package emile

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val of_string_with_crlf : string -> (set list, error) result

of_string_with_crlf s parses s which can be a list of named group or a single mailbox separated by a comma. In the case of a group, s starts with a name and contains a list of email separated by a comma and terminates with a semicolon:

Gallium: Gabriel <>, Armael <>;

s must terminate with CRLF. If the parser fails, it return an error error.

val of_string : string -> (set list, error) result

of_string s is of_string_with_crlf but did not need CRLF at the end.

val of_string_raw : string -> int -> int -> (set list * int, error) result

of_string_raw s off len is of_string_with_crlf but did not need CRLF. It parses only a sub-part of s starting at off and computes at most len bytes. It returns how many bytes it consumed.


Innovation. Community. Security.