package farfadet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Farfadet module.

type 'a t = Faraday.t -> 'a -> unit

A writer. It's a function which takes the Faraday's encoder, a value 'a and write the value in the encoder.

val beint16 : int t

Writer of a 16-bits integer in big-endian order.

val beint32 : int32 t

Writer of a 16-bits integer in big-endian order.

Writer of a 32-bits integer in big-endian order.

val beint64 : int64 t

Writer of a 32-bits integer in big-endian order.

Writer of a 64-bits integer in big-endian order.

val leint16 : int t

Writer of a 64-bits integer in big-endian order.

Writer of a 16-bits integer in little-endian order.

val leint32 : int32 t

Writer of a 16-bits integer in little-endian order.

Writer of a 32-bits integer in little-endian order.

val leint64 : int64 t

Writer of a 32-bits integer in little-endian order.

Writer of a 64-bits integer in little-endian order.

val string : string t

Writer of a string.

val bytes : Bytes.t t

Writer of a string.

Writer of a Bytes.t.

val bigstring : Faraday.bigstring t

Writer of a Bytes.t.

Writer of a Faraday.bigstring.

val bool : bool t

Writer of a bool. If the value is true, the writer writes '1', otherwise, it writes '0'.

val char : char t

Writer of a bool. If the value is true, the writer writes '1', otherwise, it writes '0'.

Writer of a char.

val seq : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

seq a b composes 2 writers to one. It writes a, then b.

val option : 'a t -> 'a option t

seq a b composes 2 writers to one. It writes a, then b.

option a makes a new writer and expects an option value. If the valus is None, nothing happens. Otherwise, we call the writer a.

val list : ?sep:('a t * 'a) -> 'b t -> 'b list t

option a makes a new writer and expects an option value. If the valus is None, nothing happens. Otherwise, we call the writer a.

list ~sep a makes a new writer and expects a list of value (which have the type a). list ~sep a writes each value with the writer a interspersed by the writer sep.

val comap : 'a t -> ('b -> 'a) -> 'b t

comap a f makes a writer which runs f with the value and pass its results to a.

Operations on slices

type 'a sub = Faraday.t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'a -> unit

A sub-writer with optional arguments off and len to specify which slice need to be written.

val substring : string sub

Writer of a sub-string.

val subbytes : bytes sub

Writer of a sub-string.

Writer of a sub-Bytes.t.

val subbigstring : Faraday.bigstring sub

Writer of a sub-Bytes.t.

Writer of a sub-Faraday.bigstring.

val blitter : ('a -> int) -> ('a -> src_off:int -> Faraday.bigstring -> dst_off:int -> len:int -> unit) -> 'a sub

Writer of a sub-Faraday.bigstring.

blitter len blit makes a new sub-writer which uses the specific blit function to blit the value to the internal Faraday.bigstring and the specific length function to get the length of the value 'a (used when the optional argument len = None).

eg. If you want to use a memcpy implementation instead a standalone memmove implementation.

val whole : 'a sub -> 'a t

Erases the optional arguments off and len from a sub writer by None.

type vec = {
  1. off : int option;
  2. len : int option;

A record which contains the optional values off and len.

val sub : 'a sub -> (vec * 'a) t

A record which contains the optional values off and len.

sub a makes a new writer from a sub-writer which expect a vec to specify the optional arguments off and len.


type ('ty, 'v) order

Representation of the action applied to the Faraday's encoder.

type ('ty, 'v) fmt =
  1. | [] : ('v, 'v) fmt
  2. | :: : ('ty, 'v) order * ('v, 'r) fmt -> ('ty, 'r) fmt
val atom : 'a t -> ('a -> 'v, 'v) order

atom writer makes a new order to apply the writer to the Faraday's encoder.

val subatom : 'a sub -> (vec -> 'a -> 'v, 'v) order

atom writer makes a new order to apply the writer to the Faraday's encoder.

subatom subwriter makes a new order to apply the subwriter to the Faraday's encoder.

val (!!) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'v, 'v) order

subatom subwriter makes a new order to apply the subwriter to the Faraday's encoder.

Prefix operator of atom.

val (!^) : 'a sub -> (vec -> 'a -> 'v, 'v) order

Prefix operator of atom.

Prefix operator of subatom.

val concat : ('ty, 'v) fmt -> ('v, 'r) fmt -> ('ty, 'r) fmt

concat fmt1 fmt2 concats fmt1 with fmt2.

val yield : ('v, 'v) order

concat fmt1 fmt2 concats fmt1 with fmt2.

yield orders a Faraday.yield operations to the Faraday's encoder.

val flush : (unit -> unit) -> ('v, 'v) order

yield orders a Faraday.yield operations to the Faraday's encoder.

flush f registers f to be called when all prior writes have been successfully completed to the Faraday's encoder.

val keval : Faraday.t -> ('ty, 'v) fmt -> (Faraday.t -> 'v) -> 'ty
val eval : Faraday.t -> ('ty, unit) fmt -> 'ty


val const : 'a t -> 'a -> ('v, 'v) order

const kind value calls the writer kind with the value value directly.

val ($) : 'a t -> 'a -> ('v, 'v) order

const kind value calls the writer kind with the value value directly.

Infix operator of const.

Conveniences operations

module Const : sig ... end
module Sched : sig ... end

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