package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Implementation of data flow analyses over user-supplied domains.

type 't action =
  1. | Default

    The default action

  2. | Done of 't

    Do not do the default action. Use this result

  3. | Post of 't -> 't

    The default action, followed by the given transformer


possible kinds of action for backward analysis

type 't stmtaction =
  1. | SDefault

    The default action

  2. | SDone

    Do not visit this statement or its successors

  3. | SUse of 't

    Visit the instructions and successors of this statement as usual, but use the specified state instead of the one that was passed to doStmt

type 't guardaction =
  1. | GDefault

    The default state

  2. | GUse of 't

    Use this data for the branch

  3. | GUnreachable

    The branch will never be taken.


For if statements

module type StmtStartData = sig ... end
module StartData (X : sig ... end) : StmtStartData with type data = X.t

This module can be used to instantiate the StmtStartData components of the functors below. It is implemented through stmt-indexed hashtables.

Forwards Dataflow Analysis

module type ForwardsTransfer = sig ... end

Interface to provide for a backward dataflow analysis.

module Forwards (_ : ForwardsTransfer) : sig ... end

Backwards Dataflow Analysis

module type BackwardsTransfer = sig ... end

Interface to provide for a backward dataflow analysis.

module Backwards (_ : BackwardsTransfer) : sig ... end
val find_stmts : Cil_types.fundec -> Cil_types.stmt list * Cil_types.stmt list
  • returns

    (all_stmts, sink_stmts), where all_stmts is a list of the statements in a function, and sink_stmts is a list of the return statements (including statements that fall through the end of a void function). Useful when you need an initial set of statements for BackwardsDataFlow.compute.


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