package frenetic

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

An FDD is an instance of a Variable-Lattice-Result (VLR) structure.

include sig ... end
type t = int
type comparator_witness
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Base.Comparator.t
type v = Field.t * Value.t
type r = Action.t
type d = private
  1. | Leaf of r
  2. | Branch of {
    1. test : v;
    2. tru : t;
    3. fls : t;
    4. all_fls : t;
module Tbl : sig ... end
module BinTbl : sig ... end
val get : d -> t
val unget : t -> d
val get_uid : t -> int
val drop : t
val id : t
val const : r -> t
val atom : v -> r -> r -> t
val cond : v -> t -> t -> t
val unchecked_cond : v -> t -> t -> t
val restrict : v list -> t -> t
val map : f:(r -> t) -> g:(v -> t -> t -> t) -> t -> t
val dp_map : f:(r -> t) -> g:(v -> t -> t -> t) -> t -> find_or_add:(t -> default:(unit -> t) -> t) -> t
val map_r : f:(r -> r) -> t -> t
val fold : f:(r -> 'a) -> g:(v -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val sum : t -> t -> t
val prod : t -> t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val to_string : t -> string
val clear_cache : preserve:Core.Int.Set.t -> unit
val compressed_size : t -> int
val uncompressed_size : t -> int
val to_dot : t -> string
val refs : t -> Core.Int.Set.t
val serialize : t -> string
val deserialize : string -> t
val render : ?format:string -> ?title:string -> t -> unit
val mk_cont : int64 -> t
val conts : t -> Core.Int64.Set.t
val map_conts : t -> f:(int64 -> int64) -> t
val equivalent : t -> t -> bool

Innovation. Community. Security.