_date : date_time;
  8. commit_committer_email : string;
  9. commit_committer_name : string;
  10. commit_created_at : date_time;
  11. commit_message : string;
  12. commit_parent_ids : string list option;
  13. commit_web_url : string;
type commits = Gitlab_t.commits
type commit_status = Gitlab_t.commit_status = {
  1. commit_status_id : int;
  2. commit_status_sha : string;
  3. commit_status_ref : string;
  4. commit_status_status : string;
  5. commit_status_name : string;
  6. commit_status_target_url : string option;
  7. commit_status_description : string option;
  8. commit_status_created_at : date_time;
  9. commit_status_started_at : date_time option;
  10. commit_status_finished_at : date_time option;
  11. commit_status_allow_failure : bool;
  12. commit_status_coverage : string option;
  13. commit_status_author : user_short;
type commit_statuses = Gitlab_t.commit_statuses
type commit_comment = Gitlab_t.commit_comment = {
  1. commit_comment_note : string;
  2. commit_comment_author : user_short;
type commit_comments = Gitlab_t.commit_comments
type commit_commented = Gitlab_t.commit_commented = {
  1. commit_commented_author : user_short;
  2. commit_commented_created_at : date_time;
  3. commit_commented_line_type : line_type;
  4. commit_commented_path : string;
  5. commit_commented_line : int;
  6. commit_commented_note : string;
type change = Gitlab_t.change = {
  1. change_old_path : string;
  2. change_new_path : string;
  3. change_a_mode : string;
  4. change_b_mode : string;
  5. change_diff : string;
  6. change_new_file : bool;
  7. change_renamed_file : bool;
  8. change_deleted_file : bool;
type changes = Gitlab_t.changes = {
  1. changes_id : int;
  2. changes_iid : int;
  3. changes_project_id : int;
  4. changes_title : string;
  5. changes_state : string;
  6. changes_created_at : date_time;
  7. changes_updated_at : date_time;
  8. changes_target_branch : string;
  9. changes_source_branch : string;
  10. changes_upvotes : int;
  11. changes_downvotes : int;
  12. changes_author : user_short;
  13. changes_assignee : user_short option;
  14. changes_assignees : user_short list option;
  15. changes_reviewers : user_short list;
  16. changes_source_project_id : int;
  17. changes_target_project_id : int;
  18. changes_labels : string list;
  19. changes_description : string;
  20. changes_draft : bool;
  21. changes_work_in_progress : bool;
  22. changes_milestone : milestone option;
  23. changes_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds : bool;
  24. changes_merge_status : merge_status;
  25. changes_subscribed : bool;
  26. changes_sha : string;
  27. changes_merge_commit_sha : string option;
  28. changes_squash_commit_sha : string option;
  29. changes_user_notes_count : int;
  30. changes_changes_count : int;
  31. changes_should_remove_source_branch : bool;
  32. changes_force_remove_source_branch : bool;
  33. changes_squash : bool;
  34. changes_web_url : string;
  35. changes_references : references;
  36. changes_discussion_locked : bool;
  37. changes_time_stats : time_stats;
  38. changes_task_completion_status : task_completion_status;
  39. changes_changes : change list;
  40. changes_overflow : bool;
type branch_full = Gitlab_t.branch_full = {
  1. branch_full_name : string;
  2. branch_full_merged : bool;
  3. branch_full_protected : bool;
  4. branch_full_developers_can_push : bool;
  5. branch_full_developers_can_merge : bool;
  6. branch_full_can_push : bool;
  7. branch_full_default : bool;
  8. branch_full_web_url : string;
  9. branch_full_commit : commit;
type branches_full = Gitlab_t.branches_full
type auth = Gitlab_t.auth = {
  1. access_token : string;
  2. token_type : string;
  3. expires_in : int;
  4. refresh_token : string;
  5. created_at : int;
val write_wiki_attributes : Buffer.t -> wiki_attributes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type wiki_attributes.

val string_of_wiki_attributes : ?len:int -> wiki_attributes -> string

Serialize a value of type wiki_attributes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_wiki_attributes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> wiki_attributes

Input JSON data of type wiki_attributes.

val wiki_attributes_of_string : string -> wiki_attributes

Deserialize JSON data of type wiki_attributes.

val write_wiki : Buffer.t -> wiki -> unit

Output a JSON value of type wiki.

val string_of_wiki : ?len:int -> wiki -> string

Serialize a value of type wiki into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type wiki.

val wiki_of_string : string -> wiki

Deserialize JSON data of type wiki.

val write_user_short : Buffer.t -> user_short -> unit

Output a JSON value of type user_short.

val string_of_user_short : ?len:int -> user_short -> string

Serialize a value of type user_short into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type user_short.

val user_short_of_string : string -> user_short

Deserialize JSON data of type user_short.

val write_project_webhook : Buffer.t -> project_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_webhook.

val string_of_project_webhook : ?len:int -> project_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type project_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_webhook

Input JSON data of type project_webhook.

val project_webhook_of_string : string -> project_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type project_webhook.

val write_wiki_page_webhook : Buffer.t -> wiki_page_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type wiki_page_webhook.

val string_of_wiki_page_webhook : ?len:int -> wiki_page_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type wiki_page_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_wiki_page_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> wiki_page_webhook

Input JSON data of type wiki_page_webhook.

val wiki_page_webhook_of_string : string -> wiki_page_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type wiki_page_webhook.

val write_wiki_page : Buffer.t -> wiki_page -> unit

Output a JSON value of type wiki_page.

val string_of_wiki_page : ?len:int -> wiki_page -> string

Serialize a value of type wiki_page into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type wiki_page.

val wiki_page_of_string : string -> wiki_page

Deserialize JSON data of type wiki_page.

val write_updated_by_id : Buffer.t -> updated_by_id -> unit

Output a JSON value of type updated_by_id.

val string_of_updated_by_id : ?len:int -> updated_by_id -> string

Serialize a value of type updated_by_id into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_updated_by_id : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> updated_by_id

Input JSON data of type updated_by_id.

val updated_by_id_of_string : string -> updated_by_id

Deserialize JSON data of type updated_by_id.

val write_updated_at : Buffer.t -> updated_at -> unit

Output a JSON value of type updated_at.

val string_of_updated_at : ?len:int -> updated_at -> string

Serialize a value of type updated_at into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type updated_at.

val updated_at_of_string : string -> updated_at

Deserialize JSON data of type updated_at.

val write_state : Buffer.t -> state -> unit

Output a JSON value of type state.

val string_of_state : ?len:int -> state -> string

Serialize a value of type state into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type state.

val state_of_string : string -> state

Deserialize JSON data of type state.

val write_source : Buffer.t -> source -> unit

Output a JSON value of type source.

val string_of_source : ?len:int -> source -> string

Serialize a value of type source into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type source.

val source_of_string : string -> source

Deserialize JSON data of type source.

val write_runner_type : Buffer.t -> runner_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type runner_type.

val string_of_runner_type : ?len:int -> runner_type -> string

Serialize a value of type runner_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type runner_type.

val runner_type_of_string : string -> runner_type

Deserialize JSON data of type runner_type.

val write_runner : Buffer.t -> runner -> unit

Output a JSON value of type runner.

val string_of_runner : ?len:int -> runner -> string

Serialize a value of type runner into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type runner.

val runner_of_string : string -> runner

Deserialize JSON data of type runner.

val write_repository : Buffer.t -> repository -> unit

Output a JSON value of type repository.

val string_of_repository : ?len:int -> repository -> string

Serialize a value of type repository into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type repository.

val repository_of_string : string -> repository

Deserialize JSON data of type repository.

val write_date_time : Buffer.t -> date_time -> unit

Output a JSON value of type date_time.

val string_of_date_time : ?len:int -> date_time -> string

Serialize a value of type date_time into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type date_time.

val date_time_of_string : string -> date_time

Deserialize JSON data of type date_time.

val write_author : Buffer.t -> author -> unit

Output a JSON value of type author.

val string_of_author : ?len:int -> author -> string

Serialize a value of type author into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type author.

val author_of_string : string -> author

Deserialize JSON data of type author.

val write_commit_short_webhook : Buffer.t -> commit_short_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_short_webhook.

val string_of_commit_short_webhook : ?len:int -> commit_short_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_short_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_short_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_short_webhook

Input JSON data of type commit_short_webhook.

val commit_short_webhook_of_string : string -> commit_short_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_short_webhook.

val write_assets : Buffer.t -> assets -> unit

Output a JSON value of type assets.

val string_of_assets : ?len:int -> assets -> string

Serialize a value of type assets into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type assets.

val assets_of_string : string -> assets

Deserialize JSON data of type assets.

val write_release_webhook : Buffer.t -> release_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type release_webhook.

val string_of_release_webhook : ?len:int -> release_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type release_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_release_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> release_webhook

Input JSON data of type release_webhook.

val release_webhook_of_string : string -> release_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type release_webhook.

val write_commit_webhook : Buffer.t -> commit_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_webhook.

val string_of_commit_webhook : ?len:int -> commit_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_webhook

Input JSON data of type commit_webhook.

val commit_webhook_of_string : string -> commit_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_webhook.

val write_commits_webhook : Buffer.t -> commits_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commits_webhook.

val string_of_commits_webhook : ?len:int -> commits_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type commits_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commits_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commits_webhook

Input JSON data of type commits_webhook.

val commits_webhook_of_string : string -> commits_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type commits_webhook.

val write_push_webhook : Buffer.t -> push_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type push_webhook.

val string_of_push_webhook : ?len:int -> push_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type push_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_push_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> push_webhook

Input JSON data of type push_webhook.

val push_webhook_of_string : string -> push_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type push_webhook.

val write_artifacts_file : Buffer.t -> artifacts_file -> unit

Output a JSON value of type artifacts_file.

val string_of_artifacts_file : ?len:int -> artifacts_file -> string

Serialize a value of type artifacts_file into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_artifacts_file : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> artifacts_file

Input JSON data of type artifacts_file.

val artifacts_file_of_string : string -> artifacts_file

Deserialize JSON data of type artifacts_file.

val write_pipeline_build : Buffer.t -> pipeline_build -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_build.

val string_of_pipeline_build : ?len:int -> pipeline_build -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_build into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_build : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_build

Input JSON data of type pipeline_build.

val pipeline_build_of_string : string -> pipeline_build

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_build.

val write_pipeline_attributes : Buffer.t -> pipeline_attributes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_attributes.

val string_of_pipeline_attributes : ?len:int -> pipeline_attributes -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_attributes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_attributes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_attributes

Input JSON data of type pipeline_attributes.

val pipeline_attributes_of_string : string -> pipeline_attributes

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_attributes.

val write_merge_status : Buffer.t -> merge_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_status.

val string_of_merge_status : ?len:int -> merge_status -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_status

Input JSON data of type merge_status.

val merge_status_of_string : string -> merge_status

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_status.

val write_merge_request_short : Buffer.t -> merge_request_short -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_request_short.

val string_of_merge_request_short : ?len:int -> merge_request_short -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_request_short into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_request_short : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_request_short

Input JSON data of type merge_request_short.

val merge_request_short_of_string : string -> merge_request_short

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_request_short.

val write_pipeline_webhook : Buffer.t -> pipeline_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_webhook.

val string_of_pipeline_webhook : ?len:int -> pipeline_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_webhook

Input JSON data of type pipeline_webhook.

val pipeline_webhook_of_string : string -> pipeline_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_webhook.

val write_date : Buffer.t -> date -> unit

Output a JSON value of type date.

val string_of_date : ?len:int -> date -> string

Serialize a value of type date into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type date.

val date_of_string : string -> date

Deserialize JSON data of type date.

val write_note_issue : Buffer.t -> note_issue -> unit

Output a JSON value of type note_issue.

val string_of_note_issue : ?len:int -> note_issue -> string

Serialize a value of type note_issue into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type note_issue.

val note_issue_of_string : string -> note_issue

Deserialize JSON data of type note_issue.

val write_note_attributes : Buffer.t -> note_attributes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type note_attributes.

val string_of_note_attributes : ?len:int -> note_attributes -> string

Serialize a value of type note_attributes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_note_attributes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> note_attributes

Input JSON data of type note_attributes.

val note_attributes_of_string : string -> note_attributes

Deserialize JSON data of type note_attributes.

val write_note_webhook : Buffer.t -> note_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type note_webhook.

val string_of_note_webhook : ?len:int -> note_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type note_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_note_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> note_webhook

Input JSON data of type note_webhook.

val note_webhook_of_string : string -> note_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type note_webhook.

val write_assignees : Buffer.t -> assignees -> unit

Output a JSON value of type assignees.

val string_of_assignees : ?len:int -> assignees -> string

Serialize a value of type assignees into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type assignees.

val assignees_of_string : string -> assignees

Deserialize JSON data of type assignees.

val write_merge_request_changes : Buffer.t -> merge_request_changes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_request_changes.

val string_of_merge_request_changes : ?len:int -> merge_request_changes -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_request_changes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_request_changes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_request_changes

Input JSON data of type merge_request_changes.

val merge_request_changes_of_string : string -> merge_request_changes

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_request_changes.

val write_merge_params : Buffer.t -> merge_params -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_params.

val string_of_merge_params : ?len:int -> merge_params -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_params into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_params : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_params

Input JSON data of type merge_params.

val merge_params_of_string : string -> merge_params

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_params.

val write_merge_request_attributes : Buffer.t -> merge_request_attributes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_request_attributes.

val string_of_merge_request_attributes : ?len:int -> merge_request_attributes -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_request_attributes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_request_attributes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_request_attributes

Input JSON data of type merge_request_attributes.

val merge_request_attributes_of_string : string -> merge_request_attributes

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_request_attributes.

val write_label : Buffer.t -> label -> unit

Output a JSON value of type label.

val string_of_label : ?len:int -> label -> string

Serialize a value of type label into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type label.

val label_of_string : string -> label

Deserialize JSON data of type label.

val write_merge_request_webhook : Buffer.t -> merge_request_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_request_webhook.

val string_of_merge_request_webhook : ?len:int -> merge_request_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_request_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_request_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_request_webhook

Input JSON data of type merge_request_webhook.

val merge_request_webhook_of_string : string -> merge_request_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_request_webhook.

val write_job_webhook_commit : Buffer.t -> job_webhook_commit -> unit

Output a JSON value of type job_webhook_commit.

val string_of_job_webhook_commit : ?len:int -> job_webhook_commit -> string

Serialize a value of type job_webhook_commit into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_job_webhook_commit : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> job_webhook_commit

Input JSON data of type job_webhook_commit.

val job_webhook_commit_of_string : string -> job_webhook_commit

Deserialize JSON data of type job_webhook_commit.

val write_job_webhook : Buffer.t -> job_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type job_webhook.

val string_of_job_webhook : ?len:int -> job_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type job_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type job_webhook.

val job_webhook_of_string : string -> job_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type job_webhook.

val write_issue_attributes : Buffer.t -> issue_attributes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type issue_attributes.

val string_of_issue_attributes : ?len:int -> issue_attributes -> string

Serialize a value of type issue_attributes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_issue_attributes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> issue_attributes

Input JSON data of type issue_attributes.

val issue_attributes_of_string : string -> issue_attributes

Deserialize JSON data of type issue_attributes.

val write_issue_webhook : Buffer.t -> issue_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type issue_webhook.

val string_of_issue_webhook : ?len:int -> issue_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type issue_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_issue_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> issue_webhook

Input JSON data of type issue_webhook.

val issue_webhook_of_string : string -> issue_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type issue_webhook.

val write_feature_flag_attributes : Buffer.t -> feature_flag_attributes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type feature_flag_attributes.

val string_of_feature_flag_attributes : ?len:int -> feature_flag_attributes -> string

Serialize a value of type feature_flag_attributes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_feature_flag_attributes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> feature_flag_attributes

Input JSON data of type feature_flag_attributes.

val feature_flag_attributes_of_string : string -> feature_flag_attributes

Deserialize JSON data of type feature_flag_attributes.

val write_feature_flag_webhook : Buffer.t -> feature_flag_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type feature_flag_webhook.

val string_of_feature_flag_webhook : ?len:int -> feature_flag_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type feature_flag_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_feature_flag_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> feature_flag_webhook

Input JSON data of type feature_flag_webhook.

val feature_flag_webhook_of_string : string -> feature_flag_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type feature_flag_webhook.

val write_deployment_webhook : Buffer.t -> deployment_webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type deployment_webhook.

val string_of_deployment_webhook : ?len:int -> deployment_webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type deployment_webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_deployment_webhook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> deployment_webhook

Input JSON data of type deployment_webhook.

val deployment_webhook_of_string : string -> deployment_webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type deployment_webhook.

val write_webhook : Buffer.t -> webhook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type webhook.

val string_of_webhook : ?len:int -> webhook -> string

Serialize a value of type webhook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type webhook.

val webhook_of_string : string -> webhook

Deserialize JSON data of type webhook.

val write_webhooks : Buffer.t -> webhooks -> unit

Output a JSON value of type webhooks.

val string_of_webhooks : ?len:int -> webhooks -> string

Serialize a value of type webhooks into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type webhooks.

val webhooks_of_string : string -> webhooks

Deserialize JSON data of type webhooks.

val write_visibility : Buffer.t -> visibility -> unit

Output a JSON value of type visibility.

val string_of_visibility : ?len:int -> visibility -> string

Serialize a value of type visibility into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type visibility.

val visibility_of_string : string -> visibility

Deserialize JSON data of type visibility.

val write_users : Buffer.t -> users -> unit

Output a JSON value of type users.

val string_of_users : ?len:int -> users -> string

Serialize a value of type users into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type users.

val users_of_string : string -> users

Deserialize JSON data of type users.

val write_user : Buffer.t -> user -> unit

Output a JSON value of type user.

val string_of_user : ?len:int -> user -> string

Serialize a value of type user into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type user.

val user_of_string : string -> user

Deserialize JSON data of type user.

val write_time_stats : Buffer.t -> time_stats -> unit

Output a JSON value of type time_stats.

val string_of_time_stats : ?len:int -> time_stats -> string

Serialize a value of type time_stats into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type time_stats.

val time_stats_of_string : string -> time_stats

Deserialize JSON data of type time_stats.

val write_task_completion_status : Buffer.t -> task_completion_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type task_completion_status.

val string_of_task_completion_status : ?len:int -> task_completion_status -> string

Serialize a value of type task_completion_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_task_completion_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> task_completion_status

Input JSON data of type task_completion_status.

val task_completion_status_of_string : string -> task_completion_status

Deserialize JSON data of type task_completion_status.

val write_status_check_status : Buffer.t -> status_check_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type status_check_status.

val string_of_status_check_status : ?len:int -> status_check_status -> string

Serialize a value of type status_check_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_status_check_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> status_check_status

Input JSON data of type status_check_status.

val status_check_status_of_string : string -> status_check_status

Deserialize JSON data of type status_check_status.

val write_status_check : Buffer.t -> status_check -> unit

Output a JSON value of type status_check.

val string_of_status_check : ?len:int -> status_check -> string

Serialize a value of type status_check into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_status_check : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> status_check

Input JSON data of type status_check.

val status_check_of_string : string -> status_check

Deserialize JSON data of type status_check.

val write_status_checks : Buffer.t -> status_checks -> unit

Output a JSON value of type status_checks.

val string_of_status_checks : ?len:int -> status_checks -> string

Serialize a value of type status_checks into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_status_checks : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> status_checks

Input JSON data of type status_checks.

val status_checks_of_string : string -> status_checks

Deserialize JSON data of type status_checks.

val write_statistics : Buffer.t -> statistics -> unit

Output a JSON value of type statistics.

val string_of_statistics : ?len:int -> statistics -> string

Serialize a value of type statistics into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type statistics.

val statistics_of_string : string -> statistics

Deserialize JSON data of type statistics.

val write_sort : Buffer.t -> sort -> unit

Output a JSON value of type sort.

val string_of_sort : ?len:int -> sort -> string

Serialize a value of type sort into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type sort.

val sort_of_string : string -> sort

Deserialize JSON data of type sort.

val write_pipeline_status : Buffer.t -> pipeline_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_status.

val string_of_pipeline_status : ?len:int -> pipeline_status -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_status

Input JSON data of type pipeline_status.

val pipeline_status_of_string : string -> pipeline_status

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_status.

val write_pipeline_source : Buffer.t -> pipeline_source -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_source.

val string_of_pipeline_source : ?len:int -> pipeline_source -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_source into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_source : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_source

Input JSON data of type pipeline_source.

val pipeline_source_of_string : string -> pipeline_source

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_source.

val write_single_pipeline : Buffer.t -> single_pipeline -> unit

Output a JSON value of type single_pipeline.

val string_of_single_pipeline : ?len:int -> single_pipeline -> string

Serialize a value of type single_pipeline into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_single_pipeline : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> single_pipeline

Input JSON data of type single_pipeline.

val single_pipeline_of_string : string -> single_pipeline

Deserialize JSON data of type single_pipeline.

val write_scope : Buffer.t -> scope -> unit

Output a JSON value of type scope.

val string_of_scope : ?len:int -> scope -> string

Serialize a value of type scope into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type scope.

val scope_of_string : string -> scope

Deserialize JSON data of type scope.

val write_runners : Buffer.t -> runners -> unit

Output a JSON value of type runners.

val string_of_runners : ?len:int -> runners -> string

Serialize a value of type runners into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type runners.

val runners_of_string : string -> runners

Deserialize JSON data of type runners.

val write_references : Buffer.t -> references -> unit

Output a JSON value of type references.

val string_of_references : ?len:int -> references -> string

Serialize a value of type references into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type references.

val references_of_string : string -> references

Deserialize JSON data of type references.

val write_push_data : Buffer.t -> push_data -> unit

Output a JSON value of type push_data.

val string_of_push_data : ?len:int -> push_data -> string

Serialize a value of type push_data into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type push_data.

val push_data_of_string : string -> push_data

Deserialize JSON data of type push_data.

val write_namespace : Buffer.t -> namespace -> unit

Output a JSON value of type namespace.

val string_of_namespace : ?len:int -> namespace -> string

Serialize a value of type namespace into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type namespace.

val namespace_of_string : string -> namespace

Deserialize JSON data of type namespace.

val write_project_short : Buffer.t -> project_short -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_short.

val string_of_project_short : ?len:int -> project_short -> string

Serialize a value of type project_short into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_short : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_short

Input JSON data of type project_short.

val project_short_of_string : string -> project_short

Deserialize JSON data of type project_short.

val write_projects_short : Buffer.t -> projects_short -> unit

Output a JSON value of type projects_short.

val string_of_projects_short : ?len:int -> projects_short -> string

Serialize a value of type projects_short into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_projects_short : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> projects_short

Input JSON data of type projects_short.

val projects_short_of_string : string -> projects_short

Deserialize JSON data of type projects_short.

val write_project_access : Buffer.t -> project_access -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_access.

val string_of_project_access : ?len:int -> project_access -> string

Serialize a value of type project_access into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_access : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_access

Input JSON data of type project_access.

val project_access_of_string : string -> project_access

Deserialize JSON data of type project_access.

val write_permissions : Buffer.t -> permissions -> unit

Output a JSON value of type permissions.

val string_of_permissions : ?len:int -> permissions -> string

Serialize a value of type permissions into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type permissions.

val permissions_of_string : string -> permissions

Deserialize JSON data of type permissions.

val write_merge_method : Buffer.t -> merge_method -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_method.

val string_of_merge_method : ?len:int -> merge_method -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_method into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_method : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_method

Input JSON data of type merge_method.

val merge_method_of_string : string -> merge_method

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_method.

Output a JSON value of type links.

Serialize a value of type links into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type links.

Deserialize JSON data of type links.

val write_container_expiration_policy : Buffer.t -> container_expiration_policy -> unit

Output a JSON value of type container_expiration_policy.

val string_of_container_expiration_policy : ?len:int -> container_expiration_policy -> string

Serialize a value of type container_expiration_policy into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_container_expiration_policy : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> container_expiration_policy

Input JSON data of type container_expiration_policy.

val container_expiration_policy_of_string : string -> container_expiration_policy

Deserialize JSON data of type container_expiration_policy.

val write_project_full : Buffer.t -> project_full -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_full.

val string_of_project_full : ?len:int -> project_full -> string

Serialize a value of type project_full into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_full : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_full

Input JSON data of type project_full.

val project_full_of_string : string -> project_full

Deserialize JSON data of type project_full.

val write_projects_full : Buffer.t -> projects_full -> unit

Output a JSON value of type projects_full.

val string_of_projects_full : ?len:int -> projects_full -> string

Serialize a value of type projects_full into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_projects_full : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> projects_full

Input JSON data of type projects_full.

val projects_full_of_string : string -> projects_full

Deserialize JSON data of type projects_full.

val write_project_shorts : Buffer.t -> project_shorts -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_shorts.

val string_of_project_shorts : ?len:int -> project_shorts -> string

Serialize a value of type project_shorts into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_shorts : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_shorts

Input JSON data of type project_shorts.

val project_shorts_of_string : string -> project_shorts

Deserialize JSON data of type project_shorts.

val write_project_hook : Buffer.t -> project_hook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_hook.

val string_of_project_hook : ?len:int -> project_hook -> string

Serialize a value of type project_hook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_hook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_hook

Input JSON data of type project_hook.

val project_hook_of_string : string -> project_hook

Deserialize JSON data of type project_hook.

val write_project_hooks : Buffer.t -> project_hooks -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_hooks.

val string_of_project_hooks : ?len:int -> project_hooks -> string

Serialize a value of type project_hooks into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_hooks : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_hooks

Input JSON data of type project_hooks.

val project_hooks_of_string : string -> project_hooks

Deserialize JSON data of type project_hooks.

val write_project_access_token : Buffer.t -> project_access_token -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_access_token.

val string_of_project_access_token : ?len:int -> project_access_token -> string

Serialize a value of type project_access_token into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_access_token : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_access_token

Input JSON data of type project_access_token.

val project_access_token_of_string : string -> project_access_token

Deserialize JSON data of type project_access_token.

val write_project_access_tokens : Buffer.t -> project_access_tokens -> unit

Output a JSON value of type project_access_tokens.

val string_of_project_access_tokens : ?len:int -> project_access_tokens -> string

Serialize a value of type project_access_tokens into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_project_access_tokens : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> project_access_tokens

Input JSON data of type project_access_tokens.

val project_access_tokens_of_string : string -> project_access_tokens

Deserialize JSON data of type project_access_tokens.

val write_pipeline : Buffer.t -> pipeline -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline.

val string_of_pipeline : ?len:int -> pipeline -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type pipeline.

val pipeline_of_string : string -> pipeline

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline.

val write_pipelines : Buffer.t -> pipelines -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipelines.

val string_of_pipelines : ?len:int -> pipelines -> string

Serialize a value of type pipelines into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type pipelines.

val pipelines_of_string : string -> pipelines

Deserialize JSON data of type pipelines.

val write_pipeline_job_status : Buffer.t -> pipeline_job_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_job_status.

val string_of_pipeline_job_status : ?len:int -> pipeline_job_status -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_job_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_job_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_job_status

Input JSON data of type pipeline_job_status.

val pipeline_job_status_of_string : string -> pipeline_job_status

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_job_status.

val write_pipeline_job_failure_reason : Buffer.t -> pipeline_job_failure_reason -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_job_failure_reason.

val string_of_pipeline_job_failure_reason : ?len:int -> pipeline_job_failure_reason -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_job_failure_reason into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_job_failure_reason : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_job_failure_reason

Input JSON data of type pipeline_job_failure_reason.

val pipeline_job_failure_reason_of_string : string -> pipeline_job_failure_reason

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_job_failure_reason.

val write_pipeline_job : Buffer.t -> pipeline_job -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_job.

val string_of_pipeline_job : ?len:int -> pipeline_job -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_job into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_job : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_job

Input JSON data of type pipeline_job.

val pipeline_job_of_string : string -> pipeline_job

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_job.

val write_pipeline_jobs : Buffer.t -> pipeline_jobs -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_jobs.

val string_of_pipeline_jobs : ?len:int -> pipeline_jobs -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_jobs into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_jobs : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_jobs

Input JSON data of type pipeline_jobs.

val pipeline_jobs_of_string : string -> pipeline_jobs

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_jobs.

val write_pipeline_job_scope : Buffer.t -> pipeline_job_scope -> unit

Output a JSON value of type pipeline_job_scope.

val string_of_pipeline_job_scope : ?len:int -> pipeline_job_scope -> string

Serialize a value of type pipeline_job_scope into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_pipeline_job_scope : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> pipeline_job_scope

Input JSON data of type pipeline_job_scope.

val pipeline_job_scope_of_string : string -> pipeline_job_scope

Deserialize JSON data of type pipeline_job_scope.

val write_personal_access_token : Buffer.t -> personal_access_token -> unit

Output a JSON value of type personal_access_token.

val string_of_personal_access_token : ?len:int -> personal_access_token -> string

Serialize a value of type personal_access_token into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_personal_access_token : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> personal_access_token

Input JSON data of type personal_access_token.

val personal_access_token_of_string : string -> personal_access_token

Deserialize JSON data of type personal_access_token.

val write_personal_access_tokens : Buffer.t -> personal_access_tokens -> unit

Output a JSON value of type personal_access_tokens.

val string_of_personal_access_tokens : ?len:int -> personal_access_tokens -> string

Serialize a value of type personal_access_tokens into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_personal_access_tokens : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> personal_access_tokens

Input JSON data of type personal_access_tokens.

val personal_access_tokens_of_string : string -> personal_access_tokens

Deserialize JSON data of type personal_access_tokens.

val write_owner : Buffer.t -> owner -> unit

Output a JSON value of type owner.

val string_of_owner : ?len:int -> owner -> string

Serialize a value of type owner into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type owner.

val owner_of_string : string -> owner

Deserialize JSON data of type owner.

val write_noteable_type : Buffer.t -> noteable_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type noteable_type.

val string_of_noteable_type : ?len:int -> noteable_type -> string

Serialize a value of type noteable_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_noteable_type : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> noteable_type

Input JSON data of type noteable_type.

val noteable_type_of_string : string -> noteable_type

Deserialize JSON data of type noteable_type.

val write_command_changes : Buffer.t -> command_changes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type command_changes.

val string_of_command_changes : ?len:int -> command_changes -> string

Serialize a value of type command_changes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_command_changes : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> command_changes

Input JSON data of type command_changes.

val command_changes_of_string : string -> command_changes

Deserialize JSON data of type command_changes.

val write_note : Buffer.t -> note -> unit

Output a JSON value of type note.

val string_of_note : ?len:int -> note -> string

Serialize a value of type note into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type note.

val note_of_string : string -> note

Deserialize JSON data of type note.

val write_notes : Buffer.t -> notes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type notes.

val string_of_notes : ?len:int -> notes -> string

Serialize a value of type notes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type notes.

val notes_of_string : string -> notes

Deserialize JSON data of type notes.

val write_new_token : Buffer.t -> new_token -> unit

Output a JSON value of type new_token.

val string_of_new_token : ?len:int -> new_token -> string

Serialize a value of type new_token into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type new_token.

val new_token_of_string : string -> new_token

Deserialize JSON data of type new_token.

val write_commit_status_status : Buffer.t -> commit_status_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_status_status.

val string_of_commit_status_status : ?len:int -> commit_status_status -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_status_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_status_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_status_status

Input JSON data of type commit_status_status.

val commit_status_status_of_string : string -> commit_status_status

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_status_status.

val write_new_status : Buffer.t -> new_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type new_status.

val string_of_new_status : ?len:int -> new_status -> string

Serialize a value of type new_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type new_status.

val new_status_of_string : string -> new_status

Deserialize JSON data of type new_status.

val write_new_milestone : Buffer.t -> new_milestone -> unit

Output a JSON value of type new_milestone.

val string_of_new_milestone : ?len:int -> new_milestone -> string

Serialize a value of type new_milestone into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_new_milestone : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> new_milestone

Input JSON data of type new_milestone.

val new_milestone_of_string : string -> new_milestone

Deserialize JSON data of type new_milestone.

val write_line_type : Buffer.t -> line_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type line_type.

val string_of_line_type : ?len:int -> line_type -> string

Serialize a value of type line_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type line_type.

val line_type_of_string : string -> line_type

Deserialize JSON data of type line_type.

val write_new_comment : Buffer.t -> new_comment -> unit

Output a JSON value of type new_comment.

val string_of_new_comment : ?len:int -> new_comment -> string

Serialize a value of type new_comment into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type new_comment.

val new_comment_of_string : string -> new_comment

Deserialize JSON data of type new_comment.

val write_milestone_state : Buffer.t -> milestone_state -> unit

Output a JSON value of type milestone_state.

val string_of_milestone_state : ?len:int -> milestone_state -> string

Serialize a value of type milestone_state into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_milestone_state : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> milestone_state

Input JSON data of type milestone_state.

val milestone_state_of_string : string -> milestone_state

Deserialize JSON data of type milestone_state.

val write_milestone : Buffer.t -> milestone -> unit

Output a JSON value of type milestone.

val string_of_milestone : ?len:int -> milestone -> string

Serialize a value of type milestone into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type milestone.

val milestone_of_string : string -> milestone

Deserialize JSON data of type milestone.

val write_milestones : Buffer.t -> milestones -> unit

Output a JSON value of type milestones.

val string_of_milestones : ?len:int -> milestones -> string

Serialize a value of type milestones into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type milestones.

val milestones_of_string : string -> milestones

Deserialize JSON data of type milestones.

val write_error : Buffer.t -> error -> unit

Output a JSON value of type error.

val string_of_error : ?len:int -> error -> string

Serialize a value of type error into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type error.

val error_of_string : string -> error

Deserialize JSON data of type error.

val write_message : Buffer.t -> message -> unit

Output a JSON value of type message.

val string_of_message : ?len:int -> message -> string

Serialize a value of type message into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type message.

val message_of_string : string -> message

Deserialize JSON data of type message.

val write_merge_request : Buffer.t -> merge_request -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_request.

val string_of_merge_request : ?len:int -> merge_request -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_request into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_request : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_request

Input JSON data of type merge_request.

val merge_request_of_string : string -> merge_request

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_request.

val write_merge_requests : Buffer.t -> merge_requests -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_requests.

val string_of_merge_requests : ?len:int -> merge_requests -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_requests into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_requests : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_requests

Input JSON data of type merge_requests.

val merge_requests_of_string : string -> merge_requests

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_requests.

val write_merge_request_scope : Buffer.t -> merge_request_scope -> unit

Output a JSON value of type merge_request_scope.

val string_of_merge_request_scope : ?len:int -> merge_request_scope -> string

Serialize a value of type merge_request_scope into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_merge_request_scope : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> merge_request_scope

Input JSON data of type merge_request_scope.

val merge_request_scope_of_string : string -> merge_request_scope

Deserialize JSON data of type merge_request_scope.

val write_labels : Buffer.t -> labels -> unit

Output a JSON value of type labels.

val string_of_labels : ?len:int -> labels -> string

Serialize a value of type labels into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type labels.

val labels_of_string : string -> labels

Deserialize JSON data of type labels.

val write_issue_type : Buffer.t -> issue_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type issue_type.

val string_of_issue_type : ?len:int -> issue_type -> string

Serialize a value of type issue_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type issue_type.

val issue_type_of_string : string -> issue_type

Deserialize JSON data of type issue_type.

val write_issue : Buffer.t -> issue -> unit

Output a JSON value of type issue.

val string_of_issue : ?len:int -> issue -> string

Serialize a value of type issue into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type issue.

val issue_of_string : string -> issue

Deserialize JSON data of type issue.

val write_issues : Buffer.t -> issues -> unit

Output a JSON value of type issues.

val string_of_issues : ?len:int -> issues -> string

Serialize a value of type issues into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type issues.

val issues_of_string : string -> issues

Deserialize JSON data of type issues.

val write_branch : Buffer.t -> branch -> unit

Output a JSON value of type branch.

val string_of_branch : ?len:int -> branch -> string

Serialize a value of type branch into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type branch.

val branch_of_string : string -> branch

Deserialize JSON data of type branch.

val write_external_status_check : Buffer.t -> external_status_check -> unit

Output a JSON value of type external_status_check.

val string_of_external_status_check : ?len:int -> external_status_check -> string

Serialize a value of type external_status_check into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_external_status_check : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> external_status_check

Input JSON data of type external_status_check.

val external_status_check_of_string : string -> external_status_check

Deserialize JSON data of type external_status_check.

val write_external_status_checks : Buffer.t -> external_status_checks -> unit

Output a JSON value of type external_status_checks.

val string_of_external_status_checks : ?len:int -> external_status_checks -> string

Serialize a value of type external_status_checks into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_external_status_checks : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> external_status_checks

Input JSON data of type external_status_checks.

val external_status_checks_of_string : string -> external_status_checks

Deserialize JSON data of type external_status_checks.

val write_event_target_type : Buffer.t -> event_target_type -> unit

Output a JSON value of type event_target_type.

val string_of_event_target_type : ?len:int -> event_target_type -> string

Serialize a value of type event_target_type into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_event_target_type : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> event_target_type

Input JSON data of type event_target_type.

val event_target_type_of_string : string -> event_target_type

Deserialize JSON data of type event_target_type.

val write_event_action_name : Buffer.t -> event_action_name -> unit

Output a JSON value of type event_action_name.

val string_of_event_action_name : ?len:int -> event_action_name -> string

Serialize a value of type event_action_name into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_event_action_name : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> event_action_name

Input JSON data of type event_action_name.

val event_action_name_of_string : string -> event_action_name

Deserialize JSON data of type event_action_name.

val write_event : Buffer.t -> event -> unit

Output a JSON value of type event.

val string_of_event : ?len:int -> event -> string

Serialize a value of type event into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type event.

val event_of_string : string -> event

Deserialize JSON data of type event.

val write_events : Buffer.t -> events -> unit

Output a JSON value of type events.

val string_of_events : ?len:int -> events -> string

Serialize a value of type events into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type events.

val events_of_string : string -> events

Deserialize JSON data of type events.

val write_error_detail : Buffer.t -> error_detail -> unit

Output a JSON value of type error_detail.

val string_of_error_detail : ?len:int -> error_detail -> string

Serialize a value of type error_detail into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_error_detail : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> error_detail

Input JSON data of type error_detail.

val error_detail_of_string : string -> error_detail

Deserialize JSON data of type error_detail.

val write_create_project_hook : Buffer.t -> create_project_hook -> unit

Output a JSON value of type create_project_hook.

val string_of_create_project_hook : ?len:int -> create_project_hook -> string

Serialize a value of type create_project_hook into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_create_project_hook : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> create_project_hook

Input JSON data of type create_project_hook.

val create_project_hook_of_string : string -> create_project_hook

Deserialize JSON data of type create_project_hook.

val write_create_note : Buffer.t -> create_note -> unit

Output a JSON value of type create_note.

val string_of_create_note : ?len:int -> create_note -> string

Serialize a value of type create_note into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type create_note.

val create_note_of_string : string -> create_note

Deserialize JSON data of type create_note.

val write_create_issue : Buffer.t -> create_issue -> unit

Output a JSON value of type create_issue.

val string_of_create_issue : ?len:int -> create_issue -> string

Serialize a value of type create_issue into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_create_issue : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> create_issue

Input JSON data of type create_issue.

val create_issue_of_string : string -> create_issue

Deserialize JSON data of type create_issue.

val write_commit : Buffer.t -> commit -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit.

val string_of_commit : ?len:int -> commit -> string

Serialize a value of type commit into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type commit.

val commit_of_string : string -> commit

Deserialize JSON data of type commit.

val write_commits : Buffer.t -> commits -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commits.

val string_of_commits : ?len:int -> commits -> string

Serialize a value of type commits into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type commits.

val commits_of_string : string -> commits

Deserialize JSON data of type commits.

val write_commit_status : Buffer.t -> commit_status -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_status.

val string_of_commit_status : ?len:int -> commit_status -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_status into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_status

Input JSON data of type commit_status.

val commit_status_of_string : string -> commit_status

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_status.

val write_commit_statuses : Buffer.t -> commit_statuses -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_statuses.

val string_of_commit_statuses : ?len:int -> commit_statuses -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_statuses into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_statuses : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_statuses

Input JSON data of type commit_statuses.

val commit_statuses_of_string : string -> commit_statuses

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_statuses.

val write_commit_comment : Buffer.t -> commit_comment -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_comment.

val string_of_commit_comment : ?len:int -> commit_comment -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_comment into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_comment : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_comment

Input JSON data of type commit_comment.

val commit_comment_of_string : string -> commit_comment

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_comment.

val write_commit_comments : Buffer.t -> commit_comments -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_comments.

val string_of_commit_comments : ?len:int -> commit_comments -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_comments into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_comments : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_comments

Input JSON data of type commit_comments.

val commit_comments_of_string : string -> commit_comments

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_comments.

val write_commit_commented : Buffer.t -> commit_commented -> unit

Output a JSON value of type commit_commented.

val string_of_commit_commented : ?len:int -> commit_commented -> string

Serialize a value of type commit_commented into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_commit_commented : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> commit_commented

Input JSON data of type commit_commented.

val commit_commented_of_string : string -> commit_commented

Deserialize JSON data of type commit_commented.

val write_change : Buffer.t -> change -> unit

Output a JSON value of type change.

val string_of_change : ?len:int -> change -> string

Serialize a value of type change into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type change.

val change_of_string : string -> change

Deserialize JSON data of type change.

val write_changes : Buffer.t -> changes -> unit

Output a JSON value of type changes.

val string_of_changes : ?len:int -> changes -> string

Serialize a value of type changes into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type changes.

val changes_of_string : string -> changes

Deserialize JSON data of type changes.

val write_branch_full : Buffer.t -> branch_full -> unit

Output a JSON value of type branch_full.

val string_of_branch_full : ?len:int -> branch_full -> string

Serialize a value of type branch_full into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type branch_full.

val branch_full_of_string : string -> branch_full

Deserialize JSON data of type branch_full.

val write_branches_full : Buffer.t -> branches_full -> unit

Output a JSON value of type branches_full.

val string_of_branches_full : ?len:int -> branches_full -> string

Serialize a value of type branches_full into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

val read_branches_full : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Lexing.lexbuf -> branches_full

Input JSON data of type branches_full.

val branches_full_of_string : string -> branches_full

Deserialize JSON data of type branches_full.

val write_auth : Buffer.t -> auth -> unit

Output a JSON value of type auth.

val string_of_auth : ?len:int -> auth -> string

Serialize a value of type auth into a JSON string.

  • parameter len

    specifies the initial length of the buffer used internally. Default: 1024.

Input JSON data of type auth.

val auth_of_string : string -> auth

Deserialize JSON data of type auth.


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