package exenum

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Build efficient enumerations for datatypes

The exenum library offers constructors to build enumerations for datatypes, that is, functions from (arbitrarily large) integers to values. Such enumerations are very useful for unit testing.

The library is efficient: the n-th element of an enumeration is returned without having computed the (n-1) previous elements. Complexity is in log(n), except for some pathological datatypes.


Inspired by Feat: Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Types, by Duregard, Jansson, Wang, Chalmers University.

Contact: D. Le Botlan (github.lebotlan@dfgh.met where you replace .met by .net.)


As an example, consider the following familiar datatype:

type term = Var of string | App of term * term | Lambda of string * term 

Using exenum, one may easily generate zillions of different lambda-terms. For this example, we limit ourselves to four variable names : x, y, u, and v. Then, one may compute for instance term number 2000000000000, which happens to be

((((x v) (fun u -> y)) ((fun u -> y) (fun y -> y))) (((x v) (fun u -> v)) (fun u -> y)))

Building an enumeration from a datatype is straightforward. For instance, the enumeration corresponding to type term is built as follows:

(* We restrict ourselves to four variable names. *)
let e_vars = from_list ~name:"variables" ["x" ; "y" ; "u" ; "v"]

(* Type term is recursive, hence we need a lazy enumeration first. *)
let rec e_term = lazy
    (* In order to use the enumeration recursively, we need to "pay" a recursive fee. *)
    let r_term = pay e_term in
    (* Now, this is the direct translation of the datatype definition. *)
      [ map e_vars (fun x -> Var x) ;
        map (pair r_term r_term) (fun (t1, t2) -> App (t1, t2)) ;
        map (pair e_vars r_term) (fun (x, t) -> Lambda (x, t))  ] 

(* Here is the enumeration for lambda-terms. *)
let e_term = Lazy.force e_term

See examples in

type 'a enum

The type of exhaustive enumerations of values of type 'a. Enumerations can be finite of infinite.

type 'a t = 'a enum


val from_list : ?name:string -> 'a list -> 'a t

Builds a finite enumeration from a finite set of values. The name is used for nicer debugging.

val single : ?name:string -> 'a -> 'a t

Enumeration of a single value (derived from from_list).

val cardinal : 'a t -> Z.t option

cardinal enum Returns the cardinality of enum. None means infinity.

val get : 'a t -> Z.t -> 'a

get enum n Returns the nth value of type 'a, starting at 0.

  • raises Failure

    if n is greater or equal than the cardinality of enum.

Finite enumerations for ground types

val e_unit : unit t

One element: ().

val e_bool : bool t

Two elements: true, false

val e_char : char t

Contains 256 elements: from '\000' to '\255'.

val e_pchar : char t

Printable characters (from 32 to 125).

val e_biginterval : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t t

Enumeration of a big-integer interval.

val e_interval : int -> int -> int t

Enumeration of an integer interval.

val sub : max:Z.t -> 'a t -> 'a t

sub ~max enum Returns a finite enumeration with at most max elements.

Infinite enumerations for ground types

For these enumerations of integers, do not expect the n-th value to be equal to the integer n. Integers are shuffled.

val e_bigpos : Z.t t

Strictly positive numbers: [1, +infty[

val e_bignat : Z.t t

Natural numbers: [0, +infty[

val e_bigint : Z.t t

All numbers: ] -infty, +infty [ This enumeration starts from 0 and alternates between positive and negative values.

val e_nat : int t

Natural integers: [0, max_int] as an infinite enumeration (hence, non-injective).

val e_pos : int t

Strictly positive integers: [1, max_int] as an infinite enumeration (hence, non-injective).

val e_int : int t

All integers: [min_int, max_int]. This enumeration starts from 0 and alternates between positive and negative values. This enumeration is infinite, hence non-injective.

val e_string : string t

Strings, built only with printable characters.

val e_rstring : char list -> string t

Strings, built only with the given characters.


val union : 'a t list -> 'a t

union enums builds an enumeration from a union of enumerations. If enums are disjoint enumerations, the resulting enumeration is injective.

val product : 'a t list -> 'a list t

Builds an enumeration from a cartesian product of enumerations.

val pair : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

Convenience function to build an enumeration of pairs from two enumerations (derived from product and projection functions).

val triple : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t
val tuple2 : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t

This is the same as pair

val tuple3 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> ('a * 'b * 'c) t

This is the same as triple

val tuple4 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) t
val tuple5 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> 'e t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) t
val tuple6 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t -> 'e t -> 'f t -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f) t
val e_list : 'a t -> 'a list t

Enumerations of lists of arbitrary size, starting from the empty list.

val e_ne_list : 'a t -> 'a list t

Enumerations of non-empty lists (see e_list).

val e_array : 'a t -> 'a array t

Enumerations of arrays.

val e_option : 'a t -> 'a option t

Recursion, map

val pay : 'a t Stdlib.Lazy.t -> 'a t

An enumeration is a possibly-infinite set of finite parts. Recursive, infinite enumerations must be built by increasing the cost of each part. The enumeration given in argument must be infinite (which is usually the case when building a recursive enumeration). See examples to understand how to use pay.

val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t

Builds an enumeration by mapping an existing enumeration.

Helper functions

val show : 'a t -> ('a -> string) -> int -> int -> unit

show enum to_string index len outputs values of the given enumeration, using the to_string conversion function, from index index to index (index + len - 1).

val bigshow : 'a t -> ('a -> string) -> Z.t -> int -> unit

bigshow enum to_string index len is similar to show, except that index is a Z.t.

val tester : 'a t -> ?from:Z.t -> ?upto:Z.t -> ?verbose_period:int -> ?tos:('a -> string) -> len:int -> ('a -> unit) -> unit

tester enum ~len f applies f in sequence to different values of the enumeration. First, len values are taken starting at 0 (or starting from from, if specified). Then, the current index is multiplied by 2 (that is, we start at 2*len) and again len values are considered. This is repeated forever (or while the current index is lower than the upper bound upto).

If verbose_period is strictly positive, a message giving the current index is printed on stdout every verbose_period tests. If tos is given, the test value is printed too.

Typical usage is: tester enum ~len:10000 f, where f is a testing function.

  • raises Assert_failure

    if len <= 0


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