package ez_api

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type uninhabited = |
type none = [
  1. | `Nosecurity of uninhabited
type 'a apikey = {
  1. ref_name : string;
  2. name : 'a;
type bearer_desc = {
  1. bearer_name : string;
  2. format : string option;
type basic_desc = {
  1. basic_name : string;
type bearer = [
  1. | `Bearer of bearer_desc
type basic = [
  1. | `Basic of basic_desc
type header = [
  1. | `Header of string apikey
type query = [
  1. | `Query of Param.t apikey
type scheme = [
  1. | none
  2. | basic
  3. | bearer
  4. | header
  5. | cookie
  6. | query
val unreachable : uninhabited -> 'a
val ref_name : [< `Basic of basic_desc | `Bearer of bearer_desc | `Cookie of 'a apikey * 'b | `Header of 'c apikey | `Nosecurity of uninhabited | `Query of 'd apikey ] -> string
val params : [< `Basic of basic_desc & 'a | `Bearer of bearer_desc & 'b | `Cookie of string apikey * int64 option & 'c | `Header of string apikey & 'd | `Nosecurity of uninhabited & 'e | `Query of Param.t apikey & 'f apikey ] list -> 'f list
module StringSet : sig ... end
val headers : [< `Basic of basic_desc & 'a | `Bearer of bearer_desc & 'b | `Cookie of string apikey * int64 option & 'c | `Header of string apikey & StringSet.elt apikey | `Nosecurity of uninhabited & 'd | `Query of Param.t apikey & 'e ] list -> StringSet.t
val header : StringSet.t -> (string * string) list

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