package fmlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A small wrapper around Stdlib.String with some extra functions.

Use Stdlib.String if you need functions from the ocaml standard library which are not in this module.

type t = string

A standard ocaml string.

val is_prefix : t -> t -> bool

is_prefix a b Is a a prefix of b?

val is_suffix : t -> t -> bool

is_suffix a b Is a a suffix of b?

val reverse : t -> t

reverse s reverses the string s.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare s1 s2 Compare the strings s1 and s2.

Return -1, if s1 is lexicographically smaller than s2 Return 0, if both string are equal Return +1, if s1 is lexicographically greater than s2

val one : char -> t

one c A string with the character c as the only character.

val find : (char -> bool) -> int -> t -> int

find p start str Find the position of the first character starting from start in the string str which satisfies the predicate p. If no character can be found return the length of the string.

val has : (char -> bool) -> int -> t -> bool

has p start str Does the string str starting from position start have a character satisfying the predicate p?

val find_bwd : (char -> bool) -> int -> t -> int

find_bwd p beyond str Find the position of the first character before beyond in the string str which satisfies the predicate p. Return -1, if no character can be found.

val list : t -> char list

list str Convert the string str to a list of characters.

val of_list : char list -> t

of_list l Convert the list l of characters to a string.

val length : t -> int

length str The length of the string str.

val get : t -> int -> char

get str i The ith character of the string str.

Precondition: 0 <= i && i < length str

val sub : t -> int -> int -> t

sub str start len The substring of str starting at start with length len.

Precondition: 0 <= start <= start + len <= length str

val concat : string -> string list -> string

concat sep str_list Concatenate the strings in the string list str_list and put the separator sep between them.

val split_on_char : char -> string -> string list

split_on_char c str Split the string str on each occurrence of the character c into a list of strings.

val make : int -> char -> t

make n c Make a string with n copies of the character c.

val init : int -> (int -> char) -> t

init n f Make a string of length n where the ith character is f i.

module To_source : sig ... end

Conversion of a string to a source of characters.

module From_source (S : Interfaces.SOURCE with type item = char) : sig ... end

Conversion of a source of characters to a string.


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