package ezjs_fetch

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
class type abort_signal = object ... end
class type options = object ... end
class type 'chunk read_result = object ... end
class type reader = object ... end
class type writer = object ... end
class type rstream = object ... end
class type tstream = object ... end
class type wstream = object ... end
class type controller = object ... end
class type transformer = object ... end
class type strategy = object ... end
class type underlying_sink = object ... end
class type underlying_source = object ... end
val get_reader : ?mode:string -> rstream Ezjs_min.t -> reader Ezjs_min.t
val read : source: [< `reader of reader Ezjs_min.t | `stream of rstream Ezjs_min.t * string option ] -> fold:('a -> 'b Ezjs_min.t -> ('a, string option) Ezjs_min.result) -> 'a -> (('a, Js_of_ocaml.Js.Js_error.error_t) Ezjs_min.result -> unit) -> unit

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