package ecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val funcall0 : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t
val funcall1 : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t
val funcall2 : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t
val funcall3 : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val funcall4 : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val funcall5 : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t
val funcallN : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t list -> t
val funcallN_array : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t array -> t
val funcall0_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> unit
val funcall1_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> unit
val funcall2_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> unit
val funcall3_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t -> unit
val funcall4_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> unit
val funcall5_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> t -> unit
val funcallN_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t list -> unit
val funcallN_array_i : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> t array -> unit
val funcall_int_int_value_value_unit : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> int -> int -> t -> t -> unit
val funcall_int_int_value_unit : ?should_profile:bool -> t -> int -> int -> t -> unit
val intern : string -> t
val nil : t
val t : t
val list : t list -> t
val cons : t -> t -> t

(describe-function 'cons)

val car_exn : t -> t

(describe-function 'car)

val cdr_exn : t -> t

(describe-function 'cdr)

val to_list_exn : t -> f:(t -> 'a) -> 'a list
val vector : t array -> t
val to_array_exn : t -> f:(t -> 'a) -> 'a array
val type_of : t -> t
val list_to_array_exn : t -> f:(t -> 'a) -> 'a array

Convert an elisp list to an ocaml array

  • (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Type Predicates")
val is_array : t -> bool

(describe-function 'arrayp)

val is_buffer : t -> bool

(describe-function 'bufferp)

val is_command : t -> bool

(describe-function 'commandp)

val is_event : t -> bool

(describe-function 'eventp)

val is_float : t -> bool

(describe-function 'floatp)

val is_font : t -> bool

(describe-function 'fontp)

val is_frame : t -> bool

(describe-function 'framep)

val is_function : t -> bool

(describe-function 'functionp)

val is_hash_table : t -> bool

(describe-function 'hash-table-p)

val is_integer : t -> bool

(describe-function 'integerp)

val is_keymap : t -> bool

(describe-function 'keymapp)

val is_marker : t -> bool

(describe-function 'markerp)

val is_nil : t -> bool

eq t nil

val is_not_nil : t -> bool

(describe-function 'is-not-nil)

val is_process : t -> bool

(describe-function 'processp)

val is_string : t -> bool

(describe-function 'stringp)

val is_symbol : t -> bool

(describe-function 'symbolp)

val is_syntax_table : t -> bool

(describe-function 'syntax-table-p)

val is_timer : t -> bool

(describe-function 'timerp)

val is_vector : t -> bool

(describe-function 'vectorp)

val is_window : t -> bool

(describe-function 'windowp)

val is_window_configuration : t -> bool

(describe-function 'window-configuration-p)

val is_cons : ?car:(t -> bool) -> ?cdr:(t -> bool) -> t -> bool

(describe-function 'consp)

If supplied, ?car and ?cdr are additionally required to return true for the car and cdr, respectively.

val eq : t -> t -> bool
val equal : t -> t -> bool

(describe-function 'equal)

val of_bool : bool -> t
val to_bool : t -> bool


val emacs_min_int : int

(describe-variable 'most-negative-fixnum)

val emacs_max_int : int

(describe-variable 'most-positive-fixnum)

val of_int_exn : int -> t

of_int_exn n raises if n is not in the range emacs_min_int, emacs_max_int

val to_int_exn : t -> int
val of_float : float -> t
val to_float_exn : t -> float
val of_utf8_bytes : string -> t
val of_utf8_bytes_cached : string -> t

of_utf8_bytes_cached is like of_utf8_bytes, except it keeps a hash table mapping each OCaml string to the corresponding Elisp string. This can be used to optimize the conversion of OCaml values to Elisp values.

val of_utf8_bytes_replacing_invalid : string -> t * [ `First_malformed of (int * string) option ]

Like of_utf8_bytes, but instead of failing on invalid UTF-8 sequences, replace them with the Unicode replacement character (U+FFFD).

Return the resulting value, as well as the first malformed sequence (and its index) in the input string, if any.

val to_utf8_bytes_exn : t -> string
val vec_get : t -> int -> t
val vec_set : t -> int -> t -> unit
val vec_size : t -> int
val message : string -> unit
val messagef : ('a, unit, string, unit) Core.format4 -> 'a
val message_s : Core.Sexp.t -> unit
val prin1_to_string : t -> string
module Type : sig ... end

An 'a Type.t is an isomorphism between 'a and a subset of Value.t.

module type Funcall = sig ... end
module type Make_subtype_arg = sig ... end
module type Subtype = sig ... end
module Expert : sig ... end
module Stat : sig ... end
module For_testing : sig ... end
module Private : sig ... end

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