package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Analyses : sig ... end

General module for E-ACSL analyses

module Analyses_datatype : sig ... end

Datatypes for analyses types

module Analyses_types : sig ... end

Types used by E-ACSL analyses

module Assert : sig ... end

Module with the context to hold the data contributing to an assertion and general functions to create assertion statements.

module Assigns : sig ... end
module Bound_variables : sig ... end
module Builtins : sig ... end

E-ACSL built-in database.

module Contract : sig ... end

Translate a given ACSL contract (function or statement) into the corresponding C statement for runtime assertion checking.

module Contract_types : sig ... end
module E_acsl_visitor : sig ... end
module Env : sig ... end
module Error : sig ... end

Handling errors.

module Exit_points : sig ... end

E-ACSL tracks a local variable by injecting:

module Functions : sig ... end
module Global_observer : sig ... end

Observation of global variables.

module Gmp : sig ... end

Calls to the GMP's API.

module Gmp_types : sig ... end

GMP Values.

module Injector : sig ... end

The E-ACSL main instrumentation step.

module Interval : sig ... end

Interval inference for terms.

module Interval_utils : sig ... end
module Labels : sig ... end

Pre-analysis for Labeled terms and predicates.

module Libc : sig ... end

Code generation for libc functions

module Literal_observer : sig ... end

Observation of literal strings in C expressions.

module Literal_strings : sig ... end

Associate literal strings to fresh varinfo.

module Local_config : sig ... end
module Logic_aggr : sig ... end

Utilities function for aggregate types.

module Logic_array : sig ... end
module Logic_functions : sig ... end

Generate C implementations of user-defined logic functions. A logic function can have multiple C implementations depending on the types computed for its arguments. Eg: Consider the following definition: integer g(integer x) = x with the following calls: g(5) and g(10*INT_MAX) They will respectively generate the C prototypes int g_1(int) and long g_2(long)

module Logic_normalizer : sig ... end

This module is dedicated to some preprocessing on the predicates:

module Loops : sig ... end

Loop specific actions.

module Lscope : sig ... end
module Main : sig ... end

Register the plugin in the Frama-C kernel. Nothing is exported.

module Memory_observer : sig ... end

Extend the environment with statements which allocate/deallocate memory blocks.

module Memory_tracking : sig ... end

Compute a sound over-approximation of what left-values must be tracked by the memory model library

module Memory_translate : sig ... end
module Misc : sig ... end

Utilities for E-ACSL.

module Options : sig ... end
module Prepare_ast : sig ... end

Prepare AST for E-ACSL generation.

module Quantif : sig ... end

Convert quantifiers.

module Rte : sig ... end

Accessing the RTE plug-in easily.

module Rtl : sig ... end

This module links the E-ACSL's RTL to the user source code.

module Smart_exp : sig ... end
module Smart_stmt : sig ... end
module Temporal : sig ... end

Transformations to detect temporal memory errors (e.g., dereference of stale pointers).

module Translate_annots : sig ... end

Functions that translate a given ACSL annotation into the corresponding C statements (if any) for runtime assertion checking. These C statements are part of the resulting environment.

module Translate_ats : sig ... end

Generate C implementations of E-ACSL \at() terms and predicates.

module Translate_predicates : sig ... end

Generate C implementations of E-ACSL predicates.

module Translate_rtes : sig ... end

Generate and translate RTE annotations.

module Translate_terms : sig ... end

Generate C implementations of E-ACSL terms.

module Translate_utils : sig ... end

Utility functions for generating C implementations.

module Translation_error : sig ... end
module Typed_number : sig ... end

Manipulate the type of numbers.

module Typing : sig ... end

Type system which computes the smallest C type that may contain all the possible values of a given integer term or predicate. Also compute the required casts. It is based on interval inference of module Interval.

module Varname : sig ... end
module Widening : sig ... end

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