package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module Html : Html


type 'a param' = 'a param
type 'a param = 'a param'
val string_of_param : 'a param -> 'a -> string
val float : float param
val int : int param
val int32 : int32 param
val int64 : int64 param
val nativeint : nativeint param
val bool : bool param
val string : string param
val user : ('a -> string) -> 'a param
val make_post_form : ?a: [< Html_types.form_attrib Action Class Enctype Id Method ] Html.attrib list -> action:Html.Xml.uri Html.wrap -> ?id:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> ?inline:bool -> [< Html_types.form_content_fun ] Html.elt list Eliom_lazy.request -> [> Html_types.form ] Html.elt
val cons_hidden_fieldset : [< Html_types.fieldset_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.list_wrap -> [> Html_types.fieldset ] as 'a Html.elt list -> 'a Html.elt list
val make_input : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?checked:bool -> typ: [< `Button | `Checkbox | `Color | `Date | `Datetime | `Datetime_local | `Email | `File | `Hidden | `Image | `Month | `Number | `Password | `Radio | `Range | `Reset | `Search | `Submit | `Tel | `Text | `Time | `Url | `Week ] Html.wrap -> ?name:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> ?src:Html.Xml.uri Html.wrap -> ?value:Html_types.cdata Html.wrap -> unit -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val make_button : ?a:[< Html_types.button_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> button_type:[< `Button | `Reset | `Submit ] Html.wrap -> ?name:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> ?value:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> [< Html_types.button_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.list_wrap -> [> Html_types.button ] Html.elt
val make_textarea : ?a:[< Html_types.textarea_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> name:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> ?value:string Html.wrap -> unit -> [> Html_types.textarea ] Html.elt
val make_select : ?a:[< Html_types.select_attrib Multiple Name ] Html.attrib list -> multiple:bool -> name:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> [< Html_types.select_content_fun ] as 'a Html.elt -> 'a Html.elt list -> [> ] Html.elt
val make_option : ?a:[< Html_types.option_attrib Selected Text_Value ] Html.attrib list -> selected:bool -> ?value:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> [< Html_types.option_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.wrap -> [> Html_types.selectoption ] Html.elt

Functions to construct web pages:

val make_post_uri_components : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> service: ('a, 'b,, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'g, 'h, 'i) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> 'a -> 'b -> string * (string * Eliommod_parameters.param) list * string option * (string * Eliommod_parameters.param) list
val get_form_ : ('a -> ([< `A of [< Html_types.flow5_without_interactive ] | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Audio_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Main | `Map of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of [< Html_types.flow5_without_noscript ] | `Object of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Object_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Template | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Video_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Wbr ] Html.elt list -> 'b) -> 'c) -> ([> Html_types.form ] Html.elt -> 'b) -> ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:[< Html_types.form_attrib Action Method ] Html.attrib list -> service: ('d, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'i, 'j, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'k, 'l, 'm) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ('k -> 'a) -> 'c
val post_form_ : ('a -> ([< `A of [< Html_types.flow5_without_interactive ] | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Audio_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Main | `Map of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of [< Html_types.flow5_without_noscript ] | `Object of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Object_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Template | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Video_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Wbr ] Html.elt list -> 'b) -> 'c) -> ([> Html_types.form ] Html.elt -> 'b) -> ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a: [< Html_types.form_attrib Action Class Enctype Id Method ] Html.attrib list -> service: ('d, 'e, 'f, 'g, 'h, 'i, 'j, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'k, 'l, 'm) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> ('l -> 'a) -> 'd -> 'c
val option_map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
val gen_input : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> input_type: [< `Button | `Checkbox | `Color | `Date | `Datetime | `Datetime_local | `Email | `File | `Hidden | `Image | `Month | `Number | `Password | `Radio | `Range | `Reset | `Search | `Submit | `Tel | `Text | `Time | `Url | `Week ] Html.wrap -> ?value:'a -> ?src:Html.Xml.uri Html.wrap -> ?name:'b Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ('a -> Html_types.cdata Html.wrap) -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val input : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> input_type: [< `Button | `Checkbox | `Color | `Date | `Datetime | `Datetime_local | `Email | `File | `Hidden | `Image | `Month | `Number | `Password | `Radio | `Range | `Reset | `Search | `Submit | `Tel | `Text | `Time | `Url | `Week ] Html.wrap -> ?name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:'b -> 'b param -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val file_input : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> unit -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val image_input : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?src:Html.Xml.uri Html.wrap -> unit -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val checkbox : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?checked:bool -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'b -> 'b param -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val bool_checkbox_one : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?checked:bool -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> unit -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val radio : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?checked:bool -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'b -> 'b param -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val string_radio_required : ?a:[< Html_types.input_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?checked:bool -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:Html_types.cdata Html.wrap -> unit -> [> Html_types.input ] Html.elt
val button : ?a:[< Html_types.button_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> button_type:[< `Button | `Reset | `Submit ] Html.wrap -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'b -> 'b param -> [< Html_types.button_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.list_wrap -> [> Html_types.button ] Html.elt
val button_no_value : ?a:[< Html_types.button_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> button_type:[< `Button | `Reset | `Submit ] Html.wrap -> [< Html_types.button_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.list_wrap -> [> Html_types.button ] Html.elt
val textarea : ?a:[< Html_types.textarea_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:string Html.wrap -> unit -> [> Html_types.textarea ] Html.elt
type 'a soption = Html_types.option_attrib Html.attrib list * 'a * Html_types.pcdata Html.elt option * bool
type 'a select_opt =
  1. | Optgroup of [ Html_types.common | `Disabled ] Html.attrib list * string * 'a soption * 'a soption list
  2. | Option of 'a soption
val gen_select : ?a:[< Html_types.select_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?multiple:bool -> ?required:[< Html_types.option_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.wrap -> name:Html_types.text Html.wrap -> 'a select_opt -> 'a select_opt list -> ('a -> Html_types.text Html.wrap Html.wrap) -> [> ] Html.elt
val multiple_select : ?a:[< Html_types.select_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> ?required:[< Html_types.option_content_fun ] Html.elt Html.wrap -> name:'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> 'b param -> 'b select_opt -> 'b select_opt list -> [> ] Html.elt
val make_info : https:bool option -> [ `Form_get | `Form_post ] -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h, 'i, 'j) Eliom_service.t -> 'k -> ([ `A | `Form_get | `Form_post ] * (bool * Eliom_lib.Url.path) option * string option * Eliom_lib.poly) option Eliom_lazy.request
val a_onsubmit_service : ([ `A | `Form_get | `Form_post ] * (bool * string list) option * string option * Eliom_lib.poly) option Eliom_lazy.request -> Html_types.form_attrib Html.attrib
val get_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:[< Html_types.form_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> service: ('a, unit, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'g, 'h, Eliom_service.non_ocaml) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('g -> [< `A of [< Html_types.flow5_without_interactive ] | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Audio_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Main | `Map of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of [< Html_types.flow5_without_noscript ] | `Object of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Object_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Template | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Video_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Wbr ] Html.elt list) -> [> Html_types.form ] Html.elt
val lwt_get_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:[< Html_types.form_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> service: ('a, unit, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'g, 'h, Eliom_service.non_ocaml) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('g -> [< `A of [< Html_types.flow5_without_interactive ] | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Audio_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Main | `Map of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of [< Html_types.flow5_without_noscript ] | `Object of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Object_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Template | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Video_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Wbr ] Html.elt list Lwt.t) -> [> Html_types.form ] Html.elt Lwt.t
val post_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:[< Html_types.form_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> service: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h, 'i, Eliom_service.non_ocaml) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('i -> [< `A of [< Html_types.flow5_without_interactive ] | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Audio_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Main | `Map of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of [< Html_types.flow5_without_noscript ] | `Object of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Object_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Template | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Video_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Wbr ] Html.elt list) -> 'a -> [> Html_types.form ] Html.elt
val lwt_post_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:[< Html_types.form_attrib ] Html.attrib list -> service: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f, 'g, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'h, 'i, Eliom_service.non_ocaml) Eliom_service.t -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('i -> [< `A of [< Html_types.flow5_without_interactive ] | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Audio_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Main | `Map of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of [< Html_types.flow5_without_noscript ] | `Object of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Object_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5 ] | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Template | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Video_interactive of [< Html_types.flow5_without_media ] | `Wbr ] Html.elt list Lwt.t) -> 'a -> [> Html_types.form ] Html.elt Lwt.t

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