package eio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A safe wrapper for Unix.file_descr.

type t

A wrapper around a Unix.file_descr.


val of_unix : sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t -> ?blocking:bool -> ?seekable:bool -> close_unix:bool -> Unix.file_descr -> t

of_unix ~sw ~close_unix fd wraps fd.

  • parameter sw

    Close fd automatically when sw is finished.

  • parameter blocking

    Indicates whether fd is in blocking mode. If not given, fd is probed for its blocking state if needed.

  • parameter seekable

    The value to be returned by is_seekable. Defaults to probing if needed.

  • parameter close_unix

    Whether close also closes fd (this should normally be true).

Using FDs

val use : t -> (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> if_closed:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a

use t fn ~if_closed calls fn wrapped_fd, ensuring that wrapped_fd will not be closed before fn returns.

If t is already closed, it returns if_closed () instead.

val use_exn : string -> t -> (Unix.file_descr -> 'a) -> 'a

use_exn op t fn calls fn wrapped_fd, ensuring that wrapped_fd will not be closed before fn returns.

If t is already closed, it raises an exception, using op as the name of the failing operation.

val use_exn_list : string -> t list -> (Unix.file_descr list -> 'a) -> 'a

use_exn_list op fds fn calls use_exn on each FD in fds, calling fn wrapped_fds on the results.


val close : t -> unit

close t marks t as closed, so that use can no longer be used to start new operations.

The wrapped FD will be closed once all current users of the FD have finished (unless close_unix = false).

val remove : t -> Unix.file_descr option

remove t marks t as closed, so that use can no longer be used to start new operations.

It then waits for all current users of the wrapped FD to finish using it, and then returns the FD.

This operation suspends the calling fiber and so must run from an Eio fiber. It does not allow itself to be cancelled, since it takes ownership of the FD and that would be leaked if it aborted.

Returns None if t is closed by another fiber first.


val is_blocking : t -> bool

is_blocking t returns the value of blocking passed to of_unix.

If not known, it first probes for it (and if the FD is already closed, returns false).

val is_seekable : t -> bool

is_seekable t returns the value of seekable passed to of_unix.

If not known, it first probes for it (and if the FD is already closed, returns false).

Standard FDs

val stdin : t
val stdout : t
val stderr : t


val pp : t Fmt.t

Displays the FD number.


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