package fileutils

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception MvError of string
type mv_error = [
  1. | `Exc of exn
  2. | `MvCp of FilePath.filename * FilePath.filename * string * FileUtilCP.cp_error
  3. | `MvRm of FilePath.filename * string * FileUtilRM.rm_error
  4. | `NoSourceFile
val mv : ?error: (string -> [ `Exc of exn | `MvCp of string * string * string * [ `CannotChmodDstDir of FilePath.filename * exn | `CannotCopyDir of FilePath.filename | `CannotCopyFilesToFile of FilePath.filename list * FilePath.filename | `CannotCreateDir of FilePath.filename * exn | `CannotListSrcDir of FilePath.filename * exn | `CannotOpenDstFile of FilePath.filename * exn | `CannotOpenSrcFile of string * exn | `CannotRemoveDstFile of FilePath.filename * exn | `DstDirNotDir of FilePath.filename | `ErrorRead of string * exn | `ErrorWrite of FilePath.filename * exn | `Exc of exn | `NoSourceFile of FilePath.filename | `PartialWrite of string * int * int | `SameFile of FilePath.filename * FilePath.filename | `UnhandledType of string * FileUtilTypes.kind ] | `MvRm of string * string * [ `DirNotEmpty of string | `Exc of exn | `NoRecurse of FilePath.filename ] | `NoSourceFile ] -> unit) -> ?force:FileUtilTypes.interactive -> FilePath.filename -> FilePath.filename -> unit

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