package ecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Idiomatic usage of Wrap looks like:


For example:

Var.Wrap.("inhibit-quit" <: bool) 
val (<:) : string -> 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t -> 'a t
include Ecaml_value.Value.Type.S
val create : Core.Sexp.t -> ('a -> Core.Sexp.t) -> (Ecaml_value.Value.t -> 'a) -> ('a -> Ecaml_value.Value.t) -> 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val with_of_value_exn : 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t -> (Ecaml_value.Value.t -> 'a) -> 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val to_sexp : 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t -> 'a -> Core.Sexp.t
val bool : bool Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val float : float Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val ignored : unit Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val string : string Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val string_cached : string Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t

string_cached is like string, except it uses of_utf8_bytes_cached.

val unit : unit Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t
val array_as_list : 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t -> 'a array Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t

Represent an ocaml array as an elisp list, without creating an intermediate ocaml list.

option represents None as nil and Some a as cons v nil, where v is the representation of a.

nil_or t represents None as nil and Some a as v, where v is the representation of a. This is a common representation used by Elisp functions. But it is only correct if nil is not a representation of any value in t; in that situation use Type.option.

Represent a tuple (a,b) as the elisp cons cell (a . b)

Represent a tuple (a,b) as the elisp list '(a b)

val sexpable : (module Core.Sexpable with type t = 'a) -> name:Core.Sexp.t -> 'a Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t

Embed a sexpable ocaml type, so we can save values of the type in emacs, e.g. as buffer local variables

val path_list : string list Ecaml_value.Value.Type.t

A list of directories. Each element is a string (directory name) or nil (try default directory). nil values are converted to ".", which has the same meaning.


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