package fmlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
  • Token.t Token type
  • State.t Type of the user state
  • Expect.t Type of syntax messages which are generated, when something has been expected but not found.
  • Semantic.t Type of semantic error messages. Triggered by fail error.
  • Final.t Type of the returned object, when parsing has finished.



Final parser

module Parser : sig ... end

The final parser.

Generic Combinators

include Interfaces.COMBINATOR with type state = State.t and type expect = Expect.t and type semantic = Semantic.t
type state = State.t
type expect = Expect.t
type semantic = Semantic.t

Basic Combinators

type _ t

'a t Type of a parse combinator returning an 'a.

val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

p >>= f

Parse first the input according to the combinator p. In case of success, feed the returned value of p into the function f to get the combinator to parse next.

val let* : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t

let* x = p in f x is equivalent to p >>= f

The let* combinator let us express parsing sequences conveniently. Example:

let* x = p in       (* parse [p], result [x] in case of success. *)
let* y = q x in     (* parse [q x], result [y] ... *)
let* z = r x y in   (* ... *)
return f x y z ...

The wildcard let* _ = ... can be used to ignore results of intermediate parsing steps.

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

map f p

Try combinator p. In case of success, map the returned value x to f x. In case of failure, do nothing.

map f p is equivalent to let* x = p in return (f x).

val succeed : 'a -> 'a t

succeed a

Succeed immediately without consuming token. Return object a as result.

val return : 'a -> 'a t

return a is equivalent to succeed a.

val unexpected : expect -> 'a t

unexpected expect triggers a syntax error signalling the expectation expect.

val clear_last_expectation : 'a -> 'a t

clear_last_expectation p Clear last failed expectation.

This is useful e.g. after stripping whitespace. Since stripping whitespace means skip_one_or_more ws or skip_zero_or_more ws, after skipping whitespace the parser can still expect more whitespace. Therefore there is a failed expectation *whitespace* on the stack. However you rarely want this expectation to be reported.

val fail : semantic -> 'a t

fail error triggers a semantic error.

val (</>) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

p </> q

Try first combinator p. In case of success or failure with consumed token, p </> q is equivalent to p.

If p fails without consuming token, then p </> q is equivalent to q.

val choices : 'a t -> 'a t list -> 'a t

choices p [q r t ...] is equivalent to p </> q </> r </> t </> ....

val (<?>) : 'a t -> expect -> 'a t

p <?> expect

Try combinator p. In case of success or failure with consumed token, p <?> expect is equivalent to p.

If p fails without consuming token, then the failed expectations are replaced with the failed expectation expect.

Usually p is a combinator implementing a choice between various alternatives of a grammar construct. The <?> combinator allows to replace the set of failed grammar alternatives with a higher abstraction of the failed expectation. E.g. instead of getting the failed expectations identifier, '(', -, ... we can get the failed expectation expression.

State Combinators

val get : state t

Get the current user state.

val update : (state -> state) -> unit t

update f Update the user state using f.

val get_and_update : (state -> state) -> state t

get_and_update f Get the current user state and then update the user state. The returned value is the old state.

Convenience Combinators

val optional : 'a t -> 'a option t

optional p

Try combinator p.

  • Success: Return Some a where a is the returned value.
  • Failure without consuming token: Return None
  • Failure with consuming token: Remain in the error state.
val zero_or_more : 'r -> ('item -> 'r -> 'r) -> 'item t -> 'r t

zero_or_more start f p

Try the combinator p as often as possible. Return start if p fails without consuming token. As long as p succeeds use f to accumulate the results.

The first time p fails without consuming token, return the accumulated result.

If p fails by consuming token, then zero_or_more f p fails with the same error.

val one_or_more : ('item -> 'r) -> ('item -> 'r -> 'r) -> 'item t -> 'r t

one_or_more first next p

one_or_more first next p is equivalent to

let* x = p in
zero_or_more (first x) next p
val list_zero_or_more : 'a t -> 'a list t

list_zero_or_more p Parse zero or more occurrences of p and returned the collected result in a list.

val list_one_or_more : 'a t -> ('a * 'a list) t

list_zero_or_more p Parse one or more occurrences of p and returned the collected results as a pair of the first value and a list of the remaining values.

val skip_zero_or_more : 'a t -> int t

skip_zero_or_more p Parse zero or more occurrences of p, ignore the result and return the number of occurrences.

val skip_one_or_more : 'a t -> int t

skip_one_or_more p Parse one or more occurrences of p, ignore the result and return the number of occurrences.

val one_or_more_separated : ('item -> 'r) -> ('r -> 'sep -> 'item -> 'r) -> 'item t -> 'sep t -> 'r t

one_or_more_separated first next p sep

Parse one or more occurrences of p separated by sep. Use first to convert the first occurrence of p into the result and use next to accumulate the results.


val backtrack : 'a t -> expect -> 'a t

backtrack p expect

Try the combinator p. In case of failure with consuming token, push the consumed token back to the lookahead and let it fail without consuming token. Use expect to record the failed expectation.

Backtracking reduces the performance, because the token pushed back to the lookahead have to be parsed again. Try to avoid backtracking whenever possible.

val followed_by : 'a t -> expect -> 'a t

followed_by p expect

Parses p and backtracks (i.e. all tokens of p will be pushed back to the lookahead). In case p succeeds, the followed_by parser succeeds without consuming token. Otherwise it fails without consuming tokens.

val not_followed_by : 'a t -> expect -> unit t

not_followed_by p expect

Parses p and backtracks (i.e. all tokens of p will be pushed back to the lookahead). In case p succeeds, the not_followed_by parser fails without consuming token. Otherwise it succeeds without consuming tokens.

followed_by and not_followed_by can be used to peek into the token stream without consuming token.

Elementary Parsing Step

val step : (State.t -> Token.t option -> ('a * State.t, Expect.t) Stdlib.result) -> 'a t

step f

Elementary parsing step.

The function f is called with two arguments:

  • The current state
  • The next lookahead token (or none, if the end of the token stream has been reached).

f must return either an object of type 'a and a new state if it accepts the token, or a failed expectation if it rejects the token.

Make the Final Parser

val make : State.t -> Final.t t -> (State.t -> Expect.t) -> Parser.t

make state p e Makes a parser.

  • state Initial state
  • p Combinator which returns in case of success an object of type Final.t
  • e Error function. Generates an expectation from the state. The function is used if at the expected end of input other token arrive.

The generated parser expects a token stream which can be successfully parsed by the combinator p. It can succeed only if an end token is pushed to the parser.

val make_parser : State.t -> Final.t t -> Parser.t

make_parser state p.

Makes a parser which starts in state state and parses a construct defined by the combinator p. The parser can succeed, even if no end token is pushed to the parser.


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