package eio-trace

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val debug_layout : bool
type timestamp = float
module Ids : sig ... end
module Spans : sig ... end
type event =
  1. | Log of string
  2. | Error of string
  3. | Create_cc of string * item
  4. | Add_fiber of {
    1. parent : int;
    2. child : item;
and item = {
  1. id : int;
  2. name : string option;
  3. end_time : timestamp option;
  4. events : (timestamp * event) array;
  5. mutable y : int;
  6. mutable height : int;
  7. mutable end_cc_label : timestamp option;
  8. mutable activations : (timestamp * [ `Span of string | `Suspend of string ] list) array;
module Ring : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. items : item Ids.t;
  2. start_time : int64;
  3. duration : float;
  4. height : int;
  5. rings : Ring.t Trace.Rings.t;
val get : t -> Ids.key -> item option
val map_event : (Trace.item -> item) -> Trace.event -> event
val dummy_event : float * event
val get_id : (string * [> `Pointer of int64 ]) list -> int
val as_string : [> `String of 'a ] -> 'a
val layout : duration:timestamp -> Ring.t -> unit
val of_trace : Trace.t -> t
val start_time : t -> int64
val ring : t -> Trace.Rings.key -> Ring.t

Innovation. Community. Security.