package ez_api

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a api_error =
  1. | KnownError of {
    1. code : int;
    2. error : 'a;
  2. | UnknownError of {
    1. code : int;
    2. msg : string option;
type ('output, 'error) api_result = ('output, 'error api_error) result
module type RAWGEN = sig ... end
module type RAW = RAWGEN with type ('output, 'error, 'security) service0 := ('output, 'error, 'security) EzAPI.service0 and type ('arg, 'output, 'error, 'security) service1 := ('arg, 'output, 'error, 'security) EzAPI.service1 and type ('arg1, 'arg2, 'output, 'error, 'security) service2 := ('arg1, 'arg2, 'output, 'error, 'security) EzAPI.service2 and type ('input, 'output, 'error, 'security) post_service0 := ('input, 'output, 'error, 'security) EzAPI.post_service0 and type ('arg, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) post_service1 := ('arg, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) EzAPI.post_service1 and type ('arg1, 'arg2, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) post_service2 := ('arg1, 'arg2, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) EzAPI.post_service2 and type ('output, 'error) api_result := ('output, 'error) api_result
module type LEGACY = RAWGEN with type ('output, 'error, 'security) service0 = 'output EzAPI.Legacy.service0 and type ('arg, 'output, 'error, 'security) service1 = ('arg, 'output) EzAPI.Legacy.service1 and type ('arg1, 'arg2, 'output, 'error, 'security) service2 = ('arg1, 'arg2, 'output) EzAPI.Legacy.service2 and type ('input, 'output, 'error, 'security) post_service0 = ('input, 'output) EzAPI.Legacy.post_service0 and type ('arg, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) post_service1 = ('arg, 'input, 'output) EzAPI.Legacy.post_service1 and type ('arg1, 'arg2, 'input, 'output, 'error, 'security) post_service2 = ('arg1, 'arg2, 'input, 'output) EzAPI.Legacy.post_service2 and type ('output, 'error) api_result := ('output, int * string option) result
module type S = sig ... end
module type Interface = sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.